Mods / No Bear Jetpacks

Category: #Creatures #Tweak
Author: Ketoth
Side: Both
Created: Sep 15th 2023 at 2:24 PM
Last modified: 6 days ago
Downloads: 1743
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Latest file for v1.20.0-pre: 1-click install

Bears on top of your house?

walking straight up a 4 meter high wall during winter? 

chasing you at a sprint while you're holding a spear and poking at them down a sheer stone cliff?

Seek no more! Now bears can only climb a reasonable distance at speed!


This mod reduces the stepheight of bears, their "leap" height to 2.25 blocks from 3.1, meaning a wall of 2 blocks and 1 slab should reasonably keep them out most of the time as long as you make sure to keep it's outside clean and 3 blocks should be more or less safe. Without this bears can occasionally climb up to 4 (and rarely 5) blocks with janky physics which just makes for entirely ridiculous looking animal pens if you want them bear-proof.


This mod should barely affect bears chasing the player as 3 block cliffs are at best unusual for the player to be traversing at speed, and they will generally path around it.

Nothing else to it!

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.2 170 6 days ago Show Install now
v1.0.1 1429 Sep 16th 2023 at 11:01 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 144 Sep 15th 2023 at 2:32 PM Show Install now

7 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 KetothAuthor, 6 days ago

Rufkut this might be a tad late since I didn't end up playing 1.19, but now that I've bothered to fix it in the first place for 1.20 I might try adding a setting for those 3

💬 Deriche, Mar 5th at 6:44 AM

For 1.19.4, I get this error:

5.3.2024 00:39:55 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:entities/land/bear.json) in nobearjetpacks:patches/survival-entitites-land-bear.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/1/stepHeight is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/1/stepHeight was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/1, but then 'stepHeight' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
"code": "controlledphysics",
"stepHeightByType": {
"bear-*-polar": 2.8751,
"bear-*-sun": 2.1251,
"*": 3.1251
5.3.2024 00:39:55 [Error] Patch 1 (target: game:entities/land/bear.json) in nobearjetpacks:patches/survival-entitites-land-bear.json failed because supplied path /client/behaviors/1/stepHeight is invalid: The json path /client/behaviors/1/stepHeight was not found. Could traverse until /client/behaviors/1, but then 'stepHeight' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
"code": "controlledphysics",
"stepHeightByType": {
"bear-*-polar": 2.8751,
"bear-*-sun": 2.1251,
"*": 3.1251

💬 Rufkut, Jan 8th at 12:43 PM

Can you make this for the sheep, goats, and deer in 1.19? They can now all climb three blocks. 

💬 KetothAuthor, Oct 3rd 2023 at 7:21 PM

Ryuu I don't see why it would, this is just a JSON patch changing a value on a data sheet, unless butchery very specifically uses that value for some obscure piece of code it shouldn't affect it at all, that said, no guarantees hahaha

💬 Ryuu, Sep 18th 2023 at 1:14 PM

Would this conflict with the Butchering mod in any way?

💬 KetothAuthor, Sep 16th 2023 at 11:02 AM

Junrall fixed! Sorry about that! I mostly just mod for my own sake, first time trying to package something for VS hahaha

Although personally I'd recommend roofs for a variety of reasons, jetpack bears of course, being one of them.

💬 Junrall, Sep 16th 2023 at 1:42 AM


This wouldn't load for me because VS can't find the modinfo.json. The fix for me was to restructure the contents of the zip file to this:

    ├── assets
    ├── modicon.png
    └── modinfo.json
Thanks for this mod!... on my very first world, I accedentaly built my roofless home next to a bear spawn and was eaten multiple times because the bear kept climbing my walls!
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