Mods / Long-term food
Author: MrFlame
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Created: Jul 28th 2024 at 7:57 PM
Last modified: 7 hours ago
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Latest file for v1.20.1:
Long-term food
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This mod was created for those who are afraid of long cold winters or planning long trips in which there is no time to cook.
Pemmican is a Native American food. It is made from bushmeat, fat and berries carefully pounded with something heavy.
Сan be stored for years, especially if well salted or wrapped in something. It tastes better hot or in dishes.
1) If you combine few bushmeat, fat, berries and some stones or hammer - you can craft raw pemmican.
2) Raw pemmican can be stored at shelves or in playes/chests inventory to dry into normal pemmican.
3) Pemmican can be salted to encrease his lifetime even more.
4) Pemmican and salted Pemmican can be cooked at firepit for even more calories and some healing.
5) Salted pemmican can combine with rushmat and rope to package it. Packaged pemmican can be stored for years.
Rusks. Technology is as old as the world. Thinly sliced and dehydrated bread that can be stored in a dry place for a very long time. It tastes good in dishes and saturates well.
1) Bake some perfect bread and slice it with knife.
2) Bake slices even more into oven - you get rusks.
Where you can use all of it? Well, yes you can just eat it. But what if..
You can use pemmican and rusks into stews and soups! You can have a dish that fulfill almost all your diet.
Is stew you can combine both pemmican and rusks as main ingredient.
In soup you can use it as a secondary ingredient.
Mushrooms. The ability to dry mushrooms in the oven and marinate them in brine will increase the shelf life of this product. And if you have the opportunity - make mushroom pate - a very nutritious and easy-to-use dish that lasts for a very long time. Of course, new mushroom ingredients can be used in stews and soups. But you can cook only edible mushrooms.
Vintage meat. Yes, this is the same meat, which does not spoil at all and heals a little. Now you can craft it! Although first you will need to make salted meat and anoint it well with honey. After that, let it lie down for a long time. If you have enough meat, salt, honey and time - you can have food that never spoils.
Caramel. Fruit and honey can be used to make a Fruit Mix, which will turn into a Pastille when it dries. You can bake the Pastille in the oven to make Caramel, which does not spoil at all, is very filling and very convenient for traveling.
Soy milk. By squeezing soybeans through a fruit press, you can get soy milk. If you have problems with livestock and have extra soybeans, this is a good, though not very profitable, alternative. And yes, you can make cheese out of it! Yes, I know that in reality the process is “a little” longer and it is closest to the real thing in Expanded Food, but you must admit that it is a little easier:3
Medicines from flowers. Very primitive medicines that have little effect but are very easy to create. If you have problems with horsetail and reed, this is an alternative option to be treated at least somehow. Only some flowers can be used.
Powdered milk is a great way to keep your dairy product fresh. Salt the milk in the barrel and boil the mixture to a powder in the cooking pot. Milk powder in the right place will last for years. Dissolve the powder in water to make milk again.
Added the ability to “wash” a dirty cooking pot with a barrel and 10 liters of water.
-Green, Brown, and Red algae can be sliced or grinded.
-Green algae are edible. They can be added to food everywhere instead of vegetables. They can be pickled in brine. It can also be used as a green dye.
-Brown algae are the basis for new universal fertilizers and for the creation of textile threads.
-Red algae are used as a red dye and to create fertilizers.
-All crushed algae are raw materials for the chemical synthesis of substances such as chlorophyll, agar-agar and sodium alginate. All these chemical compounds can create powerful medicines that can quickly heal even the worst wounds.
-It is also possible to grind coral into lime in a millstone.
Future plans:
1. Mushroom and fruit long-term food.
2. Expanded food and Primitive survival patches.(?)
3. Notebook mod info.
4. Soy milk
5. Products from various algae
6. Some healing items
7. Milk powder
8. Your suggestions...
Original raw craft idea was in XarenHypr`s Pemmican(continued), so i go further.
Discord nickname: mrgabrielflame
Ukrainian community Vintage Story server: Fendragon
Цей мод створено для тих, хто боїться довгих холодних зим або планує тривалі подорожі, під час яких немає часу на приготування їжі.
Пемікан — їжа корінних народів Америки. Він виготовляється з м'яса, жиру та ягід, ретельно перетирається чимось важким. Може зберігатися роками, особливо якщо добре посолений або загорнутий у щось. Смачніший у гарячому вигляді або в стравах.
- Якщо поєднати трохи м'яса, жиру, ягід і кілька каменів або молоток, можна приготувати сирий пемікан.
- Сирий пемікан можна зберігати на полицях або в інвентарі/скринях для висушування у звичайний пемікан.
- Пемікан можна солити, щоб збільшити його термін придатності.
- Пемікан і солений пемікан можна приготувати на вогнищі для отримання ще більше калорій і трохи лікування.
- Солений пемікан можна комбінувати з рогожкою та мотузкою для пакування. Упакований пемікан можна зберігати роками.
Сухарі. Технологія стара як світ. Тонко нарізаний і висушений хліб, який можна зберігати в сухому місці дуже довго. Добре смакує в стравах і добре насичує.
- Спечіть ідеальний хліб і наріжте його ножем.
- Ще більше запечіть скибочки в печі – отримаєте сухарі.
Де можна все це використовувати? Ну, так, ви можете просто з'їсти це. Але що, якщо... Ви можете використовувати пемікан і сухарі у рагу та супах! Ви можете мати страву, яка задовольняє майже всю вашу дієту.
У рагу можна поєднувати пемікан і сухарі як основні інгредієнти.
У супі їх можна використовувати як додаткові інгредієнти.
Гриби. Можливість сушити гриби в печі та маринувати їх у розсолі дозволять збільшити термін придатності цього продукту. А якщо у вас буде можливість - зробіть грибний паштет - дуже поживна та зручна у використанні страва, яка лежить дуже довго. Звичайно нові грибні інградієнти можна використовувати у рагу та супах.
Вінтажне м'ясо. Так, це те саме м'ясо, яке взагалі не псується і трохи лікує. Тепер ви можете його виготовити! Хоча спочатку потрібно зробити солоне м'ясо і добре змастити його медом. Після цього дайте йому довго полежати. Якщо у вас є достатньо м'яса, солі, меду та часу – ви можете мати їжу, яка ніколи не зіпсується. Але готувати можна лише їстівні гриби.
Карамель. З фруктів та меду можна зробити Фруктову суміш, яка при висиханні перетвориться на Пастилу. Пастилу можна запекти в печі аби отримати Карамель, яка не псується взагалі, гарно насичує і дуже зручна у подорожах.
Соеве молоко. Вичавивши сою через фруктовий прес - можна отримати соєве молоко. Якщо є проблеми з тваринництвом і є зайва соя - це непогана, хоч і не дуже вигідна, альтернатива. І так, ти можеш робити з нього сир! Так, я знаю, що в реальності процес "трохи" довше і найближче до реального він відображений у Expanded Food але погодьтесь - так трооошки простіше:3
Ліки з квітів. Дуже примітивні ліки, які слабко лікують але дуже просто створюються. Якщо ви відчуваєте проблеми із хвощем та рогозом - це альтернативний варіант аби ХОЧ ЯКОСЬ лікуватись.Лише деякі квіти можуть бути використані.
Cухе молоко - чудовий спосіб зберегти свіжим молокопродукт. Підсоліть молоко в бочці та прокип'ятіть отриману суміш до стану порошку в горщику для приготування їжі. Молочний порошок в правильному місці зберігатиметься роками. Розведіть порошок у воді аби отримати молоко.
Додана можливість "відмити" брудний казанок для приготування їжі використовуючи бочку та 10 літрів води.
-Зелені, Бурі та Червоні водорості можна подрібнити ножем чи в жорнах.
-Подрібнені зелені водорості - їстівні. Їх можна додавати в їжу усюди замість овочей. Можна замаринувати у розсолі. Також можна використовувати, як зелений барвник.
-Бурі водорості - це основа для нових універсальних добрив та для створення текстилю - ниток.
-Червоні водорості використовуються, як червоний барвник і для створення добрив.
-Всі подрібнені водорості являються сировиною для хімічного синтезу речовин, таких як хлорофіл, агар-агар та альгінат натрію. Всі ці хімічні сполуки можуть створити потужні ліки здатні швидко вилікувати навіть найстрашніші рани.
Плани на майбутнє:
- Переробка грибів та ягід.
- Патчі до Expanded food та Primitive survival.(?)
- Гайд по моду у блокноті.
- Соєве молоко
- Продукти з різних водоростей
- Деякі лікувальні засоби
- Сухе молоко
- Ваші пропозиції...
Оригінальний крафт сирого пеммікану належить XarenHypr` з його Pemmican(continued), тому я пішов трохи далі.
Нік у Discord: mrgabrielflame
Сервер Vintage Story української спільноти: Fendragon
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.1.4 | 161 | 7 hours ago | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.1.3 | 760 | 2 days ago | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.1.2 | 1480 | Dec 28th 2024 at 3:23 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.1.1 | 458 | Dec 22nd 2024 at 7:53 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 467 | Dec 18th 2024 at 9:16 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.9 | 38 | Dec 18th 2024 at 8:17 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.8 | 23 | Dec 18th 2024 at 7:51 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.7 | 526 | Dec 15th 2024 at 11:08 AM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.6 | 1298 | Nov 1st 2024 at 6:44 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.5 | 1427 | Aug 11th 2024 at 1:59 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.4 | 68 | Aug 11th 2024 at 1:07 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.3 | 350 | Aug 5th 2024 at 1:52 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.2 | 504 | Jul 29th 2024 at 6:16 AM | Show | Long-term food | Install now | |
v0.0.1 | 125 | Jul 28th 2024 at 9:54 PM | Show | Long-term food | Install now |
MrFlame Awesome! that sea weed mechanic will save our island playthrough, thanks for the fast fix! Майте піклування про себе.
CH33Z3BURG3R man you are a superhero for many people. Algae drop patch really didnt work, I fix it already, thank you!
Is there a specific tool to harvest sea grass? I can't seem to collect any of the sea grass colors.
Thank you!
Adapted to 1.20. Added variety in the use of algae (especially useful for those who want island survival). Thanks Ket for the feedback, your knives will break 5 times slower now.
Could you lower the durability cost on the knife for cleaning mushrooms? 5 durability lost everytime you clean one mushroom is pretty harsh. For reference, cutting other items in the crafting grid with a knife has no durability cost.
It seems like a lot of classes of tree mushroom (tinder hoof, reishi, shiitake, and more) can't be cleaned, and witch's hats, despite being safe to eat and a ground mushroom, can't be used for either paste or for cleaning. Is this intentional? This occurs with no other mods installed on 1.20 rc6, so it does not appear to be a conflict
propaneko rusks can spoil but they will rot after a LONG time. They really can stay normal for years (depending on your world setup). Caramel can be fresh unlimited time.
I just wonder, does the Rusks and Caramel have unlimited time?
THe mod doesnt seem to work for me. I dont seem to get any errors when loading it, but it acts as if the mod is not enabled.
Sorry, just saw this response. Thank you!
This mod looks great, but what's the modid so I can add it to my server's FairplayGuardian allow list? I try to view it in the modinfo file, but it doesn't have one?
Guimoute Thank you! Glad you like it:3
This is lovely!
Soymilk and primitive healing is here!
Adapted to 1.20. I made some small changes, for example, now you can make aged beef using any utensil, not just a bowl.
AlebenTod Thank you for enjoying the mod! Well, yes, I had this idea. There is a certain conflict with the popular mod for cooking in terms of creating dried berries, when “a berry turns into a dried berry through an oven,” so I had to find another way. Maybe in the future I will come up with another way
Hi! This is a wonderful mod. Is it possible to add dried berries in the future?
Aedis I will think about it, maybe there will be a little compatability patch soon. Thank you for suggestion!
Tyrlaren Thank you for enjoying it
Hello, is there any plan to add wildcraft fruits/berries so they would work for pemmican too? at least some of them probably would fit (maybe not very juicy fruits but berries like lingonberry or black nightshade)
Thank you so much for your hard work on this mod!
hi!! hope this isn't rude, but are you considering adding a handbook guide entry for the foods added in this mod?
Dang I really really want pemmican in the base game now, would be a great use for bushmeat, which after the early game just starts to feel a bit of an annoyance. Having a stockpile of food storage would be cool.
Rivernoodl right now the mod is running on one of the servers where Primitive Suvival and Expanded Food mods are installed. Initially, the mod was created in this way so as not to depend on other mods. So it works great)
Doggo_ thank you for correcting me) English is not my native language so I can make mistakes, sorry)
Theres a spelling mistake in the 2nd picture. Its written "cooked" pemmican. Funnily enough in the description you wrote it right. Unless there are male chickens involved, then im wrong.
Also bushmeat not buchmeat.
I dont mean to be rude, but felt like i should point it out.
I3eauLeBoi No hard feelings. Have a great day! :)
Of course!
I do also forget my straight forwardness may come across as 'bold' or 'incencere'.
So i do apologize for that matter, if that were the case!
MrFlame I'm totally fine with it. I just hope you continue that mod in a fair and balanced way. I think it gives the game a nice touch. Especially if traveling far into one direction, without any teleportation mods installed.
Thank you for working so hard. Like I said I hope you continue the mod in the near future. :)
I3eauLeBoi I'm not here to pick a fight and your opinion is totally vaild and fair. If the mod decides to go that route, I'm open to it, while trying - as you also do - to give contructive feedback. :)
But you can disagree or agree with what i've opinionated. Thats the best part.
Its nowhere to offend, its just what i 'personallly' think. There's nothing wrong with that.
Neither is it personal. Although its a bit odd to think i've got something personal against you lmao, its not that deep.
Yeah the game really lacks in the 'hand consumable' department. And i do actually agree with the annoying "Move your entire kitchen with you." While you explore.
If you are planning on adding many more hand held items that you can eat on the fly, i'd be there entirely for it! Can't wait what you can 'cook up' ;D ;D ;D
I3eauLeBoi thank you for your feedback too)
I completely agree that a little treatment is a great addition to the long process of creating this food
Also pemmican is ineffective in terms of saturation: eating the ingredients immediately with minimal preparation is much more profitable. This is the price for a "long shelf" life of this food, so I thought that it would be nice to fill such a saturation loss with something else, different.
Another good feature I think is pemmican-rusks stew. Yes, I don't like eating from bowls, in the game for me it's unnecessary actions - you need a slot for a cauldron on the road, a slot for a bowl, put it on the ground, eat, then pick it up. It's easier to cook something... convenient. However, a stew with pemmican, crackers, vegetables and fruits is a great food to replenish all the elements of the diet at once and get maximum health buffs from food.
I3eauLeBoi I don't understand why you say my feedback is not good feedback? Every feedback is worth considering. It's like me saying your feedback wouldn't be good, which would be utterly nonsense if I would say that. The mod author has all freedom to decide, what he wants to do with the mod. I even gave a detailed breakdown, why I believe healing in items shouldn't be in this mod. It looks like you want to interpret something from my comment that I never wrote and use it against me. Be better.
Although feedback is good, doesn't mean all is. Personally to me? I like these recipes and the ability to craft them, its properly balanced by how long it should take and the resouces you need to put into them. That healing bonus is then a fun little addition.
Not everyone is going to spam create these items. And would probably still use meds. Since these foods, as per mentioned before. Take time and resources. While the other medical items are easier to make. So personally. Those things could stay for me. Just to give a little back and forth.
Eitherway, great mod! I am glad we can finally make some preservative foods. Canned goods was something i wanted for a long time as well. Or some sort of packaged food. (I know. That'd be pemmican, haha.)
MrFlame Your're welcome! It has the framework of being great. I really like the vision for this mod and hope you'll continue updating it.
Quick feedback: I would prefer it if Pemmican did not give an “ HP” bonus. I've already removed that from the mod for me. It would reduce the importance of healing items while traveling.
Furthermore, I strongly believe vintage beef SHOULD be extremely rare since it heals you up to 2 HP. Making it craftable renders healing items "almost" useless. (I know bandages and honey pultice heal way more but I believe having food items that heal you is too much of a buff)
I don't know if it's possible to patch out this ability from the vanilla game but if so, I would do so. Anything that leads to healing items being used less makes the game unbalanced.
Maybe you can come up with a different item, like you did with the pemmican and leave vintage beef out of this mod.
Edit: I started (for myself) to integrate the handbook entry. You can take a look if you want. It is not finished but if you like what you see, I would be willing to do the complete handbook entry for you, so you can concentrate on making the mod.
All the items will be linked in the handbook.
dashr Thank you for your feedback! Thats means huge for me:3
So, I've got a few hours in testing everything. Seems to work without any issues on a modded server.
I think you got some great potential with this mods future plans in your hands, since this feels like it would be a part of the vanilla game, without overwhelming new players. Keep it up!
dashr Fixed
For some weird reason, if "Tools require rope" is installed the recipe for the sliced bread version requires a rope. So one of you might need to look into this.
ToolsrequireRope Config:
The salted pemmican is even stranger because it now has two options to craft the item.
How it should look:
Salt + Rope?
Since the config of "Tools require rope" reads the files in game and tries to be automatically compatible, this issue needs to be addressed.
Hope this helps a bit to iron out these bugs.
P.S. I don't want to come across as rude, so I wanted to also say that this looks like an awesome mod that could add so much depth with the planned features. Hopefully the issues I have listed can be resolved soon-ish.
Edit: It's "ToolsrequireRope" I've tested it and can definitely say it needs to be fixed, since these issues are even in other recipes.