Mods / Typing Indicator

Category: #QoL
Author: Fatigue
Side: Both
Created: 4 days ago
Last modified: 1 day ago
Downloads: 292
Follow Unfollow 12

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Server / Singleplayer compatible. Must be installed on both client and server for it to successfully function.

Changelog - Version 1.1.1
Hotfix for singleplayer, should hopefully fix reported by WickedSchnitzel
Changelog - Version 1.1.0

Server Owners / Singleplayers:
When the game is run, it spits out a new configuration file containing the following defaults:

  "Localizations": {
    "en": "Typing..."
  "Timeout": 5.0,
  "MaxRange": 50,
  "READONLY_CreatedWithTypingIndicatorVersion": "1.1.0"

Localizations can be appended to and given custom text. The default is "en": "Typing...", but once the configuration is created it can be changed while the server is running. Players re-log, they get the updated contents of this config applied to their TypingIndicator.

Timeout is how long a player can not type before they stop displaying their indicator in seconds.

MaxRange is how far players can see each other's typing indicators (NOT in blocks, it's a magic distance number. Please tweak this until you're happy with how far away it is displayed.

READONLY_CreatedWithTypingIndicatorVersion is a flag for creating configs. If the mod updates, we'll move your old config to ModConfig/typing_indicator/out_of_date_configs/ so you can copy and paste your old configuration settings to potentially a new configuration format. I don't think it'll be updated often, but if and when it is you'll need to keep this in mind.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.1.1 170 1 day ago Show Install now
v1.1.0 16 2 days ago Show Install now
v1.0.0 106 4 days ago Show Install now

10 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 FatigueAuthor, 1 day ago

Updated to version 1.1.1;
Hotfix for singleplayer, should hopefully fix reported by WickedSchnitzel

💬 FatigueAuthor, 2 days ago

Updated to version 1.1.0;
Added configuration that's given to clients.

Localization; now you can set the typing indicator of all your players to "Grundle bo-bundle..." or whatever you like. You can add support for a new language by adding the language code as it's key and giving it a value. If it doesn't exist, it defaults to English. PLEASE, if you are adding a new language that is simply "Typing..." but in a Vintage Story supported language, make a pull request with the addition to this file on the Typing Indicator Github.

Added typing timeout which, if you type type type but stop for a length of time defined in your config (default 5 seconds) you'll stop typing.
Added max display distance which is a magic number. I'm not keen on getting into the render code but it's configurable.

All configurable options are sent when a player joins, so you can change the values in the config and make all the players rejoin to have them show the newest values in the config.

💬 Tels, 2 days ago

That is a nice mod! Think if the text can be changed, I'd change it to "Clears throat ..." 😀

💬 DUCATISLO, 2 days ago


💬 FatigueAuthor, 3 days ago

I have lots of things planned for config, but after spending a couple long nights on it I'm gonna take a bit to chill and turn my brain off.

Features planned:
- Timer that counts how long the text hasn't changed. If it exceeds the max (config), stop IsTyping.
- Localization file loaded serverside which can display the text in whatever language you choose (config). It'd also let you change the displayed text.
- Settable distance on how far away the Typing indicator can be seen (config).

Other possible features could include sending a placeholder message when someone starts typing into the client's chat. Like..
'(PlayerName) is typing...'
But when they stop typing (either by sending the message or by timing out / losing chat focus), that is removed from the text chat.
If I did add this functionality, it'd probably be opt in on the client. Could use thoughts.

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 3 days ago

Suggestion: Add a config to let admins decide what will be displayed. For example, i would prefer "Thinking.."

💬 Marshy, 4 days ago

Tested it on localhost dedicated, works great! Will report back with results from online play soon.
I do have one suggestion: configurable timeout, so the indicator goes away if you still have the chatbar focused but have not entered any characters for n seconds. For those players who afk in the middle of a sentence lol

At any rate, thanks a bunch for putting this out!

💬 Ket, 4 days ago

Thank you so much for even attempting to make this! 

💬 FatigueAuthor, 4 days ago

Iphour Cheers, mate. Hope it's stable. Tested on my local server with some people, so fingers crossed. If you have any issues, post here or on the issue tracker. Enjoy!

💬 Iphour, 4 days ago

I love you for this

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