Mods / Emote menu reload

Category: #Cosmetics #Graphics #QoL #Tweak #Utility
Author: Skif_97
Side: Client
Created: Apr 7th at 9:22 PM
Last modified: Apr 7th at 9:38 PM
Downloads: 1282
Follow Unfollow 46

Latest file for v1.19.7: 1-click install

Original mod

Author: niciel

I am not the author of the mod, I just updated it to the current version, if the author asks or updates his mod, I will delete this mod.

Original description:

Simple mod adding radial menu,presented mod add circle gui as easy way to use emotes. it should be easy :D, but who knows if it will be.

default binding: K

press and relese , menu will stay opened

press and hold , menu will stay open until release button

configuration file "emotemenu.json" is inside ModConfig folder

"scale": 1.0,  // do nothing
"show_middle_circle": true, 
 "button_mouse_binding": "Middle" <- this is example leave empty "" to use default keyboard binding
         changing keybind (keyboard) require to reset game
  "scale": 1.0, <- scale of menu
  "button_hold_milis": 250 <- time in millis

posiible mouse bindings:


ru - mrlobaker
de - Streetwind
ua - Skif_97

- one System to Rule them ALL (ofc all radial menu) at least some preparation

- simple mouse buttons integration

- in a future system for marking

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.5 1282 Apr 7th at 9:38 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Janeator, May 14th at 3:18 PM

Hi, I second that the default keybind should be changed, Carry On is a far too common mod to try and have the same hotkeys as it. I tried binding the mouse button (why can't I bind another keyboard one?) to "Button4" as listed in the documentation, but it still did not work.

💬 Zandercraft, May 5th at 2:38 AM

If you're in a menu like the handbook and press the hotkey (K), it will open the menu and consider the click despite it being behind the menu, triggering an emote.

💬 Skif_97Author, Apr 16th at 9:51 PM

morlanius I'm not sure if I can fix this, but I'll try, since the code is not mine, it's difficult

💬 morlanius, Apr 14th at 1:23 AM

Can you change the default key to something else, L would be good. Keys like K and O are used by common mods like XSkills and Carry On. Perhaps add en entry into the controls menu.

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