Mods / Wrench Tooltip Disabler

Category: #QoL #Tweak
Author: Radix
Side: Client
Created: Jan 19th at 5:55 PM
Last modified: Jan 19th at 5:57 PM
Downloads: 820
Follow Unfollow 21

Latest file for v1.19.1: 1-click install

I saw some dweeb on Reddit ask if you can turn off the "rotate" popup and thought, y'know what? It is a little distracting and you can't turn it off without losing all other block interaction hints. If you have a wrench you probably know why you smithed it.

This tiny baby mod simply forces the "hideInteractionHelpInSurvival" flag on for wrenchable blocks so it shouldn't affect anything else.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 820 Jan 19th at 5:57 PM Show Install now

3 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 ShamblerDK, Jan 26th at 8:10 PM

THANK you! That was annoying as heck.

💬 RadixAuthor, Jan 19th at 7:44 PM

I only did this because it took like 5 minutes, but that's a good idea.

💬 DanaCraluminum, Jan 19th at 7:17 PM

Radix You could make mod much better and just keep tooltip when wrench is in active slot, it is not hard to do.

ShouldApply field in WorldInteraction object

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