Mods / YourOwnMusic

Category: #Cosmetics #Other
Author: Kara
Side: Both
Created: Feb 22nd at 3:57 AM
Last modified: Feb 22nd at 4:14 AM
Downloads: 188
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Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Using a few simple commands you will be able to play your own music in vintage story, to set the sceen in your house, or spawn or during events. Find royalty free music or create your own and have it play in game!

Music files May have to be in the .ogg format, although i have not tested any others to see if they work. 

This mod and its creator are not responsible if you use music that is not your own or royalty free music!!

Steps for using this mod.

1: type: /dev musictrigger x y z addarea -5 -5 -5 5 5 5
The x y z coords are for the creative mode block Meta (Music). put in the coords exactly where the block is. this may take a few trys.
the area does not need to be those numbers and can be adjusted to any size. I reccomend using the spawner block, to figure out the size you want then coping the numbers into the command itself. 

2: type: /dev musictrigger x y z settrack royaltyfree01
the track may be replaced with anything and additional ones may be added, by editing the patch file inside the mod and mimicing what is already there. This mod does require a little bit of technical understanding or tools to open the patch file. 

Once set up, this mod would be a great add for your spawn, homes, docks, events and so much more. 

Oh and you are totally welcome to just add the patch file and setup to your own server mod if you have one lol. No super need to have this be its own thing. =P

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 188 Feb 22nd at 4:14 AM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 KaraAuthor, Jul 30th at 1:37 PM

LoneWolfREM i dont do any real coding so cant do any hotkeys. after my sevrer population died, i kinda stopped playing xD so never checked here for messages. this "mod" is more of a consept for anything, to let server owners know they can change and set custom music on their servers. =D

💬 LoneWolfREM, Jun 19th at 6:09 AM

I am completely intrigued by the potential of this mod. Some of VS music I totally love and some . . . well the opposite of that.

I have read your instructions but am wondering if I could just replace some specific tracks with royalty free ones?

I get that I will need them in .ogg format and if I understand correctly the same bitrate as well (unless not).

My other option is to just play them on my PC and record them while I record the video/audio of the game and my microphone. But that does not pay any attention to mood of the game and it looks like perhaps with the mod that might be possible.

I would love to learn more about this mod if you care to add to your instructions or just post in a comment.

One other thought is that it would be great to be able to know the name of the file of the track that is being played. Perhaps a hotkey in your mod that could share that information with us all. :)


💬 KaraAuthor, Feb 23rd at 12:09 PM

WinstonWhitetail in the folder, where the current music file exists.

💬 WinstonWhitetail, Feb 23rd at 12:03 PM

where do we put the ogg files for the music tracks?

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