Mods / VSRadioMod

Category: #Technology
Author: theGPU
Side: Both
Created: Nov 9th 2023 at 1:55 PM
Last modified: Jul 20th at 11:08 PM
Downloads: 10443
Follow Unfollow 105

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

A mod that adds a radio to your game.

Global settings (general volume) are opened by the default L key.

Windows clients can use any links to supported Microsoft Media Foundation formats, mp3 and mp3 streams, as well as links to youtube videos (not streams)
Clients of other operating systems (not tested) can use links to mp3 and mp3 streams, and youtube links (very experimental).

Inside the radio you will find:
Force stereo - enables steo mode. Sound fading does not work with it. The sound (but not the radio) will be muted at maximum distance.
Auto reconnect - automatically reconnects when an error occurs. Can be used to listen to stations that are temporarily running and as a repeat mode.
Rolloff Factor - how much the sound fades as you move away from the radio. (does not work with Force Stereo mode)
Reference distance - the minimum distance for the sound to start fading. (does not work with Force Stereo mode)
Max distance - the maximum distance at which the radio will be heard.

If you like my mods, you can support me on Boosty. It will be a significant motivation to develop new mods and update old ones.

Мод добавляющий радио в вашу игру.

Глобальные настройки (общая громкость) открываются по клавише L по умолчанию.

Клиенты windows могут использовать любые ссылки на поддерживаемые форматы Microsoft Media Foundation, mp3 и mp3 потоки, а так же ссылки на youtube видео (не стримы)
Клиенты других операционных систем (не проверено) могут использовать ссылки на mp3 и mp3 потоки, и ссылки youtube (очень эксперементально)

Внутри радио вы найдете:
Принудительное стерео - включает стеорежим. С ним не работает затухание звука. Звук (но не радио) будет отключен на максимальной дистанции.
Автоподключение - автоматическое переподключение при возникновении ошибки. Может использоваться для прослушивания временно работающих станций и в качестве режима повтора.
Коэффициент затухания - как сильно затухает звук при отдалении от радио. (не работает с режимом принудительным стерео)
Контрольное расстояние - минимальная дистанция для начала затухания звука. (не работает с режимом принудительным стерео)
Максимальное расстояние - максимальная дистанция на которой будет слышно радио.

Если вам нравится мои моды, вы можете поддержать меня на Boosty. Это будет существенной мотивацией для разработки новых модов и обновления старых.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.2.1 3174 Jul 20th at 11:08 PM Show Install now
v0.2.0 3769 Feb 9th at 5:41 PM Show Install now
v0.1.4 3500 Nov 9th 2023 at 2:13 PM Show Install now

49 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 ZanyNut, Oct 11th at 12:04 PM

theGPU For some reason no matter what I put in the radio it gives me a can't decode url error

💬 Kalec, Sep 10th at 8:06 PM

Thanks for the awesome mod. Things like this really help set the mood :D

I have noticed that music stops playing when facing west, no idea whatsoever as to why.

💬 Trug, Sep 8th at 4:37 PM

Works fine for me as the server owner, but other clients connecting to the server can't hear the audio. Says client error in the radio GUI, and their chat keeps opening up like GaiusGoldleaf described

💬 GaiusGoldleaf, Aug 11th at 7:45 PM

Im trying everything to get this working as it would be a great background ambeince while chiseling. I just cant seem to get it to work, im on version 1.19.8 and every youtube link i put it insta flops to error and put an invisible ghost message in chat. 

💬 iotid, Jul 25th at 7:57 AM

Whaaat, this is cool as heck. How am I only just now finding it. Time to immediately sneak this into the server list and hide radios in ruins for my players. 😄

💬 Wandour, Jul 21st at 12:47 AM


💬 theGPUAuthor, Jul 20th at 11:08 PM

I deeply apologize for the delay.
Now the YouTube links are working normally.

💬 Giordy492, Jul 10th at 5:47 PM

doesn't work on my server (1.19.8), it says "radio-exception: can't find decoder for URL" when I try to play a video. I've also tried the same youtube video in the screenshot but still nothing.

💬 smiterdin, Jun 19th at 1:42 PM

Seems to not work on our server as of a few days ago. 'Cant find decoder'

💬 Frison, Jun 9th at 3:25 AM

Doesn't seem to work any longer, always get error on any known working URL

💬 l33tmaan, May 23rd at 11:57 PM

I'm having the same issues as Rag_Maggot. Somewhat... I can hear the radio just fine, but one of my friends gets ghost messages and no music when we play. However, a different player DOES hear it. Not really sure what the deal is. I'm on Linux but my players are on Windows.

💬 Rag_Maggot, May 8th at 10:28 PM

Nope, the video isnt a stream. Its been on youtube Feb 12 2009 (Heres the vid). I can't even send an image or text to what kind of error its giving me because it litterally isn't showing me an error. Every time the Client Status error's it sends a ghost message in chat to anyone near it and if set to autoreconnect it spams the chat with ghost messages that dont say anything, I even checked my audit logs and other log files to see if it maybe gives the error message there but it does not. Playing on windows 10 so I'm honestly clueless why it isn't working. Neither does it work for me in single player or my friends in multiplayer server. I even tried the "example" URL from the thumbnail of the mod and it still gives ghost message error

No error message to find out why it isn't working

💬 theGPUAuthor, May 8th at 5:51 PM

Rag_Maggot It works fine on our server (1.19.7). Check the link to the stream.

💬 Rag_Maggot, Apr 30th at 6:13 AM

Doesn't seem to work on 1.19.7 multiplayer servers. Damn shame it isn't working. Would've loved forcing players that join the server to listen to diablo 2 soundtrack to set the mood

💬 l33tmaan, Apr 27th at 2:36 AM

Other people on my server can't hear this. Does it work in multiplayer?

💬 Ruyeex, Apr 24th at 3:38 AM

It's a software limitation of the radio.

It only works on videos that have a set period.

But you can't put streamings unfortunately

💬 BeffChownder, Apr 23rd at 1:50 AM

Does this mod work with the current update, I keep getting client error when playing anything?



💬 Auios, Mar 24th at 6:24 PM

Add the version into the filename please

💬 caliburn_, Feb 26th at 1:12 PM

Do youtube playlist links work with this?




💬 BillyGalbreath, Feb 16th at 9:41 PM

How hard would it be to add Spotify support?

💬 YokieWartooth, Feb 13th at 9:47 PM

Xaro I have it up and running fine on a GPortal server so I know it works. I would try restarting the server and double check to see if it got uploaded correctly. 

Also, another audio stream that's good is Radio Rivendell

💬 Xaro, Feb 13th at 9:32 PM

theGPU - Just added it to my server and I don't get a "Radio" tab in the Creative Inventory and the "L" button does not work.

Works fine in single player 1.19.3 though.

I am running a hosted (G-Portal) Linux server.

💬 Xaro, Feb 13th at 9:12 PM

YokieWartooth - Thats wicked! If you know of any more streams like that, let me know!

💬 YokieWartooth, Feb 13th at 7:51 PM

Xaro You're welcome lol. 
I actually realized I have an audio link for good medieval music that seems to be working with this mod nicely. And because the stream is 24/7 online, it'll keep playing whether you're within the vacinity of the radiomod or not, feeling a bit more realistic than a youtube link that restarts when you re-enter it's area.

💬 Xaro, Feb 12th at 2:42 PM

YokieWartooth - Thanks for, I had no idea such a thing existed :).

💬 SuaveDoggo, Feb 9th at 11:51 PM

This is amazing , my pc struggles if I have any kind of media player in the background and causes microstutters in-game so this actually allows me to listen to music otherwise ! I'm not sure if it'd be possible but it'd be awesome if it could be equipped to your back and still play music so you can have it play wherever !

💬 YokieWartooth, Feb 9th at 9:16 PM

So, I tried using an audio stream from and I'm getting an error for some reason. I can use the audio streams on a music player like Musicbee or Foobar2000 with no problems. Is it because it's in a .ogg format? 

"" for example

💬 Logic201293, Feb 9th at 3:01 PM

Awesome, keep up the hard work! its a great mod and thank you for the response



💬 SuaveDoggo, Feb 9th at 11:09 AM

I'd literally just tried to use this and was sad it wasn't appearing in the current version so that's great to hear !

💬 theGPUAuthor, Feb 9th at 9:39 AM

LightnerJ1993 Yes, we are preparing our server to move to 1.19, I will be updating the mod soon

💬 Logic201293, Feb 5th at 3:14 AM

will we be getting an update for 1.19.3 ? 


💬 Ovadex, Dec 31st 2023 at 2:14 PM

Cool mod. Just a couple issues I encountered running it on linux. 

Can only play youtube videos. When I try a youtube stream it throws "Radio-exception: Cant find decoder for url" Only does that when I try a stream. Also can't play local mp3 files. Throws same error.

Hopefully you'll be able to get fading to work with force stereo at some point. Works great for bg vibe music for my server spawn, just wish I could soften the cut out. 

💬 Fractomedus, Nov 15th 2023 at 6:21 AM

Wooooow, now I can make my haunted mansion more immersive :O, by adding different spooky ambients or musics in different places. Thank you it's EPIC!

💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 14th 2023 at 6:48 PM

Kampftroll All blocks chiseled

💬 Kampftroll, Nov 14th 2023 at 4:32 PM

theGPU About the Magica Voxel program, thats awesome! I have been looking for something exactly like that! Been trying to get it to work myself, but i have little to no experience, i can't wait for when you publish it, if you need help testing anything, hit me up on discord: Kampftroll

Also, is it using chiseled blocks or full blocks?

💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 14th 2023 at 2:41 PM

Entity Playlists are planned, but since playback takes place on the client, and several clients can have a coordinately different position, it will be difficult to implement normally, not to mention the interface. First of all, the radio is designed for listening to internet radio. You can start your own radio with your own playlist using Icecast server.

💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 14th 2023 at 2:37 PM

Kampftroll Yes, I have been making a program to convert Magica Voxel models into world edit blueprints. It is not completely finished yet. I will post it later, but I can't give exact dates.

💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 14th 2023 at 2:25 PM

BoolyStudy I haven't tested the server on linux. I will try to fix it as soon as I finish working on another mod.

💬 Entity, Nov 13th 2023 at 9:58 PM

Seems that the song restarts every time I leave the area and come back, other than that this mod is amazing. I'd also suggest adding a now playing which uses the name of the youtube video, and adding compatibility to youtube playlists would eliminate the need to make a playlist feature from scratch.

💬 Kampftroll, Nov 13th 2023 at 9:37 PM

Hey there, i got a question about not the mod, but the thing in the Image, what is that thing in the background? Did you build that by hand or did you somehow import it into the game? If you found a way to Import 3D models into the game, i'd love to hear how you did it!

💬 BoolyStudy, Nov 12th 2023 at 1:02 PM

mod incompatible with linux hosting

💬 Newfie, Nov 12th 2023 at 6:22 AM

Using this mod on my server, everyone loves it! Great job on the mod


💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 11th 2023 at 12:28 AM


Playlists were planned earlier, but I don't really know how best to organize them in the interface.
Portable radios will be done in case I can find time for it.
As for platforms and codecs - I will probably use ffmpeg.
But in any case there is no support for HLS and other important stream formats here yet.
I'll add a roadmap later.

💬 theGPUAuthor, Nov 11th 2023 at 12:22 AM

C0ffo Это не цель данного мода. Есть мод "RP Voice Chat" у которого в планах это реализовать.

💬 Ruyeex, Nov 10th 2023 at 9:51 PM

Portable radio, playlists and more support to other platforms in the future?

💬 HerbDashwell, Nov 10th 2023 at 6:41 AM

Fantastic mod! We are using it on our server to host lore radio programs.

💬 Newfie, Nov 10th 2023 at 2:48 AM

This is the mod i didnt know I needed. I love it.


💬 C0ffo, Nov 9th 2023 at 4:16 PM

А как насчет коммуникации?общятся по радио с людьми (глобальный чат при этом понятно выключен,интересно было бы в рп плане как минимум)

💬 RuneScholar, Nov 9th 2023 at 2:26 PM

This is really cool.

Imagine a multiplayer server where players or admins set up a “news” stream about server events which other players can then immersively tune into with the radio.

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