Mods / Simple Rails

Author: OmegaHaxors
Side: Both
Created: Feb 2nd at 6:02 PM
Last modified: Feb 2nd at 6:41 PM
Downloads: 548
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Latest file for v1.19.3: 1-click install

Rails give you a 5x speed bonus when stepped on allowing you to simulate fast travel. Also adds a recipe for rails.
Six boards of any kind and one Iron Strips and Nails will produce 10 rails. That's 20 rails per log and 2 iron ingot.


How many files are in this mod?

How do I change the speed?
Patch file.

How do I change the recipe?
Recipe file.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 545 Feb 2nd at 6:41 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 OmegaHaxorsAuthor, Feb 3rd at 5:09 PM

This mod is only intended to add rails to simulate fast travel, nothing else. Due to the nature of it using vanilla assets, if you uninstall the mod, your placed rails will remain. You just won't be able to craft more and the speed bonus from walking on them will revert back to normal.

💬 Hydromancerx, Feb 3rd at 7:35 AM

WIll this eventually be like Rust and Railroads by Ptah? I wish that mod worked. :(

💬 OmegaHaxorsAuthor, Feb 3rd at 5:36 AM

Vehicles are a relatively new thing in VS, so it will be awhile before we see anything along the lines of "Advanced Rails"
There's a couple of modders (I was the one who started this) playing around with reworking the raft into other kinds of vehicles.
Look forward to the bike being actually ridable in the ... ok progress is going slow because i'm lazy and dispassionate, but still it's coming.

💬 Noobly20932, Feb 3rd at 4:09 AM

No carts?

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