Mods / Spawn Highlight

Category: #Utility
Author: MistAway
Side: Client
Created: Aug 23rd 2023 at 9:05 PM
Last modified: Jan 28th at 7:36 PM
Downloads: 2795
Follow Unfollow 121

Latest file for v1.19.3: 1-click install

Spawn Highlight

Allows to highlight blocks where drifters can spawn.
Ever tired of drifter-proofing your base? This mod is for you!

Press Ctrl+L to show/hide highlights. Keybinding can be changed in the settings.

Default colors:
Red - drifters can spawn on this block
Green - drifters cannot spawn on this block because it is sufficiently lit
Not highlighted - drifter will never spawn on this block. Examples are lower slabs, stones and chiseled blocks

Remember that drifters will not spawn under sunlight, and will spawn anywhere they want while temporal storm is in progress.

To be more specific, the mod checks this rules for each block in radius:

  1. Block has solid upper side
  2. Upper block is air, tall grass or loose stones
  3. Non-natural light level is greater than 6

This mod is quite similar to Easy Light Levels. You may check it too if you want wider configuration options.


.sphi - Show/Hide highlights. Does exactly the same as Ctrl+L
.sphi radius <number> - Change size of cube around you, where mod will scan and highlight blocks. Default is 20
.sphi litcolor #RRGGBBAA - Set color for sufficiently lit zones. Default is #00FF0020
.sphi spawncolor #RRGGBBAA - Set color for zones where mobs can spawn. Default is #FF000020


If you prefer json instead of commands, you can change the values in the spawnhighlight-config.json which can be found in VintagestoryData/ModConfig folder

  "Radius": 20,
  "SafeColor": "#00FF0020",
  "SpawnableColor": "#FF000020"

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.2.0 1595 Jan 28th at 7:36 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 884 Sep 3rd 2023 at 7:54 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 316 Aug 23rd 2023 at 9:08 PM Show Install now

11 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Pervy_Sage, Feb 5th at 10:54 PM

"To be more specific, the mod checks this rules for each block in radius:

  1. Block has solid upper side
  2. Upper block is air, tall grass or loose stones
  3. Non-natural light level is greater than 6

    Is number 3 hard coded to vanilla mechanics? Or does it check to see if the variable that allows mobs to spawn is changed?
💬 RikeiR, Jan 28th at 11:07 PM

Japanese translation is here.

💬 DarkThoughts, Jan 19th at 2:32 PM

TheSapphicSeas The mentioned Easy Light Levels mod has a light level config.

💬 Ailith, Dec 29th 2023 at 7:33 PM

handy mod - also still works 1.19.0-rc4

💬 TheSapphicSeas, Dec 11th 2023 at 8:30 PM

Is there a way to configure the light levels that appear as green? I have a mod that changes the maximum light level drifters spawn at and I'd like to alter this to affect the new values

💬 justdiver, Sep 1st 2023 at 3:49 PM

Works well for me single and on my server.  This is great.  Thank you!

💬 MistAwayAuthor, Aug 29th 2023 at 10:00 PM

For me mod works both in singleplayer and when I join servers.
You can send me log files for VintagestoryData/Logs in the discord (mistofshades), so we can find possible mod conflicts
Also check out ModConfig folder and try to locate spawnhighlight-config.json

Probably tomorrow I'll make a new version of a mod with performance improvements. You may add the mod to Follow and check out this version when it is ready

💬 MistAwayAuthor, Aug 29th 2023 at 9:47 PM

Can you confirm that mod works in singleplayer for you?

💬 TheCraftySmith, Aug 29th 2023 at 3:14 PM

I am having trouble with getting this mod to work. I previously had easy light levels installed and removed it in favor of this mod. I installed using the 1 click feature and it showed in the mod manager I reloaded all of my mods but when I connect to the server and attempt to use it I get nothing. I dont even see the key binding and as far as I can see no other mods I have installed are bound to that combination. I don't know enough about the ins and outs of modding the game, but I don't believe its a server issue as my friend on the server also runs your mod. I have tried deleting anr reinstalling as well as restarting my game, but no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Along with it I am running Auto Panning, Mobs Radar, Hud Clock, and StepUp. 

💬 MistAwayAuthor, Aug 25th 2023 at 9:06 AM

Gikame This mod does not cover neutral mobs spawn. Only hostile ones.
Wolfs, bears and drifters all share the same spawn requirements of artificial light-level being less than 8. If the light level is greater than 7 they should not spawn. 
So yes. Green means that you are safe.
Except from pesky bunnies. Remember to always remove grass from farmland! 😉

💬 Gikame, Aug 25th 2023 at 5:03 AM

Vallen recommended me this mod for my issues with not understanding light coverage and its calculation. You write that it covers non-natural light that is greater than 7. I take you mean spawn conditions for wolves and animals would this be correct?


And if that is or isnt the case, either way, how would I be able to see this in the mod. Would it be seen as simply "green" as well?

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