Mods / ProPick Node Search Macros
Author: OpPointBaker
Side: Both
Created: May 20th 2022 at 2:40 AM
Last modified: May 20th 2022 at 2:40 AM
Downloads: 349
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Latest version:
This is a zip fo the Macros I use for changing the Node Search Radius of the Prospecting Pick. I'm not aware of a way for the game to install the macros through the mod manager so you will need to unzip the .json files into the Macros foulder found in VintagestoryData. [VintagestoryData\Macros]
They can be altered in game through the macro manager accessible through the CTRL + M hotkey.
Oh, and while the game will give you a message saying that you need to restart the server [reload the world] every time you change the radius; this is not true. You only need to reload when enabling the Node Search mode by changing the radius to any whole number above zero. Once it is enabled you can switch the radius on the fly without needing to reload.
For Futrure Reference, the world can be reloaded in single player without exiting to the main menu. Just use the hotkey CTRL + F1.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0 | 349 | May 20th 2022 at 2:40 AM | Show | |
These macros are great. Thank you. 🖤