Mods / Emote menu reload
Author: Skif_97
Side: Client
Created: Apr 7th at 9:22 PM
Last modified: Apr 7th at 9:38 PM
Downloads: 1282
Follow Unfollow 46
Author: Skif_97
Side: Client
Created: Apr 7th at 9:22 PM
Last modified: Apr 7th at 9:38 PM
Downloads: 1282
Follow Unfollow 46
Latest file for v1.19.7:
1-click install
Original mod
Author: niciel
I am not the author of the mod, I just updated it to the current version, if the author asks or updates his mod, I will delete this mod.
Original description:
Simple mod adding radial menu,presented mod add circle gui as easy way to use emotes. it should be easy :D, but who knows if it will be.
default binding: K
press and relese , menu will stay opened
press and hold , menu will stay open until release button
configuration file "emotemenu.json" is inside ModConfig folder
"scale": 1.0, // do nothing
"show_middle_circle": true,
"button_mouse_binding": "Middle" <- this is example leave empty "" to use default keyboard binding
changing keybind (keyboard) require to reset game
"scale": 1.0, <- scale of menu
"button_hold_milis": 250 <- time in millis
posiible mouse bindings:
ru - mrlobaker
de - Streetwind
ua - Skif_97
- one System to Rule them ALL (ofc all radial menu) at least some preparation
- simple mouse buttons integration
- in a future system for marking
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.5 | 1282 | Apr 7th at 9:38 PM | Show | | Install now |
Hi, I second that the default keybind should be changed, Carry On is a far too common mod to try and have the same hotkeys as it. I tried binding the mouse button (why can't I bind another keyboard one?) to "Button4" as listed in the documentation, but it still did not work.
If you're in a menu like the handbook and press the hotkey (K), it will open the menu and consider the click despite it being behind the menu, triggering an emote.
morlanius I'm not sure if I can fix this, but I'll try, since the code is not mine, it's difficult
Can you change the default key to something else, L would be good. Keys like K and O are used by common mods like XSkills and Carry On. Perhaps add en entry into the controls menu.