Mods / Sapling Tree Params 2
Author: Dooters
Side: Both
Created: Feb 11th 2024 at 8:32 PM
Last modified: Jan 30th at 8:36 PM
Downloads: 431
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Latest file for v1.20.3:
1-click install
SaplingTreeParams stopped working in 1.19.3 and I got some time to update this mod.
this was tested on 1.19.3.
update: it works on 1.19.8 too.
Table of Contents
Updated Framework
I had to make a new repo,
because I didn't know how to update the original project to the new framework.
Framework was updated to .net7 like the game.
Config Loading
previous mod allowed the config to be loaded mutiple times during the game.
current mod loads config once at game startup and sets the list once.
Mod/Config Changes
1. you can now decide on what trees to modify, default is "pine".
2. config can't be empty, either load the mod or disable it.
3. you can now set ignoreColdTemp so that trees could grow in cold weather.
4. any tree that isn't in the list will be unaffected by this mod.
Config Schema
"treeType": "pine",
"skipForestFloor": true,
"size": 0.5,
"otherBlockChance": 1.0,
"vinesGrowthChance": 0.01,
"mossGrowthChance": 0.02,
"ignoreColdTemp": true
"treeType": "acacia",
"skipForestFloor": true,
"size": 0.5,
"otherBlockChance": 1.0,
"vinesGrowthChance": 0.01,
"mossGrowthChance": 0.02,
"ignoreColdTemp": false
}, ...
Config Location
same place as previous mod: VintageStoryData/ModConfig
Game version - 1.19.3, 1.19.8.
Client - works.
Server - works.
/sapconfig <sub-command>
/sapconfig add [type=birch,sff=true,size=0.3,obc=1,vgc=0.01,mgc=0.02,ic=true]
/sapconfig add [type=birch,size=0.5]
/sapconfig show
/sapconfig remove birch
Help Related
/help sapconfig
/help sapconfig add
/help sapconfig remove
- fixed the 1 day tree growth bug.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.4 | 37 | Jan 30th at 8:36 PM | Show | saplingtreeparams2_1.0.4.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 91 | Sep 16th 2024 at 10:46 AM | Show | saplingtreeparams2_1.0.3.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 153 | Mar 2nd 2024 at 2:02 PM | Show | saplingtreeparams2_1.0.2.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 139 | Feb 14th 2024 at 6:31 PM | Show | saplingtreeparams2_1.0.1.zip | Install now |
Yeah so fresh install of mod
- config shows just fine in game
- checked the log file and am seeing the following - md_5 paste - morubedori (md-5.net)
- Tested in game and still just normal trees
- creative superflat world
- did the /time add 2 days and then time add 14 days
Really odd and wish I had more specifics to tell you regarding the mod
did you try printing the config in game? "/sapconfig show" (just to see if it actually loaded it in properly)
if it doesn't load properly for some reason, the show command will show the default config instead of the one you set AND one of the logs for the client should show an error of some kind.
Otherwise, I don't know why this is happening, because I'm testing it and it seems to work...
So I must be doing something wrong or what not. I see the mod loading in my log files, I have adjusted the growth value mutliple times and yet the mod seems to just not work. Trees do not grow during the cold months, trees grow at the same vanilla rates (I set different rates - 1, 3, and even 15 just because I was curious why it wasent work and none of them work.
Here is a link to my config if you wanted to look at it
md_5 paste - larivebiza (md-5.net)
sorry for not replying sooner!
regarding the trees growing in 1 day, I'll fix that as soon as possible.
regarding the size, the number for it gets calculated using this formula: 0.6 + (random number between 0 and 1) x mod's configured size.(I'm pretty sure I took it from the original formula for this but changed the "size" value to a configurable one)
it's not supposed to be noticeable and you could probably try bigger numbers for crazier results, but I wouldn't recommend it.
resin still spawns on the trees, you can test this in a creative world using pine and the "/time add 2 days" for it to get to sapling faster and "/time add 14 days" to make it grow.
with temperatures I don't really know what to do...
I couldn't find a way to restrict trees to grow with min/max temperatures,
because the original growth function still gets called after this one.
don't know if I could make it work like that at the moment...
Hello, thank you for this mod. It works! But, the tree grow in just one day :/
Do you know why is that ?
Test this out in 1.19.18 and it doesnt appear to be working, I set the pine tree to 3.0 just to test it out and even added oak and they seem to just generate as normal trees still.
I noticed you have a "ignoreColdTemp" setting, would you consider a min/max temperature setting for the saplings instead?
Would let players/servers restrict trees to grow in regions appropriate to the ones they spawn in naturally.