Mods / Attributer
Author: Yew
Side: Both
Created: Sep 21st 2022 at 3:57 AM
Last modified: Aug 1st 2023 at 12:34 AM
Downloads: 7679
Follow Unfollow 54
Author: Yew
Side: Both
Created: Sep 21st 2022 at 3:57 AM
Last modified: Aug 1st 2023 at 12:34 AM
Downloads: 7679
Follow Unfollow 54
Latest file for Various v1.18.x:
1-click install
A multi-class patch that makes lets you set attributes per item dynamically.
Basically wherever the code says "get parent object attribute" it instead "get object attribute if exists first".
Also adds a few new attributes that can be applied to items to modify their functionality.
- None.
- Other mods which significantly overwrite base item types.
Mods requiring this:
New Attributes:
- maxdurability.
Supported Attributes:
- defaultProtLoss
- protectionModifiers
- protectionTier
- highDamageTierResistant
- flatDamageReduction
- relativeProtection
- statModifiers
- healingeffectiveness
- hungerrate
- rangedWeaponsAcc
- rangedWeaponsSpeed
- walkSpeed
- damage
- attackpower
- attackrange
- miningspeed
- miningtier
- health
- clothescategory
- breakChanceOnImpact
- requiresAnvilTier
- workableTemperature
- Please note, some attributes are enabled by the api by default and do not need this mod.
- Search the official API and official survival mod github repositorys to check.
Attribute Exceptions:
- perTierFlatDamageReductionLoss
- perTierRelativeProtectionLoss
These aren't mirrored as other attributes are, as arrays aren't supported by the API.
Instead, they should be TreeAttributes, with the float values of "0" and "1" placed into them.
This is a workaround until the API updates.
How to use (For developers):
- Set an attribute on an item.
- Example (Set an items attack power):
- itemstack.Attributes.SetFloat("attackpower", 12f);
- itemstack.Attributes.SetFloat("attackpower", 12f);
- Example (Set an items flat damage reduction):
- itemstack.Attributes.GetTreeAttribute("protectionModifiers").SetFloat("flatDamageReduction", 8f);
- itemstack.Attributes.GetTreeAttribute("protectionModifiers").SetFloat("flatDamageReduction", 8f);
- Example (Set an items attack power):
- That's it. It should work if the attribute is supported.
How to use (Standalone):
- Use an command that supports or sets attributes.
- Example (Set the weapon in your hand's attack power.):
- /debug heldstattr attackpower float 1000000
- /debug heldstattr attackpower float 1000000
- Example (Set the weapon in your hand's attack power.):
- That should do it.
Please note you must mirror attributes exactly, including trees, to how the parent item is.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.5 | 4292 | Aug 1st 2023 at 12:34 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 748 | Jul 10th 2023 at 4:11 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 1691 | Sep 24th 2022 at 5:53 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 269 | Sep 23rd 2022 at 11:47 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 337 | Sep 22nd 2022 at 5:31 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 298 | Sep 22nd 2022 at 5:19 AM | Show | | Install now |
The mod's definitely out of date and will not work properly.
Crashed when I release an arrow from simple bow:
Running on 64 bit Windows 10.0.19045.0 with 16237 MB RAM
Game Version: v1.19.7 (Stable)
19/04/2024 09:56:13: Critical error occurred in the following mod: attributer@1.0.5
Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.1.4, attributer@1.0.5, buzzwords@1.5.0, femininity@0.1.3, TA_fieldsandplateaus@1.0.2, flourbags@1.0.2, capreolinae@1.0.5, pantherinae@1.1.4, geodesandgemstones@1.1.1, HangingOilLamps@1.0.1, moreundergarments@0.0.1, moreicons@1.1.0, rooffix@0.0.1, rpgitemrarity@1.0.4, game@1.19.7, betterfirepit@1.1.4, betterruins@0.3.4, butchering@1.5.5, carryon@1.7.4, commonlib@2.3.4, expandedfoods@1.6.8, herbarium@1.1.0, hudclock@3.3.0, meteoricexpansion@1.2.5, moreanimals@1.3.3, petai@2.2.3, rustboundmagic@1.7.4, vtpp@1.1.1, creative@1.19.7, vsquest@1.2.0, survival@1.19.7, wildfarmingrevival@1.1.7, xlib@0.8.1, cats@2.0.1, wildcraftfruit@1.1.1, xskills@0.8.2
System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.AnimManager'.
at attributer.src.patch.ItemBowPatch.OnHeldInteractStopBow(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel)
at Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemBow.OnHeldInteractStop_Patch4(ItemBow this, Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 329
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 162
at Vintagestory.Common.GameTickListener.OnTriggered(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds) in VintagestoryLib\Common\Model\GameTickListener.cs:line 27
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 57
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 815
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 731
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 676
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 651
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 324
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Bug - when I release an arrow from a simple bow (CTD):
03/02/2024 00:44:47: Critical error occurred in the following mod: attributer@1.0.5
Loaded Mods: ATadMoreLight@1.0.0, aculinaryartillery@1.0.16, africanmonitorlizards@1.0.7, arrowrecovery@1.0.0, arrowsstayaround@1.0.0, attributer@1.0.5, autopanning@1.0.1, autowalk@1.0.4, bds@1.0.0, bedrespawner@1.0.0, betterdrifters@2.1.3, blacksmithname@1.1.6, butcheringfix@1.0.0, buzzwords@1.6.0, composter@1.0.5, conquest@0.0.21, evaporite@1.0.0, extrachests@1.8.0, fantasycreatures@0.6.4, fasterladderclimbing@1.0.0, TA_fieldsandplateaus@1.0.2, fixedpaths@1.0.1, caninae@1.0.9, machairodontinae@1.0.0, gwb@1.0.1, HangingOilLamps@1.0.1, immersivecorpsedrop@1.0.2, ingotheating@1.0.2, knappingmastery@1.0.1, millwright@1.1.4, moreicons@1.1.0, MoreTorchHolders@1.0.0, nooffhand@1.0.1, peacockbasses@1.1.0, primitivesurvival@3.4.5, qptech@1.14.2, ragnamans-lit-torch-recipe@1.0.0, richerthandirt@1.2.1, rope-bridges@1.1.0, rpgitemrarity@1.0.4, rustandrails@1.0.4, scraps@1.0.0, sortablestorage@2.2.1, speararrowheadbits@1.1.0, stackables@2.0.5, sticksfromfirewood@1.0.0, temporalstormgear@1.0.1, translocatorengineeringredux@1.4.9, game@1.19.3, zoombuttonreborn@1.6.0, abcsreborn@0.1.5, additionalmolds@1.0.1, alloycalculator@1.0.0, animalcages@3.0.2, animationmanagerlib@0.5.1, autoatlas@1.0.1, beehivekiln@1.5.1, betterfirepit@1.1.4, betterruins@0.3.2, blacksmithgloves@1.0.1, bodyheatbar@1.0.1, canbeignited@1.1.0, carryon@1.7.4, commonlib@2.3.2, darkerdrifterspawns@1.0.1, expandedaitasksloader@1.0.8, extendedhudinfo@1.0.6, extrainfo@1.7.0, fieldsofsalt@1.2.0, fishing@1.1.5, fixhandbookclutter@1.0.5, fromgoldencombs@1.4.25, glowingprojectiles@1.1.3, grassiergrass@1.0.0, herbarium@1.0.4, sailboat@1.2.7, maltiezspears@0.0.1, mapautocenter@1.1.1, meteoricexpansion@1.2.5, morepiles@1.5.0, outlawmod@1.2.0, ovenfuel@1.0.0, petai@2.2.3, pileful@1.1.2, pomshadercache@1.1.0, recyclebags@1.0.1, recycleclothes@1.0.0, recyclestorage@1.0.1, rivers@2.3.0, rotcraft@1.0.1, simplestep@1.1.4, spawnhighlight@1.2.0, stonebakeoven@1.1.3, storagecontroller@1.0.6, storageoptions@1.0.2, strspawnchances@0.1.2, th3dungeon@0.2.1-rc.1, tieredsuperiority@1.1.1, useplanksinpitkiln@1.1.1, creative@1.19.3, survival@1.19.3, xlib119@0.7.4-dev.119, metalrecovery@0.1.19-pre.1, betterruinslootchanges@0.0.3, bugnetcompatibility@1.0.1, chemistrylib@1.1.5, cobvoices@1.0.0, tradercamps@1.0.8, em@2.5.0, extraoverlays@1.4.0, feverstonewilds@1.4.5, moreropeplease@1.0.0, pickupartist@0.2.0, playercorpse@1.9.0, shellpan@1.0.0, simplewinddirection@1.0.2, stonequarry@3.2.1, tallowcandles@0.1.0, wildcraftfruit@1.1.0, wildcrafttree@1.0.0, wolftaming@2.0.2, xskills119@0.7.5-dev.1191
System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.AnimManager'.
at attributer.src.patch.ItemBowPatch.OnHeldInteractStopBow(Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel)
at Vintagestory.GameContent.ItemBow.OnHeldInteractStop_Patch4(ItemBow this, Single secondsUsed, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity, BlockSelection blockSel, EntitySelection entitySel)
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.HandleHandInteraction(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 329
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Player\MouseInWorldInteractions.cs:line 162
at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) in VintagestoryLib\Common\EventManager.cs:line 57
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 808
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 724
at Vintagestory.Client.GuiScreenRunningGame.RenderToPrimary(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\MainMenu\Screens\GuiScreenRunningGame.cs:line 200
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.Render(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 675
at Vintagestory.Client.ScreenManager.OnNewFrame(Single dt) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ScreenManager.cs:line 650
at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\GameWindow.cs:line 88
at OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop.GameWindow.Run()
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 318
at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<.ctor>b__1() in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientProgram.cs:line 128
at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93
Is this Mod going to be updated for 1.19 Stable. Would love to use it in the new Stable version of VS.
Whoops! I accidentally zipped them wrong. Extracting each mod will fix the issue, but I will update the actual downloads momentarily. Thanks for the catch NyanScout!
Using attributer version 1.0.4 on Vintage Story v1.18.6, I get this error.
9.7.2023 13:47:41 [Error] [] Missing modinfo.json
9.7.2023 13:47:41 [Error] [] Missing modinfo.json
I will be updating both Attributer (and RPGItemRarity) soon. Sorry for the delay, but I've been busy.
RPG Item Rarity would be awesome to use. Is there another space to track mod progress and/or if someone has made or is working on a patch?
Crashing with the lastest update, along with the RPG Item Rarity. Any plans to update?
Will we see an update soon?
In case anyone is wondering - no, the current version (1.0.3) does not work with 1.18. The server thread freezes as soon as the game tries to apply damage from a creature to the player.
Can it be used to change transformations? E.g. groundStorageTransform