Mods / Necessaries

Category: #QoL #Technology #Utility
Author: ZigTheHedge
Side: Both
Created: Feb 14th 2021 at 7:41 PM
Last modified: Sep 1st 2022 at 9:33 PM
Downloads: 24500
Follow Unfollow 210

Latest file for v1.17.1: 1-click install

Hey, fellow players!

Here's the initial public release of my "tweaks collection" mod, which aims to make yours (actually, mine :)) survival experience better!

This mod adds the following:

-------------------- Blocks and Items -------------------------


Build one on a server and ask your friends to do the same. Afterwards, craft yourself a parcel and fill it with with whatever your friend needs. Then choose your friend's address and use your mailbox to send the parcel along with a short message.


Get rid of all your garbage with a convenient method of trash disposal! You are able to recover up to three items placed last before it will disappear forever.

Rusty Spikes:

These sharp rusty spikes able to hurt anyone who will try to jump on it! So, keep your eyes open!

Branch Cutter:

Ever wanted to build a hedge out of leaves? Well, there's a tool for leaf-gathering now! It's called a Branch Cutter! Five variants available (Copper, three kinds of Bronze, Iron).


Give your instruments a breath of a new life. Use Grindstone Assembly with a Grindstone to spin the handle and sharpen your old tools to repair it.

Sulfuric Acid and Glue:

Now to make a proper grindstone, you'll have to make a glue first!

-------------------- Patches -------------------------

Trapdoor patch:

Now trapdoors will act like a ladder. So, you can use it on a block instead of a ladder to climb the last block!

Vines Patch:

Now players can use those Wild Vines as a ladders

-------------------- Compatibility *For Modders* -------------------------

It is possible to make use of my Grinder to sharpen modded tools. All you have to do, is to add the following information to your item's attributes (or attributesByType) CASE-SENSITIVE:

"sharpenable": true,
"onGrindstoneTransform": {
		translation: { x: -0.2, y: 0.3, z: 0.4 },
		rotation: { x: 50, y: 0, z: 0 },
		origin: { x: 0.5, y: 0.1, z: 0.5 },
		scale: 1

Of course, use your proper values for onGrindstoneTransform.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.1.3 8036 Sep 1st 2022 at 9:33 PM Show Install now
v1.1.2 3456 Apr 30th 2022 at 9:29 AM Show Install now
v1.1.1 4258 Jan 26th 2022 at 11:50 AM Show Install now
v1.1.0 1485 Jan 12th 2022 at 3:05 PM Show Install now
v1.0.2 994 Nov 9th 2021 at 9:58 AM Show Install now
v1.0.1 715 Oct 11th 2021 at 8:13 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 435 Oct 5th 2021 at 8:03 AM Show Install now
v0.8.12 962 Jul 25th 2021 at 10:02 PM Show Install now
v0.8.11 519 Jul 12th 2021 at 7:28 PM Show Install now
v0.8.10 414 Jul 8th 2021 at 5:12 PM Show Install now
v0.8.9 990 Apr 17th 2021 at 6:24 PM Show Install now
v0.8.8 696 Mar 24th 2021 at 1:38 PM Show Install now
v0.8.7 599 Mar 12th 2021 at 10:09 AM Show Install now
v0.8.6-B 495 Feb 25th 2021 at 9:42 PM Show Install now
v0.8.5-B 446 Feb 14th 2021 at 7:49 PM Show Install now

28 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 BaconQueen, Mar 9th at 2:33 AM
💬 MegaThornax, Feb 18th at 2:42 PM
💬 Iver, Feb 12th at 2:25 PM

1.19.3 ZigTheHedge?

💬 NativeBoyUSA, Oct 12th 2023 at 5:34 PM

1.18.XX ?


💬 JefferZ, May 18th 2023 at 11:31 PM



"block-mailbox-newmail-north": "Buzón (Nuevo correo!)",
"block-mailbox-nonewmail-north": "Buzón",
"block-parcel-empty": "Paquete vacio",
"block-parcel-1slot": "Paquete pequeño",
"block-parcel-2slot": "Paquete grande",
"block-trashcan": "Papelera",
"block-rustyspikes": "Pinchos oxidados",
"item-mailflag": "Bandera de buzón",
"item-branchcutter-copper": "Cortador de ramas de cobre",
"item-branchcutter-bismuthbronze": "Cortador de ramas de bronce de bismuto",
"item-branchcutter-tinbronze": "Cortador de ramas de bronce estañado",
"item-branchcutter-blackbronze": "Cortador de ramas de bronce negro",
"item-branchcutter-iron": "Cortador de ramas de hierro",
"block-toolmold-burned-mailflag": "Molde de bandera de buzón",
"block-toolmold-raw-mailflag": "Molde crudo de bandera de buzón",
"blockhelp-parcel-sneakopen": "Paquete abierto",
"trashcan-title": "Papelera",
"mailbox-title": "Buzón",
"mailbox-send": "Enviar",
"mailbox-send-to": "Enviar paquete:",
"mailbox-select-address": "Dirección del buzón:",
"mailbox-no-destinations": "Sin destinos disponibles",
"mailbox-recipient": "Elige la dirección:",
"mailbox-noparcel": "Necesitas un paquete en sí para enviarlo",
"mailbox-noplace": "El destinatario no tiene un espacio libre en ese buzón",
"mailbox-sent": "El paquete ha sido enviado",
"mailbox-nodest": "El paquete no tiene un destino establecido",
"mailbox-nomailbox": "El buzón del destinatario no existe",
"mailbox-addressexists": "Esa dirección ya existe",
"parcel-rcpt-title": "Dirección del remitente:",
"parcel-message-title": "Mensaje:",
"parcel-title": "Paquete",
"block-grindstone-none-north": "Ensamblaje de afiladora",
"block-grindstone-granite-north": "Ensamblaje afiladora (Granito)",
"block-grindstone-obsidian-north": "Ensamblaje afiladora (Obsidiana)",
"block-grindstone-sandstone-north": "Ensamblaje de afiladora (Arenisca)",
"block-grindstone-basalt-north": "Ensamblaje de afiladora (Basalto)",
"grindstone-place-tool": "Colocar herramienta para afilar",
"grindstone-sharpenerdurability": "Durabilidad de afiladora:",
"grindstone-place-grindstone": "Coloca la afiladora primero",
"grindstone-tooldurability": "Durabilidad de herramienta:",
"grindstone-place-both": "Coloca la afiladora y una herramienta",
"game:repaired": "(reparado)",
"item-sharpener-granite": "Afiladora de granite",
"item-sharpener-obsidian": "Afiladora de obsidiana",
"item-sharpener-sandstone": "Afiladora de arenisca",
"item-sharpener-basalt": "Afiladora de basalto",
"item-sharpener-diamond": "Afiladora de obsidiana y diamante",
"item-grounddiamond": "Diamante triturado",
"item-sharpener_disc-granite": "Disco de afiladora de granito",
"item-sharpener_disc-obsidian": "Disco de afiladora de obsidiana",
"item-sharpener_disc-sandstone": "Disco de afiladora de arenisca",
"item-sharpener_disc-basalt": "Disco de afiladora de basalto",
"block-toolmold-burned-leadvessel_bottom": "Molde de vasija de plomo",
"block-toolmold-raw-leadvessel_bottom": "Molde crudo de vasija de plomo",
"block-toolmold-burned-leadvessel_top": "Molde de cubierta de vasija de plomo",
"block-toolmold-raw-leadvessel_top": "Molde crudo de cubierta de vasija de plomo",
"block-leadvessel-empty": "Vasija de plomo",
"block-leadvessel_cover": "Vasija de plomo cubierta",
"item-sulfurpeter": "Mezcla de azufre/salitre",
"item-gluten": "Gluten",
"item-glue": "Pegamento",
"leadvessel-addwaterandsulfurpeter": "Añadir Agua y mezcla de Azufre/Salitre",
"leadvessel-addwater": "Añadir Agua",
"leadvessel-addsulfurpeter": "Añadir mezcla de Azufre/Salitre",
"leadvessel-setonfire": "Prende fuego a la mezcla",
"leadvessel-close": "¡Rápido! ¡Cubrelo! (tienes {0} minutos)",
"leadvessel-wait": "Espere hasta que el ácido esté listo ({0} horas aprox.)",
"leadvessel-acid": "Abre la vasija para obtener acceso al ácido sulfúrico",
"leadvessel-acid0": "Coloque tres piezas de harina de huesos en ácido para obtener gluten",
"leadvessel-acid1": "Coloque dos piezas más de harina de huesos en ácido para obtener gluten",
"leadvessel-acid2": "Coloque una pieza más de harina de huesos en ácido para obtener gluten",
"leadvessel-acid3": "Agarra el gluten y cocínalo en el fuego.",
"madefrom-title-leadvessel": "Funcion especial:",
"madefrom-leadvessel": "Se utiliza para hacer ácido sulfúrico y producir gluten con él.",
"madefrom-title-gluten": "Hecho por:",
"madefrom-gluten": "Ponga harina de hueso en una vasija de plomo lleno de ácido sulfúrico.",
"sharpener-repair-amount": "Restauración de durabilidad por ciclo: {0}",
"sharpener-damage-amount": "Pérdida total de durabilidad por ciclo: {0}",
"item-regscroll": "Pergamino de registro de buzón",
"block-postregistry": "Registro de correos",
"scroll-coords": "Certificado de validación de buzón en: {0}, {1}, {2}\nÚselo en un registro de correos",
"nomore": "No se te permite colocar más buzones",
"count": "Tienes {0} de {1} buzones"
💬 metasynthetic, Apr 22nd 2023 at 1:40 AM

For anyone else missing this mod, someone else put up an updated version for 1.18 here: Still Necessaries

💬 Pamela, Mar 17th 2023 at 1:39 AM

Any idea when you will get these updated for 1.18??

💬 Kwegar, Jan 8th 2023 at 7:15 PM

Mix sulfur (no powder) with saltpeter  to get the mix.. then add it to the lead container with water already in it.  set on fire.. close.. says 11 hours.  (sorry for any spelling mistakes) did a lot of experimenting to finally find this..  hope it helps


💬 unmog, Nov 16th 2022 at 11:42 AM

So a couple questions...
1= how do you make Sulfuric Acid to make the glue? I cant find it anywhere, I'm guessing you mix sulfur and water but its just a guess.
2= Id like to change some of the values of the sharpening so certain materials sharpen more or reduce durability less. I've looked through the mod files but so far have only found the durability values of the discs themselves. Any help pointing me to the right file address would be appreciated.

💬 Sagefoxwood, Nov 16th 2022 at 11:09 AM

so how do you make sulfuric acid? nothing in the mod or in game tells you how....

💬 AzuliBluespots, Oct 30th 2022 at 9:22 AM

So, are the grindstones only for tools? No weapons?

💬 Stahl, Oct 7th 2022 at 8:31 PM

Can't sharpen the falx on the grindstone 😣

💬 Keekenox, Sep 2nd 2022 at 3:31 AM

Updated to 1.17. Poggies. Will do some testing soon to see how everything works!

💬 pawsbrake, Aug 21st 2022 at 7:10 PM

ZigTheHedge I love this mod, if only for the trash can! Looking forward to v1.17

💬 Devestatio, Jul 28th 2022 at 11:17 PM

ZigTheHedge Will you be updating your mods to 1.17 now that the release candidate is out?

💬 Francya_Vanh, Jul 19th 2022 at 7:11 AM

Do not work in 1.17

💬 Pervy_Sage, Jan 21st 2022 at 9:45 PM


It works for 1.16 for me.

💬 RogueRaiden, Jan 14th 2022 at 8:47 PM

How about a "Travel Time" for the mail system, very similar to the new Auction House where mail parcels take a couple ingame hours based on package size or distance. This would be to reduce the usage of the mail system to send supplies to distant adventurers. Of course, also a config option to toggle it on/off.

💬 Crossthebase, Jan 10th 2022 at 10:43 PM

Waiting for 1.16 update... really cool mod

💬 Lexingtondavid, Dec 23rd 2021 at 7:19 AM

Would there be a possibility of adding some of the scrap tools or drifter arms as compatible with the grindstone assembly? I tried doing so manually, but it seems that the item files to access the arms in particular do not allow room for much editing.

💬 DArkHekRoMaNT, Nov 23rd 2021 at 4:00 PM

Correct "dependencies" in modinfo.json ZigTheHedge

💬 Dythanos, Oct 8th 2021 at 3:42 PM

You're recent update does not seem to fix the Lead Vessel Molds as intended... It says in the item discription that you need to make it in the pit kiln, but it won't let you build the kiln.

💬 Skanell, Jul 31st 2021 at 12:12 PM

Hello! Could make the branchcutter able to pick up green spire cypress logs?

💬 SimonTheVampyre, Jul 31st 2021 at 12:12 PM

The lead vessel mold parts can't be fired in a pit kiln.
Can't place down grass or twigs around them.

💬 Ravingmad, May 16th 2021 at 6:36 PM

Awesome! Thanks so much, Lisabet!

💬 Lisabet, May 16th 2021 at 8:21 AM

if you go to VintagestoryData/ModConfig (instead of the Mods folder you put mods in) there's a file called NecessariesConfig; you can disable any parts of the mod you don't want to use :)

Quite a few mods have config files/folders you can change stuff in, though not all of them ofc.

💬 Ravingmad, May 16th 2021 at 6:08 AM

Is there a way to turn off the vines as ladders (or if not, can I request a toggle for that in the next update?) I love the rest of the mod, but I keep accidentally climbing up trees when trying to run somewhere fast through the forest and it gets a little annoying...

💬 Leonoric, Apr 5th 2021 at 12:01 AM

Thanks for the mod !

Cool idea with sharpening tools and a trash can.💯
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