Mods / Texture Atlas Resized

Category: #Other
Author: Harun
Side: Both
Created: 11 hours ago
Last modified: 7 hours ago
Downloads: 23
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Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Temporarily changes the size of texture atlas for entities, items, and blocks to:

item: 4096x4096

blocks: 4096x4096


Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.2 12 7 hours ago Show Install now

6 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 RuneScholar, 6 hours ago

Oh, interesting, I might have to give it a try and see if my game runs better.

💬 HarunAuthor, 7 hours ago

i have tested v1.0.2 and it works.

to test it yourself, you can execute chat command .debug exptexatlas item|entity|block

💬 HarunAuthor, 7 hours ago

PSA: the next mod version should work, currently it does not work. it used to work on my end but not anymore.

RuneScholar it helps with performance, it will cause less lag (hopefully) and use less memory 8192x8192 is huge and unless you're running a HUGE modlist, you won't ever be able to fill it.
i made this mod for a server i play on, the modlist we have is pretty big but mostly QoL mods, So when i printed the atlases, we didnt even have them half full. less than half


💬 RuneScholar, 7 hours ago

I understand the difference between the two mods, but what is the reasoning for having a smaller texture atlas that the other one? I use the other one, but I am wondering if there is a reason this one would be better for me.

💬 HarunAuthor, 7 hours ago

TaffyStars it should be clear from the descriptions.

but, the other mod sets all texture atlas-es to be of size 8192x8192
mine sets it to 4096x4096 for items and blocks, and 4096x2048 for entities.

💬 TaffyStars, 8 hours ago

what makes this diffrent from the other texture atlas mod


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