Mods / Worldgen Fix Remix

Category: #Tweak #Worldgen
Author: Lodey
Side: Server
Created: Feb 5th at 5:05 AM
Last modified: Feb 5th at 5:14 AM
Downloads: 605
Follow Unfollow 23

Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Credit for this mod goes to Cheeki.

This fork on Cheeki's Worldgen Fix mod reduces the amount of water in most landforms and also reduces the chance of swamps generating. This mod is best used for worlds with above-average height although I only tested it with world height 384. Due to the reduced water I recommend pairing this mod with Rivers and oceans.

Not compatible with other worldgen mods that alter landforms or pre-existing worlds. Use at your own discretion.

Thanks to CreativeRealms for teaching me how to modify landforms. 👍

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 605 Feb 5th at 5:14 AM Show Install now

3 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Tentharchitect, Mar 8th at 6:07 PM

Hey, I've been noticing some confusion in threads about compatibility between worldgen mods vs landform mods. It seems like due to phrasing some folks think landform mods aren't compatible with all other types of world gen. I'm posting this message in all landform mods, asking if we could standardize our warning to 'not compatible with other landform mods' so maybe you can reduce confusion. 


💬 kodaxmax, Feb 28th at 9:36 PM

Pel00 It's likely your ram or possibly V-Ram that is the bottleneck, not CPU. It's also probably because of the increased height which inherently increases the load on your hardware, especially ram. The mod itself is unlikely to impact performance in any significant way. Especially if your not generating new chunks by exploring.

💬 Pel00, Feb 9th at 9:21 PM

I have many mods installed and your mod is destroying game means chunks loading very slow. This is very annoying, especially since I have a super fast 9-10850K processor.

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