Mods / Art of Cooking
Author: Fedarmens
Side: Both
Created: Jan 12th at 8:49 AM
Last modified: Feb 6th at 7:00 PM
Downloads: 7680
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Latest file for Various v1.20.x:
1-click install
The Core of Arts mod is required | Требуется мод Core of Arts
Attention! Empty all the copper bowls and pots before updating the mod up to version 0.2.0 and above! They are no longer in use!
Внимание! Перед обновлением мода до версии 0.2.0 и выше опустошите все медные миски и кастрюли! Они больше не используются!
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Form dough products like clay modeling and bake new lavash and flatbread. Wrap fruits, vegetables and meat in lavash, creating a shawarma. Cook the fruit compote. And also make your alcohol spoil and turn into vinegar in order to cook brine from it without using salt.
Формируйте изделия из теста подобно лепке из глины и запекайте новые лаваши и лепешки. Заворачивайте в лаваш фрукты, овощи и мясо, создавая шаурму. Сварите из фруктов компот. А также заставьте ваш алкоголь испортится и превратиться в уксус, чтобы сварить из него рассол без использования соли.
Like clay modeling, take the dough in your hand and tap on the surface of the table to make a recipe selection window appear. Just like with clay, fill out the recipe form with the dough to get the desired result.
At the moment, there are only several recipes – the base for the pie, flatbread and lavash. New recipes will be added in future updates.
The base for the pie can now be created only by sculpting – the standard creation method is disabled.
A thin sheet of dough is a more profitable way to store bread.
Mold lavash from two pieces of dough, bake it like bread and stack up to 32 pieces (up to 48 in the case of charred lavash). Baked lavash can also be used to make shawarma.
Or make small flatbreads, two pieces per unit of dough. After baking, they can be stored in stack up to 128 pieces (and 192 charred ones).
Flatbreads and lavash stay fresh longer than bread.
Shawarma is a compact pita bread roll with a wide variety of fillings. You can add any ready-to-eat foods to it, mixing them together without any restrictions.
To create a shawarma, you need to take cooked lavash (of any degree of readiness), put it on the table, add any 4 fillings (you can put the same or mix different ones) and wrap by pressing Ctrl + rightmouse-click.
That's it, the shawarma is ready to eat – you can eat it gradually, eating exactly as much as you need to satisfy your hunger. You can also stack equally cooked shawarma in a stack of up to 32 pieces.
The list of products suitable for cooking shawarma:
- pickled soybeans and peanuts
- pickled vegetables
- raw vegetables
- cooked meat
- vintage beef
- cured meat
- cheese
- fruits
- fish
Meat from the Butchering mod can also be added to the shawarma.
Fruits, vegetables, and nuts from the Wildcraft: Fruits and Nuts mod can be put into a shawarma (only those that can be put into a pie in the mod itself are accepted)
Leave the undistilled alcohol (wine, ale, cider, etc.) to spoil and after a while get vinegar. You can cook brine from vinegar and water (it will not combine with ordinary brine), and you can soak a dirty copper pan in pure vinegar to wash it.
The bronze pot is the "upgraded version" of the cooking pot. It is created from 3.5 bronze ingots cast in a special mold. It holds twice as much... everything that a pot can hold. Cook twice as much food or non-food items like glue. And don't be afraid to dirty the pot, because you can always wash it in vinegar.
A bronze bowl is, by analogy with a pot, an "upgraded version" of an clay bowl. Instead of the standard one liter of liquid or one serving of food, it holds as many as two liters or two servings. The bowl can be molded into a special mold, or forged on an anvil.
A spoon looks like an ordinary wooden spoon, but in fact, a spoon is the crown of engineering and, without exaggeration, the most necessary thing in the house. That's because even though it only takes 0.1 servings of food at a time, it gives you more nutrition from every bite of your dish.
A sweet fruit drink that allows you to store fruits in a new way.
Boil any fruit in plenty of water and get a compote that can be poured into any suitable vessel.
In this form, fruits are stored much longer than in the form of juice.
Meat from the mod can also be added to the shawarma.
All non-poisonous fruits can be boiled with water and compote can be obtained.
All fruits, vegetables and nuts that can be put in a pie can also be put in a shawarma (poisonous ones will remain poisonous)
Acorn dough can be used for modeling
Added acorn lavash and flatbread
Recipes with liquids from mod accept new bowls as containers
Compatible with the XSkills mod - to do this, install the Arts XSkills mod
Подобно лепке из глины, возьмите тесто в руку и нажмите на поверхность стола, чтобы появилось окно выбора рецепта. Также как и с глиной, заполняйте форму рецепта тестом, чтобы получить желаемый результат.
На данный момент есть всего несколько рецептов – основа для пирога, лепешка и лаваш. Новые рецепты будут добавляться в будущих обновлениях.
Основу для пирога теперь можно создать только с помощью лепки – стандартный способ создания отключен.
Тонкий лист теста – более выгодный способ хранения хлеба.
Вылепите из двух единиц теста лаваш, запеките его подобно хлебу и сложите до 32 штук в стак (до 48 в случае с обугленным лавашем). Испеченный лаваш также можно использовать для приготовления шаурмы.
Либо слепите небольшие лепешки, по две штуки с одной еденицы теста. После запекания их можно хранить в стаке до 128 штук (и 192 обугленные).
Лепешки и лаваши дольше остаются свежими, в сравнении с хлебом.
Шаурма – компактный сверток из лаваша с самой разнообразной начинкой. Вы можете добавить в неё любые готовые к употреблению продукты, смешивая их между собой без каких-либо ограничений.
Для создания шаурмы необходимо взять приготовленный лаваш (любой степени готовности), положить его на стол, добавить 4 любые начинки (можно положить одинаковые, либо смешать разные) и завернуть, нажав Ctrl + ПКМ.
Всё, шаурма готова к употреблению – вы можете есть её постепенно, съедая ровно столько, сколько нужно для утоления голода. Вы также можете складывать одинаково приготовленную шаурму в стак до 32 штук.
Список пригодных для приготовления шаурмы продуктов:
- маринованные соя и арахис
- маринованные овощи
- приготовленное мясо
- винтажная говядина
- засоленное мясо
- сырые овощи
- фрукты
- рыба
- сыр
Мясо из мода Butchering также можно добавить в шаурму.
Фрукты, овощи и орехи из мода Wildcraft: Fruits and Nuts можно положить в шаурму (принимаются только те, которые можно положить в пирог в самом моде)
Оставьте недистиллированный алкоголь (вино, эль, сидр и т.д.) портиться и спустя время получите уксус. Из уксуса и воды можно сварить рассол (он не будет объединяться с обычным рассолом), а в чистом уксусе можно замочить грязную медную кастрюлю, чтобы отмыть её.
Бронзовая кастрюля - «улучшенная версия» котелка для приготовления пищи. Создаётся из 3,5 слитка бронзы, отлитых в специальную форму. Вмещает в два раза больше... всего, что может вмещать котелок. Готовьте в два раза больше еды или непищевых продуктов, вроде клея. И можете не бояться испачкать кастрюлю, ведь вы всегда сможете отмыть её в уксусе.
Бронзовая миска – по аналогии с кастрюлей, это «улучшенная версия» глиняной миски. Вместо стандартного одного литра жидкости или одной порции еды вмещает в себя целых два литра или две порции. Миску можно отлить в специальную форму, или выковать на наковальне.
Ложка – с виду, это обычная деревянная ложка, но на деле, ложка – это венец инженерной мысли и без преувеличения самая нужная вещь в доме. А всё потому, что хоть она и берет за раз всего 0.1 порции еды, но зато даёт больше питательности от каждого кусочка вашего блюда.
Сладкий фруктовый напиток, который позволяет по новому хранить фрукты.
Сварите любой фрукт в большом количестве воды и получите компот, который можно налить в любой подходящий сосуд.
В таком виде фрукты хранятся намного дольше, чем в виде сока.
Мясо и колбасы из мода также можно добавить в шаурму.
Все неядовитые фрукты можно сварить с водой и получить компот
Все фрукты, овощи и орехи, которые можно положить в пирог, также можно положить и в шаурму (ядовитые останутся ядовитыми)
Желудевое тесто можно использовать для лепки
Добавлены желудевые лепешка и лаваш
Рецепты с жидкостями из мода принимают новые миски как контейнеры
Совместимость с модом XSkills - для этого нужно установить мод Arts XSkills
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.2.4 | 1731 | Feb 6th at 7:00 PM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.2.4.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.3 | 2290 | Jan 28th at 11:14 AM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.2.3.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.2 | 537 | Jan 27th at 3:23 PM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.2.2.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.1 | 983 | Jan 23rd at 10:13 PM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.2.1.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.0 | 963 | Jan 20th at 1:28 AM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.2.0.zip | Install now | |
v0.1.1 | 916 | Jan 17th at 5:00 PM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.1.1.zip | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 259 | Jan 15th at 11:02 AM | Show | ArtOfCooking_0.1.0.zip | Install now |
not really a big fan of the dough molding, honestly feels if something extra nees to be there maybe a rolling pin with functionality akin to tilling farmland with a hoe, could be a neat way to tie compatibility with
Culinary Artillery
Hi. Mods have been updated for a long time, you have very old versions listed in your logs. Please update - I don't notice this in the current versions. In addition, I have a mod for compatibility with XSkills - I recommend using it if you play with XSkills, so you will definitely avoid possible errors due to incompatibility.
Hello Fedarmens , I have encountered a bug. Making candles in the bronze pot seems to result in a crash. when I made candles after they are ready the pot becomes invisible and trying to open the campfire instantly crashes the game. breaking the campfire returns the candles and a residue covered pot but trying to put the pot back in the campfire crashesh the game.
here's the log
Running on 64 bit Windows 10.0.19045.0 with 32691 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.20.3 (Stable)
11/02/2025 18.38.57: Critical error occurred in the following mod: coreofarts@0.1.0
Loaded Mods: Allclasses@1.1.8, bettersticks@1.2.0, brickmold@1.2.0, buzzwords@1.7.0, combatoverhaul@0.1.9, driedfirefuels@1.1.1, firestarters@1.3.3, haybales@1.1.2, immersiveorecrush@2.0.2, jacksgrass@1.0.0, long-term_food@0.1.5, manualdough@1.1.1, manualscraping@1.2.1, manualtoolcrafting@1.3.1, millwright@1.1.8, primitivesurvival@3.7.5, sortablestorage@2.2.8, game@1.20.3, armory@0.1.1, butchering@1.7.8, commonlib@2.6.1, coreofarts@0.1.0, fromgoldencombs@1.8.2, hydrateordiedrate@1.7.1, immersivewoodchopping@0.7.4, immersivewoodsawing@0.2.6, ksrealisticfarming@1.0.4, maltiezfirearms@0.10.3, prospecttogether@2.0.0, creative@1.20.3, survival@1.20.3, wearandtear@1.1.6, wildfarmingrevival@1.3.4, xlib@0.8.8, artofcooking@0.2.0, detailedanimals@0.3.10, immersiveinventoryspoilage@1.2.1, stonequarry@3.4.2, xskills@0.8.9
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShape(Shape shapeBase, MeshData& modeldata, Vec3f wholeMeshRotation, Vec3f wholeMeshOffset, Single wholeMeshScale, TesselationMetaData meta) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 250
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShape(String typeForLogging, Shape shapeBase, MeshData& modeldata, ITexPositionSource texSource, Vec3f wholeMeshRotation, Int32 generalGlowLevel, Byte climateColorMapId, Byte seasonColorMapId, Nullable`1 quantityElements, String[] selectiveElements) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 208
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ShapeTesselator.TesselateShape(CollectibleObject collObj, Shape shape, MeshData& modeldata, Vec3f rotation, Nullable`1 quantityElements, String[] selectiveElements) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Render\Tesselation\ShapeTesselator.cs:line 192
at CoreOfArts.BlockEntityRenderer.COAPotInFirepitRenderer..ctor(ICoreClientAPI capi, ItemStack stack, BlockPos pos, Boolean isInOutputSlot) in E:\Nik\vsmod\Arts\CoreOfArt\CoreOfArt\BlockEntityRenderer\COAPotInFirepitRenderer.cs:line 47
at CoreOfArts.Blocks.COABlockCookingContainer.GetRendererWhenInFirepit(ItemStack stack, BlockEntityFirepit firepit, Boolean forOutputSlot) in E:\Nik\vsmod\Arts\CoreOfArt\CoreOfArt\Blocks\COABlockCookingContainer.cs:line 17
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFirepit.UpdateRenderer() in VSSurvivalMod\BlockEntity\Firepit\BEFirepit.cs:line 637
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityFirepit.OnSlotModifid(Int32 slotid) in VSSurvivalMod\BlockEntity\Firepit\BEFirepit.cs:line 134
at Vintagestory.API.Common.InventoryBase.DidModifyItemSlot(ItemSlot slot, ItemStack extractedStack) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Inventory\InventoryBase.cs:line 491
at Vintagestory.GameContent.InventorySmelting.DidModifyItemSlot(ItemSlot slot, ItemStack extractedStack) in VSSurvivalMod\Inventory\InventorySmelting.cs:line 115
at Vintagestory.Common.InventoryNetworkUtil.UpdateFromPacket(IWorldAccessor resolver, Packet_InventoryUpdate packet) in VintagestoryLib\Common\GameContent\Inventory\InventoryNetworkUtil.cs:line 461
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GeneralPacketHandler.HandleInventoryUpdate(Packet_Server packet) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\GeneralPacketHandler.cs:line 366
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.ExecuteMainThreadTasks(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 786
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 741
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 170
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 695
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 670
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 334
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 130
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Hi Fedarmens
Some error with Pumpkin !
```10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-wild-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-small-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-medium-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-decent-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-large-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-hefty-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-gigantic-1 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-wild-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-small-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-medium-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-decent-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-large-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-hefty-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-gigantic-2 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-wild-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-small-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-medium-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-decent-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-large-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-hefty-3 introuvable
10.2.2025 11:07:11 [Server Warning] Bloc ou comportement de collecte AOGPlacing pour le bloc game:pumpkin-fruit-gigantic-3 introuvable```
Lavash??? Based mod.
Having a roller pin, and it lets you make pastas and pastries.
Like what? 🙂
I feel like this mod could change the recipe of bread.
Honestly, I love and adore the direction you have taken this mod so far. Thank you for the compatibility between the spoon and EF; my friends and I will certainly make use of it, but we've very much decided that if it comes down to Art of Cooking or Expanded Foods, we're definitely going with the former!
Excited for the future of this project of yours!
Wow, thx a lot for that. As you said, until you develop this mot to the EF level, using both mods it's the perfect choice. I'ld love to see this mod with thousands of recipes, items, and cooking methods.
I have slightly changed the spoon's code and it should not crash with an error when dishes are typed into it that do not have a special display model in the spoon. Some modified dishes may be invisible, but functionally everything works correctly. I will post an update with this fix soon. Maybe this will help you and others enjoy both mods together (at least until I develop my mod to the Expanded Foods level :D)
I'm facing the exact same problem. I'm wondering which mod to keep and which to turn off. :D But in my case, I'll have to stay with expanded foods that have more continuity. Pity...
Hello. For my part, compatibility with Expanded Foods is not provided, but it is not denied either. I'm not planning on it.
The recipes and all necessary actions are described in the item descriptions. Everything is also described in detail on the mod page. The pages in the handbook inside the game are planned.
I've a few questions on this mod too xD
Sakamoto Michaloid Solas_Flemeth Inflectus
and everyone who asked for compatibility with XSkills, be happy) The Arts XSkills mod is at your service!
Do you plan on adding compatibility with xskills? Love this mod and youre farming one but sucks losing my skills for farming and cooking haha
How do i make a tin cooking pot? I don't see a recipe nor a sellable item.
I ran a test and removed
"op": "replace",
"path": "/classByType",
"value": {
"claypot-burned": "COABlockCookingContainer",
"claypot-cooked": "BlockCookedContainer"
in the file https://github.com/Fedarmens/Arts/blob/master/CoreOfArt/CoreOfArt/assets/coreofart/patches/claypot.json to grant support for xSkills. Traiditional pot works, new one doesn't. This is a temporary workaround till the author patches as it may have unintended problems.
Love to see Wildcraft compat, and excited to see where this mod goes next!
Yeah, according to a forums post on XSkills it's apparently an issue with how Core of Arts overwrites the base game cooking pot, which XSkills applies the Canteen Cook perk too.
Not sure how true that is or anything, it's just what was relayed to me by someone in my community, and I can confirm that people with Canteen Cook can't cook food anymore in the normal cooking pots.
Oh, there really is a problem with XSkills, and I'm not sure how to solve it yet. I'll try to dig into the code...
Ever since adding this mod to my server, users are saying that the "Canteen Cook" perk (which increases how many servings you can cook at a time in a cooking pot) is broken for them, and making things "complete" cooking over and over again but never actually give the cooked food.
Not really sure whether this is something that requires a fix on your end, XSkills' end or both, but figured I'd mention it here. Otherwise people seem to be enjoying the mod and I'm happy to be running it. :)
I have already released an update for Art of Growing, I think everything should work fine now, because vegetables are now displayed properly on the ground. Initially, I thought to implement varieties through attributes and create just one item and change its shape and nutritional value depending on the attribute of the variety. But over time, I realized that it was an unnecessary overcomplication. And although this is what prompted me to dive into coding and figure out programming almost from scratch, it was frankly a bad and inconvenient solution for many things. So I made all the varieties using variants, added some code so that all the old vegetables would automatically transform into new ones without the player's participation at all, and now all vegetables have their own code depending on the variety and can be combined normally with any other mods. :)
And thanks for the kind words) I like your mod too, and I also didn't have time to play properly myself - but your mod is also on my vishlist)
Fedarmens Hi! I've attempted to add your namespace into my mod, and i've gotten to a certain point - Using your GenMesh method in my OnBeforeRender actually worked with the VegetableBasket and it was correctly showing the various shape sizes of different vegetables when it was inside the inventory. However, it was consistently crashing at confusing places when putting the same method in OnTesselation (when a block is placed). Unfortunately for this reason alone i decided to wait and see if you'll do just that - changing the actual codes of vegetables since you won't need to mesh them yourself and will fix your "groundStoreable" issue not showing the correct size either as well as show proper sizes of vegetables when they're put inside my baskets. If you're already in the process of changing the vegetable codes, i'll definitely handle the whitelisting of them on my end, good luck!
Also, I'm looking forward to the both Art of Cooking and Growing! I haven't gotten around to playing another playthrough since 1.19 stable dropped and these mods definitely look like something i'd play with!
Wow, hello) I was just going to watch your mod myself so that I could add new food to the shelves with the help of patches. In fact, as far as I understand, you only need to add products such as lavash, shawarma, flatbread to the list available for placement on the appropriate shelves. This is about this mod. But in the Art of Growing, vegetables of different sizes are added, which can also be added to the list of available baskets. Only in it, I'm currently redoing the code again and will release an update in a few days, which will change the codes of vegetables - and then it will be possible to add them to the list of baskets. But pumpkins of different sizes can already be added to the list of shelves - they will not change.
rosysyn Can i know more about incompatibilities with Food Shelves? I'm in the process of doing an update for it and if it's not something much - I can handle some things on my side and include it.
The two mods are actually mostly compatible in terms of recipes and items, the only issue that came up from testing was using Art of Cooking's spoon on Expanded Food's new meals would cause a crash.
Outside of that, this mod and Art of Growing don't clash with Expanded Foods.
Thank you, works just fine. Great mod, your Art of series is honestly inspired work, love to see any future developments.
I would love to use this mod, however it looks like it's (mostly) incompatible with Expanded Foods and Food Shelves, two mods I simply cannot play without. I'm hoping to see a compatibility patch in the future :)
Are you talking about the new bronze pot? Or the one listed as an "old pot"? The old one is no longer in use and will be removed altogether - now it can still be disassembled into ingots if it was made earlier. Bronze pots are large versions of a regular pot - you can cook twice as much food in them. And dirty bronze pots can be washed and reused for food.
You can take food from the bowl with a spoon if it stands alone on the surface, in the center of the block.
Love the mod, really love the idea of the simple wooden spoon, but can it only take meal portions from a cooking pot? It's not able to take portions from a bowl, either the standard clay or the new metal one?
one question, what is the function of the copper pot, is it just useless and that's it, I have not been able to find the function or that it serves as a normal pot 😓
I plan to address compatibility issues in the next update. I will consider these and other mods and try to combine them.
Will there be any compatibility patches for Butchering, Primitive Survival, and the FoTSA mods? They add extra meat options and I'd love to continue using this more alongside them.
Hello, loving this mod but I would love some compatibility with food shelves mod or even vanilla shelves. Having to store this only in vessels is a bit of a bummer to me as I like the look of ground and shelf storage for my cellars.
Additionally I am not seeing the flat bread recipe when placing dough or in the guide,
Hi. Expanded food changes vanilla food to its own, and most likely because of this, the shawarma breaks. Try it without this mod.
@Fedarmens yes.
I placed the cooked lavash on a table, tried placing the meat inside (regular vanilla cooked red meat, tho I had expaded food enabled).
Got red error message on the bottom telling me cooked red meat can't be put on cooked lavash.
Ага, спасибо за замечание) Перевожу с переводчиком и небольшим знанием английского - пропустил это)
It's good that it's fixed) I hope this is really a ridiculous accident.
Fedarmens В описании посуды, older version переводится как более старая версия / предыдущая версия, лучше использовать better version или upgraded version (улучшенная версия). Так же у spoon местоимение будет it, а не she.
Fedarmens I have no idea why or how, but I stopped getting the error message and now everything from the mod seems to be working as intended. I didn't change anything that I noticed so sadly I can't give much info on how the issue was resolved.
I have a pretty long modlist including your other "art of" mods, maltiez's combat overhaul mod and its addons, dana tweaks, butchering, dressmakers and its dependencies and a lot of other small mods which I assume wouldn't conflict with this one, mostly mechanics tweaks and UI improvements. When I first noticed the issue, the combat overhaul mods and dressmakers (and its dependencies) were all newly downloaded, but I still have all of them enabled and the issue has gone away.
I made a new world just now to test, and the issue no longer occurs when making a new world or when loading into an existing one. I can also load into worlds made with the previous version of the mod and it works as intended. I did use Laerinok's ModsUpdater immediately before I noticed the issue, but I was already on the current version of this mod so I doubt it directly caused the issue.
Sorry for not being more helpful, but on the upside the issue did disappear relatively quickly after it happened so hopefully it was just random bad luck which caused a temporary problem on my end.
Wow... I've never noticed anything like this at home. What other mods do you have installed? Does this happen when entering the world created in the old version of the mod? And when creating a new world? Is the mod displayed in the list of mods in the game menu? Are you sure you deleted the previous version of the mod? Please give a little more information.
Getting an error in the new version when entering a world:
[Error] [artofcooking] an exception was thrown when trying to load assembly:
[Error] [artofcooking] Exception: Assembly with same name is already loaded at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.g___Pinvoke|5_0(IntPtrptrNativeAssemblyBinder, Ulnt16* ilPath, Ulnt16* niPath, ObjectHandleOnStack retAssembly)
at System.Runtime.Loader.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
at Vintagestory.Common.ModContainer.LoadAssembly(ModCompilationContext compilationContext, ModAssemblyLoader loader) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModContainer.cs:line 481
Upon loading in none of this mod's content is visible in the handbook so it looks like it's all getting skipped by the exception
Thanks! Fixed it
I love this mod idea! FYI your Source link is broken on this and the other "Art of" mods
Хм... звучит интересно, возможно я и подумаю над этим. Но скорее всего откажусь от медной посуды
Fedarmens Незнаю насколько это реализуемо, но как вариант чтобы оставить медную посуду - сделать базовую медную посуду по функционалу как формы из глины, чтобы в нее можно было можно залить немного расплавленного серебра, олова или бронзы для внутреннего покрытия, и когда "остынет" - подбирать уже готовую для готовки посуду. Правда тогда еще надо будет в модельках внутренний слой разного цвета отражать в зависимости от внутренного покрытия тоже.
The cooked meat should be suitable. Do you have other mods installed? Are you trying to put meat on cooked lavash? Is the lavash on the table?
Compatibility with A Culinary Artillery is also not planned. I can't say anything about whether my mod conflicts with him or not, but I don't plan to use anything from A Culinary Artillery myself. If necessary, I will add my analogues in the form I need.
Pizza is planned. Spaghetti is also in the plans, but without a fork)
Ух-ты! И правда... Да, я провёл небольшое исследование (надо было это сделать сразу, хах) и выяснил, что медная посуда на самом деле не такая хорошая идея. Идея с уроном от приготовления в такой посуде - мне не очень нравится. Да и вообще я вспомнил про быстрое окисление меди... Так что с тяжелым сердцем, но я заменю её на бронзовую. Сами блоки медной посуды я оставлю, но их нельзя будет создать и использовать, а только разобрать на медные слитки - так будет честно)
Thanks for the translation. I will add it in the next version.
Could you add the list of fillings that can be added to a shawarma? I tried putting cooked red meat in and I couldnt :(
I know you said it's not compatible with expanded food but will it work with A Culinary Artillery?
I love the mechanics of creating the dough and adding the spoon, it adds too many points to be realistic.♥♥♥
I was wondering if in the future you could add pizza creation, as it is similar, and the addition of the spaghetti that can only be eaten with a fork. ♥
Крутой мод, я правда слышал что медная посуда может быть токсичной если медь вступает в контакт с кислотной пищей типо помидоров, уксусов. Было бы интересно если бы кислотная пища приготовленная в медной кастрюле наносила небольшой урон здоровью. Чтобы это предотвратить можно было бы добавить дополнительнй рецепт как у ламп, использовать серебро или олово для нанесения защитного покрытия внутри, ну и альтернативный рецепт с чисто оловяной кастрюлей или бронзовой.
I did not find your mod on the VS-discord.
May I provide a german translation here for version 0.1.1?
If you should be interested, I would appreciate, if you could include the german translation in one of your next updates :)
Content of de.json:
"game:tabname-artofcooking": "Art of Cooking",
"game:Kneaded dough...": "Gekneteter Teig...",
"artofcooking:block-fakepie-*": "Leere Kuchenkruste",
"artofcooking:blockhelp-shawarma-addfilling": "Füllung hinzufügen",
"artofcooking:blockhelp-shawarma-wrapping": "Shawarma einwickeln",
"artofgrowing:heldhelp-makeshawarma": "Shawarma machen",
"artofcooking:shawarma-rotten": "Verdorbenes Shawarma",
"artofcooking:shawarma": "Leeres Shawarma",
"artofcooking:{0} shawarma": "{0} Shawarma",
"artofcooking:shawarma-full": "Ein ganzes Shawarma mit {0}",
"artofcooking:and": " und ",
"artofcooking:shawarma-left": "{0:0.##} Shawarma mit {1}",
"game:This item can not be added to shawarmas": "Dieser Artikel kann nicht zu Shawarmas hinzugefügt werden",
"game:Can't add more filling - already completely filled shawarma": "Kann keine weitere Füllung hinzufügen - bereits vollständig gefülltes Shawarma",
"game:recipeingredient-item-redmeat-cooked-insturmentalcase": "Rotes Fleisch",
"game:recipeingredient-item-poultry-cooked-insturmentalcase": "Geflügel",
"game:recipeingredient-item-bushmeat-cooked-insturmentalcase": "Buschfleisch",
"game:recipeingredient-item-redmeat-vintage-insturmentalcase": "Rotes Fleisch",
"game:recipeingredient-item-poultry-vintage-insturmentalcase": "Geflügel",
"game:recipeingredient-item-bushmeat-vintage-insturmentalcase": "Buschfleisch",
"game:recipeingredient-item-bushmeat-cured-insturmentalcase": "Buschfleisch",
"game:meal-ingredient-porridge-primary-grain-cassava": "Maniok",
"game:heldhelp-placetodoughform": "Auf den Tisch legen, um mit dem Kneten des Teigs zu beginnen.",
"game:blockhelp-doughform-adddough": "Teig hinzufügen",
"game:blockhelp-doughform-removedough": "Teig entfernen",
"game:block-doughform": "Teig",
"artofcooking:block-copperbowl-empty": "Kupferschüssel",
"artofcooking:block-copperbowl-meal": "Kupferschüssel mit Mahlzeit",
"artofcooking:block-spoon-empty": "Holzlöffel",
"artofcooking:block-spoon-meal": "Löffel mit Mahlzeit",
"game:Spoon of rotten food": "Löffel mit verdorbenem Essen",
"artofcooking:block-copperpot-empty": "Kupfertopf",
"artofcooking:block-copperpot-cooked": "Kupfertopf mit gekochtem Essen",
"artofcooking:block-dirtycopperpot-*": "Mit Rückständen bedeckter Kupfertopf",
"artofcooking:block-toolmold-raw-bowl": "Rohschalenform",
"artofcooking:block-toolmold-burned-bowl": "Verbrannte Schalenform",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktitle-copperpot": "Verwendung",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktext-copperpot": "Siehe Mahlzeitenherstellungsanleitung. Du kannst nicht direkt aus einem Kochtopf essen, du benötigst eine Schüssel. Wenn du eine Schüssel oder einen Kochtopf leeren möchtest, ohne den Inhalt zu essen, wirf ihn einfach ins Wasser!",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktext-dirtycopperpot": "Ein Kochtopf, der zum Kochen von Kleber oder anderen Nicht-Lebensmittelrezepten verwendet wird, wird mit Rückständen bedeckt. Ein mit Rückständen bedeckter Kochtopf kann nicht zur Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten mit Lebensmittelzutaten verwendet werden, ist aber immer noch sehr nützlich für andere Zwecke. Ein Kupfertopf kann durch Einweichen in Essig für einen Tag gereinigt werden.",
"artofcooking:blockdesc-dirtycopperpot-*": "Mit Schmutz bedeckt, kann nicht mehr zur Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten verwendet werden. Kann in Essig gereinigt werden.",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktitle-copperbowl": "Verwendung",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktext-copperbowl": "Siehe Mahlzeitenherstellungsanleitung. Fülle durch Rechtsklick auf einen Kochtopf, Krug, Eimer oder einen anderen Behälter mit Essen oder Flüssigkeit. Wenn du eine Schüssel oder einen Kochtopf leeren möchtest, ohne den Inhalt zu essen, wirf ihn einfach ins Wasser!",
"artofcooking:blockdesc-copperbowl-*": "Fasst doppelt so viel Flüssigkeit und Mahlzeit.",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktitle-spoon": "Verwendung",
"artofcooking:block-handbooktext-spoon": "Es fasst nicht mehr als 0,1 Portionen eines Gerichts, aber es gibt mehr Sättigung. Du kannst Essen direkt aus der Schüssel nehmen.",
"artofcooking:blockdesc-spoon-*": "Ein Besteck für eine durchdachtere und gesündere Mahlzeit.",
"item-lavash-spelt-perfect": "Dinkel-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-rye-perfect": "Roggen-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-flax-perfect": "Leinsamen-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-rice-perfect": "Reis-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-cassava-perfect": "Maniok-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-amaranth-perfect": "Amaranth-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-sunflower-perfect": "Sonnenblumen-Fladenbrot",
"item-lavash-spelt-raw": "Dinkel-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-rye-raw": "Roggen-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-flax-raw": "Leinsamen-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-rice-raw": "Reis-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-cassava-raw": "Maniok-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-amaranth-raw": "Amaranth-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-sunflower-raw": "Sonnenblumen-Fladenbrot (roh)",
"item-lavash-spelt-partbaked": "Dinkel-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-rye-partbaked": "Roggen-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-flax-partbaked": "Leinsamen-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-rice-partbaked": "Reis-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-cassava-partbaked": "Maniok-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-amaranth-partbaked": "Amaranth-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-sunflower-partbaked": "Sonnenblumen-Fladenbrot (teilgebacken)",
"item-lavash-spelt-charred": "Dinkel-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-rye-charred": "Roggen-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-flax-charred": "Leinsamen-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-rice-charred": "Reis-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-cassava-charred": "Maniok-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-amaranth-charred": "Amaranth-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"item-lavash-sunflower-charred": "Sonnenblumen-Fladenbrot (verkohlt)",
"itemdesc-lavash-*-partbaked": "Du kannst die Füllung hinzufügen und es in Shawarma einwickeln.",
"itemdesc-lavash-*-perfect": "Du kannst die Füllung hinzufügen und es in Shawarma einwickeln.",
"itemdesc-lavash-*-charred": "Du kannst die Füllung hinzufügen und es in Shawarma einwickeln.",
"game:itemdesc-ciderportion-*": "Es wird zu Essig, wenn es verrottet.",
"game:itemdesc-vinegarportion": "Das Ergebnis der Alkoholgärung."
I hope this helps :)
kind regards, drakrochma
ty so much
Oops, I didn't follow up on that. According to the idea, it could not be baked after cooking. According to the idea of this mod, shawarma is a ready-to-eat product, so you can only put ready-made products in it. The degree of baking is regulated by baking lavash.
I fixed it and the shawarma can't be baked now, the mod has been updated.
hello, i had a crash issue when i took part baked wrap and put filling in it then placed it on the oven to fully bake, when it was fully baked it went invisible and when i clicked to pick it up i crashed. i thought to just let you know that to maybe find a fix for it
I love that you're trying to create something comparable to Expanded Foods in terms of content and depth. I like Expanded Foods, but I think this is a fresh and (so far) more lightweight and vanilla-friendly execution of a similar idea.
Honestly, between Art of Growing and Art of Cooking, your mods remind me of the "Vanilla Expanded" series of mods for Rimworld. I hope you continue in this direction, taking vanilla mechanics and expanding on them to have more depth or "reimagine" them in some way! Keep up the amazing work. :)
Привет! Совместимость с Expanded Foods - вероятнее всего нет. Данный мод огромный и комплексный и я не собираюсь подстраиваться под него. К тому же, я могу в своём моде реализовывать те-же или похожие функции или предметы по своему. Да, пока что в моде немного всего, но я предпочитаю рассматривать свою работу как аналог или конкурет Expanded Foods.
Что касается XSkills - не пользовался и пока что не могу ничего сказать на его счёт. Если вы попробуете и укажете, что я могу сделать со своей стороны для совместимости - я попробую это сделать. Но пока что самостоятельно я не планирую разбирать другие моды и настраивать совместимость.
Тот же вопрос по XSkills там есть множество навыков работающих с едой и котелками.
Привет! А это будет совместимо с Expanded Foods? Там тоже есть уксус, который примерно также делается