Mods / Vanilla Terrain Reformed (VTR)

Category: #Cosmetics #Worldgen
Author: Nephelangelo
Side: Both
Created: Jul 14th at 10:14 PM
Last modified: Oct 2nd at 4:00 AM
Downloads: 5097
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Latest file for v1.20.0-pre: 1-click install

ATTENTION: It is recommended to start a FRESH NEW WORLD for each new update of this mod, do not mix updates, as these changes will not be compatible between versions. So pick a version and stick to it for that particular world!

This latest 4.0.4 update is the first fully realized version of the VTR worldgen mod, all previous versions can now be considered a proof of concept. The 4.0.4 update removes all vanilla worldgen, and replaces it with an array of original landforms. The focus of this update is to elevate the grandeur and aesthetic quality of the game's world generation in preparation for Vintage Story's 1.20 travel update, with a specifc concentration on making the world as enjoyable to traverse, and convenient to build on, as possible. Gone are the days of shattered floating pillars and bizarre geometric terrain, this worldgen is made to live up to the beautiful works you create for it. Please consider this your artistic canvas, please share pictures of any interesting terrain you might find, and the builds you build upon it.

Recommended worldgen settings to produce decently sizeable continents with oceans in between are as follows:

World Height: 320

Landcover: 40%-60%

Landcover Scale: 400%

Upheaval: 0% ... (10%-20% would probably be fine but I haven't tested it yet.)

Landform Scale: 300%

THANK YOU to Tenth Architect, BillyGalbreath, dove, Dekkan and Tyron for assistance in the development of this little mod.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v4.0.4 1257 Oct 2nd at 4:00 AM Show Install now
v3.0.3 2416 Aug 15th at 1:37 AM Show Install now
v2.0.2 668 Jul 28th at 10:21 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 690 Jul 14th at 10:48 PM Show Install now

41 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, 3 hours ago


From what I heard from other players, the 4.0.4 release of VTR doesn't run with pre-6 at all, will not load up a world if you try to run them together. But if you go to the VTR mod page on the Vintage Story Discord, you can download the 4.0.5 version of VTR which is made to run with pre-6 (tho will not run with 1.19.8).

Hopefully this link should get you there.

💬 petrichor, 7 hours ago

Hmm.. OK.  Perhaps I should read the update notes more carefully.  Still not sure why it generates when i disable this mod though.  :( 

I'll install Block Overlay and see if it exists at all after worldgen with the mod enabled.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, 7 hours ago


If I'm not misitaken I believe I read in the update notes that the 1.20.0-pre.6 update makes red clay the primary clay deposit now, no longer blue or fire clay. 

💬 petrichor, 22 hours ago

i think this is a troll mod.  i've created 7 worlds now and have found zero blue clay... tons of red, but never blue.  i disable the mod and immediately find blue in the first world i generate.  maybe there is a fault with my installation, but i can't use the mod if it renders the game unplayable.  sucks, because i really like how it gets rid of the ridiculous sheer vertical cliffs everywhere.

for reference, I am running 1.20.0-pre.6, so maybe there is a compatibility issue.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, 2 days ago


VTR doesn't alter the strata / gravel / sand / dirt distribution at all, so the seed you were playing on would have had the same distribution of gravel in vanillla, in the same locations too. So I'd say re-roll another seed to get a less gravel packed world.

💬 techy, 3 days ago

Generally I really like this, my only concern is to ask why there are sooooo many gravel biomes/zones. It feels like of the worlds I've generated (I've done 10+) they all have almost 1/4 cover of gravel. Very few sand beach/desert areas i've got quite a few mods wondering if theres some interplay going on or if it's normal to have almost 6 different types of gravel lands right next to eachother before I find something with actual dirt? Is there any way to blacklist a certain terain type in this if I wanted to limit it some?

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Oct 10th at 12:04 AM


As long as you don't try to change the upheaval settings on a world after it has been created, then upheaval should work fine at any settings. Altering upheaval on an existing world however will probably create problems, yeah.

💬 Frost369, Oct 8th at 3:50 AM

I love the terrain that is generated with this mod, but do not change upheaval from 0% or it seems to prevent reloging into the world after it has been created in 1.19.8.  I couldn't get 10 or 20% percent to work at all.  I do perfer the terrain with 10% upheaval though, which is a shame.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Oct 4th at 4:42 PM


Thank you! I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying it!

The Better Ruins mod might have specific spawn conditions that require a lot of flat land for the larger structures, so you may need to find flatter areas to locate those (you should be able to find some valleys amid most mountain ranges). I may rework the balance between flatter plains and hills in the future. There is also a lot of chance and randomness at play, so some regions will have a huge abundance of ponds and lakes, others will be full of plateaus or mountains, so each region will likely feel a bit different, and I tried to balance it in a way that rewards exploration. Once elk and boats are fully implemented, the game's whole world is going to feel much more shrunk down than it currently feels on foot, so I decided to make the scale pretty large in preparation for that.

💬 Rabbs14, Oct 3rd at 7:03 AM

I'm about 30min into a new world with this mod and I'm very impressed with the world generation so far.

My biggest problem with the vanilla world gen is that horrible sharp jagged linear ridge stuff that is infuriating to have to pass. You know what I mean right? several steep long hills one after the other that are like 100 blocks long or more.

Anyway, this mod with the recommended world settings makes the world so much more enjoyable to traverse! everything is nice and smooth and pretty to look at; quite realistic looking too. I'm still getting some pretty tall hills and mountains but none of them have any jagged nastiness to them.

EDIT: about 6 hours into my world now and it's mindblowing just how much realistic looking terrain enhances my immersion! This mod is part of my permanent set now, Well done to the creators.

I have noticed a lack of better ruins structures in my world but I'm not sure if its related or not.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Oct 2nd at 1:15 PM


Upheaval appears to push all landforms upwards, which can create some undesirable side effects when it isn't coordinated properly with the landforms, so I currently have it recommended at 0% just for quality control purposes, but may revise later after some testing. VTR 4.0.4 already introduces a lot of gradual slopes and cliffs worked into the landforms so I didn't think upheaval was necessary at the moment. But try it out if you like! I may wind up recommending something around 10-20% eventually.


I would recommend turning all other mods off and trying to generate a world with VTR alone, or turn VTR off and see if your server generates fine with vanilla worldgen or not. I have a feeling these errors aren't limited to VTR.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Oct 2nd at 10:30 AM

Isn't upheaval the thing that makes slopes with cliffs? That's literally one of my favorite aspects of the newer vanilla generation! D:

💬 Aeliaz, Oct 1st at 6:58 AM

Hi Nephelangelo

Your mods are really my favorite. And I'd like to implement it in my project.

Unfortunately, I'm having trouble launching the server.
When generating worlds, I have big problems!

I'd like to send you the world generation log, which is quite substantial.

Is there any way I can get in touch with you? I've Discord if u want, My Discord, contact me here > Tisma

Thank you and wonderful work!

Here's a taste : (2300 lines in all)

1.10.2024 06:49:00 [Server Worldgen] An error was thrown in pass TerrainFeatures when generating chunk column X=16006,Z=16004 in world 'A new world' with seed 2125068840
Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.DiscDepositGenerator.GenDeposit(IBlockAccessor blockAccessor, IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, BlockPos depoCenterPos, Dictionary`2& subDepositsToPlace) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\5.GenDeposits\Generators\DiscGenerator.cs:line 213
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits.GenDeposit(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, BlockPos depoCenterPos, DepositVariant variant) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\5.GenDeposits\GenDeposits.cs:line 244
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits.GeneratePartial(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, Int32 chunkdX, Int32 chunkdZ) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\5.GenDeposits\GenDeposits.cs:line 200
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPartial.GenChunkColumn(IChunkColumnGenerateRequest request) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\GenPartial.cs:line 46
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.runGenerators(ChunkColumnLoadRequest chunkRequest, Int32 forPass) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\LoadThread\SupplyChunks.cs:line 1733

1.10.2024 06:49:00 [Server Worldgen] An error was thrown in pass Vegetation when generating chunk column X=15995,Z=16005 in world 'A new world' with seed 2125068840
Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.tryGenRivulet(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, Single geoActivityYThreshold, Boolean lava) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 118
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.OnChunkColumnGen(IChunkColumnGenerateRequest request) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 59
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.runGenerators(ChunkColumnLoadRequest chunkRequest, Int32 forPass) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\LoadThread\SupplyChunks.cs:line 1733

1.10.2024 06:49:00 [Server Worldgen] An error was thrown in pass Vegetation when generating chunk column X=16005,Z=15995 in world 'A new world' with seed 2125068840
Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.tryGenRivulet(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, Single geoActivityYThreshold, Boolean lava) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 118
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.OnChunkColumnGen(IChunkColumnGenerateRequest request) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 59
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.runGenerators(ChunkColumnLoadRequest chunkRequest, Int32 forPass) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\LoadThread\SupplyChunks.cs:line 1733

1.10.2024 06:49:00 [Server Worldgen] An error was thrown in pass Vegetation when generating chunk column X=16005,Z=16003 in world 'A new world' with seed 2125068840
Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.tryGenRivulet(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, Single geoActivityYThreshold, Boolean lava) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 118
   at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets.OnChunkColumnGen(IChunkColumnGenerateRequest request) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSSurvivalMod\Systems\WorldGen\Standard\ChunkGen\9.GenRivulets.cs:line 59
   at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.runGenerators(ChunkColumnLoadRequest chunkRequest, Int32 forPass) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Systems\World\LoadThread\SupplyChunks.cs:line 1733
💬 neobit, Sep 4th at 10:11 AM

Hey, how to setup worldgen settings on dedicated server?

EDIT: I changed the serverconfig.json
"WorldConfig": {
"SaveFileLocation": "/gamedata/vs/Saves/default.vcdbs",
"WorldName": "A new world",
"AllowCreativeMode": true,
"PlayStyle": "surviveandbuild",
"PlayStyleLangCode": "surviveandbuild-bands",
"WorldType": "standard",
"WorldConfiguration": null,
"MapSizeY": null,
"CreatedByPlayerName": null,
"DisabledMods": null,
"RepairMode": false,
"landcover": "0.5",
"landformScale": "3.0",
"oceanscale": "3.0"
"Seed": null

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 16th at 4:31 PM


Each new update so far has changed things dramatically, so updating from one release to another will likely cause very ugly broken chunk borders.

However, because the overall position of the continents do not appear to change as I alter the landforms, I think if you explore every inch of your continent before you update, leaving only the ocean and beyond unexplored, the blending of new chunks may occur deep under the water, and therefore be unseen. But if you want to attempt this, make sure to back up your world!

💬 Phoenicius, Aug 16th at 12:12 PM

If I wanted to update from a previous version (such as v2.0.2) to v3.0.3, do I need to start a new world, or is it safe to update on an existing world?

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 15th at 6:17 PM


From what I can tell, the Geology Addon does not appear to alter the landform.json file, which means it should work great with VTR. It also looks like a super cool mod, I would love more geological variety in VS!

💬 BoldandBrad, Aug 13th at 6:18 AM

Looks very interesting, love to see the way terrain flows in the screenshots. Sorry for the classic kind of question, but do you have any idea if this will conflict with overmuch with the Geology Additions mod? I'd like to run both, but I can settle for just a terrain generation overhaul.

💬 Rivernoodl, Aug 13th at 4:51 AM

Nephelangelo I have found this out myself after testing it, (I was gone for a few days and hadn't had a chance to update it)  It works and I LOVE IT

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 13th at 1:27 AM


Rivers Mod should already work great with it!

💬 Wahazar, Aug 10th at 9:19 AM

Rivernoodl I tested it and it already works with River mod

💬 Rivernoodl, Aug 9th at 7:04 AM

Do you have any plans for adding compatability with the Rivers Mod?  I really like both of these very much and I'd love to run them both at the same time <3

(also I am trying to anyway because I'm mad hahaha)

💬 Cojo, Aug 7th at 2:33 PM

Oh, okay! Thank you for the clarification! I guess I've never noticed it before!

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 6th at 12:01 PM


Wouldn't be due to this mod, as it doesn't rework the landforms, it just changes how frequent they are. So you would likely get that quirk in vanilla as well.

💬 Cojo, Aug 5th at 9:31 PM

Hey, I'm having a slight oddity with worldgen with the mod as of late, where on very high mountains, dirt spawns on top of the glacier ice. It's not detrimental or anything, but it is a bit weird to see, hah!

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 5th at 6:52 PM


I think a good cave overhaul would be great for the game, but I don't currently have any plans, or the knowledge, to do one myself.


Should be compatible with any mod that doesn't rework the terrain, so I suspect ancient dungeons and underground mines may both work.

💬 bagelva, Aug 5th at 12:14 AM

Would this be compatible with ancient dungeons or underground mines mod? Thank you :)

💬 Snazzy_J_Wyrm, Aug 3rd at 12:15 AM


Thanks for the tidings. Have you ever considered making a mod that significantly overhauls the cave systems? I don't just mean frequencies, but shapes, sizes, and what-not. I feel as though all of the caves being small entrances just doesn't really do the game's mix of realism and fantasy any justice.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Aug 2nd at 6:03 PM


This mod doesn't change cave systems or their frequency, but it can produce large scale mountains that take up quite a large area if you increase the Landform Scale up to 300%. There is also a "humungous mountain" landform that generates with large caverns inside, but it is rare, so you'd have to test a number of seeds, or go exploring, to find one. Good luck!

💬 Snazzy_J_Wyrm, Jul 30th at 7:36 PM

Any seeds/settings combos that would lead to massive scale mountains with several cave entrances in them that lead to large caverns? I've been wanting to do something akin to a kobold-like playstyle for some time now where I build inside caves near their entrances, but I've yet to have found a seed that has any large cave entrances and large scale caverns inside mountains. Preferrably would love something that has a world height of 512 or higher for taller mountain ranges, as well as redwoods or swamps at the foot of the mountain or around it. Would also love it if there's a large source of granite rocks not far from the mountain range.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Jul 26th at 6:51 PM


From what I'm reading, Worldgenfixremix alters the landform.json file, which will make it incompatible with VTR, as they both rewrite the same file. I recommend turning Worldgenfixremix off and starting a world with VTR on to see what VTR does. Should work fine with any of the game's vanilla "landcover" or "oceanscale" type settings, but I will soon share a personal settings recipe I like to use to produce larger, solid continents.

💬 adres4t, Jul 25th at 10:34 PM

💬 adres4t, Jul 25th at 10:24 PM

@Nephelangelo Can you share your world settings so we can actually see what you had in mind when making this mod? I dropped it in with my current settings and it's just generating more weirdness.

I was using Worldgenfixremix with a decent results,

my settings:

"landcover": "0.8",
"oceanscale": "1",
"geologicActivity": "0.05",
"landformScale": "1.0",

Height 320




💬 Wahazar, Jul 20th at 2:56 PM

This should be in vanilla VS. I'm bored with all these floating abominations and vertical hills, I tried some wordlged parameters, but it was not satisfactory.

Thank you for contribution, I'm testing your mod right now.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Jul 19th at 12:32 AM

Luvkills I've never used the VanillaPlus mod, but according to its creators, their mod "...maintains the vanilla landform variety; it only increases the flat areas a bit." Whereas my Vanilla Terrain Rebalance mod actually increases the smooth hills and mountains more than anything, though it does also increase the frequency of the flatter "realisticflatlands" landform. The main effect this increase in smooth hills has produced is that the game's more bizarre and unique landforms are not as common, which in my view makes them more special and less repetitive to find, but also these unique landforms are now frequently blended with more natural, and in my opinion more interesting and immersive, terrain.

💬 Luvkills, Jul 18th at 7:13 PM

How does this mod differ from the Vanilla Plus mod? Thanks.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Jul 17th at 4:53 PM

Stejer The mod is ultimately still Vanilla terrain gen, so it should be compatible with any mod that works with Vanilla terrain. So the River and Floral Zone mods should be compatible, and as long as the "Biomes" mod doesn't change the shape of the terrain either, I would also expect that to work. The only scenario I think it wouldn't work is if you're trying to use another mod that changes the broader terrain, like Plains and Valleys. Cojo Thank you, Cojo! Would love to see some screenshots! :)

💬 Stejer, Jul 17th at 1:28 PM

Do you know if this is compatible with the biomes, river and/or the floral zones mods?


And if they are also fine with the Fauna of the Stone Age mods (for better creature spawn)

💬 Cojo, Jul 17th at 1:06 AM

This mod is EXACTLY what I have been looking for - the landscapes feel perfect for just going over that next sloping hill on your own grand little adventure. The mountains are lovely, and it works seamlessly with the rivers mod. Thank you for making this! My little home in the valley I've built up couldn't feel more straight out of a fantasy novel, and I love it.

💬 NephelangeloAuthor, Jul 15th at 8:02 PM

Thank you, Sidfu. Mod zip package should be fixed now.

💬 Sidfu, Jul 15th at 10:29 AM

mod is packaged wrong its 1 to deep

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