Mods / Vintage RCON

Category: #Other #Utility
Author: Shijikori
Side: Server
Created: Sep 13th at 4:18 PM
Last modified: Sep 13th at 4:23 PM
Downloads: 34
Follow Unfollow 4

Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Vintage RCON implements a Source RCON server to the Vintage Story server. RCON can be a useful tool in server management and is already common in Source engine games (for obvious reasons) and rather common for Minecraft servers.

If, like me, you believe terminal muxers are a jank solution, you can simply setup your VS server as a background service. This mod will allow you to interact with it and manage your server despite not having access to the console.

Commands can be sent using most RCON clients and are injected into the console just like interacting directly with the console (except you don't have to prefix with a slash).

Necessary documentation available on GitHub. For details about the protocol, see Valve's Source RCON wiki page.

Please use the issue tracker to report problems, request related features or improvements to documentation.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 34 Sep 13th at 4:23 PM Show Install now

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