Mods / Molds

Category: #Crafting #QoL #Simplification #Technology
Author: MrFlame
Side: Both
Created: Jul 19th at 10:00 AM
Last modified: Sep 2nd at 6:32 PM
Downloads: 3203
Follow Unfollow 62

Latest file for v1.19.8:
Molds 1-click install

The mod adds several new casting molds.


  1. Molds for 4 and 8 ingots.
  2. Mold for a scythe blade.
  3. Mold for 2 knife blades.
  4. Mold for 2 chisels.
  5. Mold for a wrench.
  6. Mold for a spearhead.
  7. Mold for nails and strips.
  8. Mold for 9 arrowheads
  9. Chain ring mold and craft of mail cloth.

Also, whole ingots can now be placed in the crucible.

Casting chain rings and crafting chainmail fabrics greatly simplify their creation. BUT the price of this "simplification" is one and a half times more metal consumption and significant wear on your hammer. You might save time, but not materials:3

Using a watering can on these molds does NOT speed up metal cooling as it does with vanilla molds. This is likely hardcoded into the game, sorry about that. If I find a way to fix it, I definitely will.

Mod authors: MrFlame (idea and mod implementation), UA_Shaman (code, some mold shapes and bug fixes).


  1. Mold for 4 ingots.
  2. Chain mold
  3. ...?

For localization, Discord: mrgabrielflame



Мод додає декілька нових форм для лиття.

А саме:
1) Форми для 4 та 8 злитків.
2) Форма для леза коси.
3) Форма для 2 лез ножів.
4) Форма для 2 зубил.
5) Форма для гаєчного ключа.
6) Форма для наконечника списа.
7) Форма для цвяхів та планок.
8) Форма для 9 наконечників стріл.
9) Форма для кольчужних кілець і крафт кольчужного полотна з них.

Також тепер в тигель можна помістити цілі злитки.

Лиття кольчужних кілець та крафт кольчужних полотен дуже спрощує їх створення. АЛЕ ціна цього "спрощення" - це в півтори рази більше витрат металу та значне пошкодження вашого молота. Можливо ви і виграєте в часі, але не в матеріалах:3

Полив лійкою на ці форми НЕ прискорює остигання металу, як у ванільних форм. Скоріше завсе це зашито в код гри, вибачте.
Якщо знайду як це виправити - неодмінно зроблю.

Автори моду MrFlame(ідея та виконання моду), UA_Shaman(код, деякі форми та виправлення помилок).

1) Форма для 4 злитків.
2) Форма для кілець кольчужного полотна

Для локалізації Discord: mrgabrielflame


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.9 519 Sep 2nd at 6:32 PM Show Molds Install now
v0.0.8 182 Sep 1st at 9:16 AM Show Molds Install now
v0.0.7 942 Aug 16th at 2:20 PM Show Molds Install now
v0.0.6 242 Aug 13th at 8:23 AM Show Molds Install now
v0.0.5 985 Jul 20th at 3:52 PM Show Install now
v0.0.4 74 Jul 20th at 10:13 AM Show Install now
v0.0.3 35 Jul 20th at 9:10 AM Show Install now
v0.0.2 167 Jul 19th at 10:53 AM Show Install now
v0.0.1 57 Jul 19th at 10:02 AM Show Install now

7 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 1stSlug, Sep 3rd at 3:43 AM


Yeah, I did test that as well. 'Shift-Clicking' onto any 'wall face' of an adjacent block and I can place the mold just fine. It doesn't matter if it's a chest, container, anything works to help drop the mold correctly. The one place that I can't place the mold onto is the floor/ground/top face tile. Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click, Shift+Ctrl+Click or anything. Nothing works if I directly aim at the floor to place the mold. As a side note; I just want to point out, that while this bug is annoying, it isn't game breaking or too much of a hassle and honestly, it's probably some mod conflict, possibly the "More Piles" mod, who knows, so don't feel you need to rush out a fix. The mod works. I just wanted to mention I ran into this problem.

But Why2?

Also, thanks for the recipe adjustment!

Edit: Also, your molds do get cooled faster with watering cans, so you might wish to remove that comment from your description page.

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Sep 2nd at 6:34 PM

1stSlug reasonable about plate for 4-ingot mold, so changed to brass or any bronze.
About plasing of this mold. Try use ctrl+click. You use it to "not open chest", same when you place it on ground

💬 1stSlug, Sep 1st at 2:52 PM


Run into an issue when placing the four Ingot mold onto the ground (I haven't tried the 8-mold as of yet as I don't have enough iron X_X). For some reason, I can only place the 4 ingot mold so long as I select a wall side instead of the floor tile beneath it. Example images down below:

Also, just a small balance request if possible, but I feel that the 4 ingot mold is a tad too expensive and would be more balanced if it was any bronze (Maybe Brass?) tier plate rather than an iron plate. In my mind it should look like: 1 Ingot = Copper, 4 Ingot = Bronze and 8 Ingot = Iron. Otherwise the four ingot mold is kinda redundant as by the time you can make it, you might as well go right on ahead to the 8 ingot mold. It would also be swell, if the molds could stack for example: Single molds already stack to a max 8, four Ingot mold could stack upto 4 and eight ingot stack only 2).

Other than that, this is a great and super convenient/useful mod, thank you!

💬 MrFlameAuthor, Sep 1st at 9:17 AM

LeuxSeveN thank you, fixed. Sorry for so long

💬 LeuxSeveN, Aug 22nd at 4:44 PM

Hi ^^

the 4 and 8 ingot mold have a problem:

when you try to make a 8 ingot mold it always understands the ingrediances to mean the 4 ingot mold.


what I mean:
If I add the needed materials for a 8 Ingot Mold and craft with that I always get a 4 Ingot mold and the remaining Materials not used~~~

💬 Guimoute, Jul 19th at 9:31 PM

That seems like a nice complement to More Molds.

💬 LadyJade90, Jul 19th at 2:36 PM

dana tweaks has cooling molds with watering can

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