Mods / Salty's Forest Symphony

Category: #Other
Author: SaltyWater
Side: Client
Created: Jan 28th at 3:10 AM
Last modified: 17 hours ago
Downloads: 5519
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Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install


Pet the floppa to buy me a coffee!       


This mod does this:

And more!! Check the youtube channel!!

Forest Symphony aims to give a bit more life to the VS world using ambient sounds. The mod sounds are dynamically affected by various system such as seasons, weather, day/night cycle and temperature.

Make sure your homestead is surrounded by trees and ponds, and spend the night cooking a delicious meal with the dynamic natural symphony this mod provides.

A stroll through the forest has never been so pleasing, just make sure you don't get too tangled inside foliage or insects might want to follow you.

Careful chopping down trees, you may startle birds in the area!

Stronger winds? birds go quiet making way to the beautiful chord of creaky bark, even your house will join the chorus!

frogs croaking, birds singing, owls hooting, crickets buzzing and trees creaking everything changing dynamically around you based on envirnment and weather!!

Warmer regions to south have more insects and exotic birds activity, colder regions have fewer insect and pond activity, fewer bird singing and boreal bird sounds will trigger instead. A temperate region will have a mix of both exotic and boreal birds. 

This mod runs entirely on client.

This mod is entirely configurable, you don't like something? You can tweak it in the confgs, or get rid of it! Sounds are also safe to remove from the assets! You can even set your own ogg file on top of mine if you feel like doing so! You do need to name then like mine tho.

Also try Bark Beetle if you like this mod.


Note: Hey guys, caves and other biomes are probably going to be for another mod, I would love to keep developing on this one but the file size is getting bigger and bigger cause of sound files and I would hate to get stuck mid development by size limit. K love yall bye <3



(and notes to self)
  • Refine forest detection algorithm. Add detect ponds, srhubs for insects like mosquitoes and more.
  • Figure out a way to make sounds trigger even in indoors conditions, and very tall forest trees.
  • Indoor sounds trigger witha muffled effect.
  • Stronger winds increases wood creak sound rate and decreases bird sound rate.
  • Add more fauna sounds. (Frogs and insects sounds etc..).
  • Add flora ambience (wood cracking etc... This one is not even that necessary Vintage story already does a pretty damn good job with ambience)
  • specific sounds for specific seasons and forest types.
  • Expand to other "biomes". Plains, sand/gravel deserts etc.. (they'll have a standalone mod for each)
  • Fine edit sounds. (Clean audio and remove background unwanted noise and other minor inconveniences that comes with free audio effects)
  • Add config file with ability to add, tweak and customize sounds for user preference.
  • Enclosed spaces with vessels (cellars) produces rat noises. (For another mod)
  • Cavern Ambience: Dripping water, Distant rock falls etc. (For another mod)


check out my other mods here:





Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.1 373 17 hours ago Show Install now
v1.0.0 570 1 day ago Show Install now
v0.1.10 940 Feb 8th at 1:36 AM Show Install now
v0.1.9 758 Feb 5th at 12:31 PM Show Install now
v0.1.8 292 Feb 4th at 8:13 PM Show Install now
v0.1.7 329 Feb 3rd at 7:38 PM Show Install now
v0.1.6 355 Feb 2nd at 6:40 PM Show Install now
v0.1.5 500 Feb 1st at 3:12 PM Show Install now
v0.1.4 395 Jan 31st at 12:15 PM Show Install now
v0.1.3 354 Jan 30th at 2:52 PM Show Install now
v0.1.2 254 Jan 29th at 4:39 PM Show Install now
v0.1.1 263 Jan 28th at 3:18 PM Show Install now
v0.1.0 136 Jan 28th at 3:11 AM Show Install now

122 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Thranos, 7 hours ago

I can't believe I didn't think of the cache- that appears to have done the trick! Thanks Salty. The game sounded so desolate without your mod.
EDIT- Still won't work in multiplayer, think I'm just going to have to roll back to an older version :( It appears to be refusing to load the mod, for some reason? The server isn't on mod whitelist mode, and it's not blacklisted, so idk.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 10 hours ago

Thranos Look through client logs, in the .json file do ctrl+f and search key words like symphony. delete the mod cache file too. You're singleplayer or on a server?

Make sure there no duplicate ZIP of Forest Symphony on your mods folder too.

💬 Thranos, 11 hours ago

v1.0.1 isn't working for me either, nor are they working on 1.20.4 stable- I have no idea why all versions except v1.0.0+ work.
It's bizarre, I've redownloaded several times, it just doesn't deploy- no config, nothing. Will have to run more tests to see if I can identify a mod conflict or something.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 17 hours ago

AngryOscar This is a old config file. If you played with older versions you probably want to delete your config files and generate a new one.

💬 AngryOscar, 18 hours ago

 looked in the config, I don't see option for insects


"SoundSettingsComment": "Adjust sound volume and range for each category.",
"BirdSoundVolume": 0.8,
"PondSoundVolume": 0.8,
"TreeSoundVolume": 3.5,
"BirdSoundRange": 30,
"PondSoundRange": 30,
"TreeSoundRange": 30

is it pond settings? We do live in the forrest next to a small reed pond and the insect buzzing is almost constant.


💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 19 hours ago

Thranos tested on 1.20.3 and the new 1.20.4 and everything works fine.

💬 Thranos, 19 hours ago

I simply can't get v1.0.0 to work- Singleplayer or Multiplayer, nothing. No sounds, doesn't even generate a config file. - v0.1.10 works just fine though.
Running VS 1.20.r-rc.4

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 21 hours ago

Nyarc  Last update was huge! 🤣🤣

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 21 hours ago

AngryOscar Thanks!! ^^ Yup you can change the volume in the configs!!

💬 Nyarc, 1 day ago

is dude literally have a whole Google Docs Spreadsheet on every Update

💬 AngryOscar, 1 day ago

Love the mod, however the insect buzz iss too frequent and annoying. Anyway I can turn the volume/frequency down on the mosquitos?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

itinerare I know what you're talking about! Is the sound engine loading the sounds dynamically. pay close attention, you'll see a sound comes right after a stutter! I'll see if I can get a way to make the sounds load on worldloading. or something more optimized! :p

💬 itinerare, 1 day ago

Yes, little stutters! Thanks for the quick response, and I wish you luck looking into it.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

itinerare Heyy! thanks!! 

by hitches you mean little stutters?

strange, I'll investigate! 🤔

Thanks for the feedback!! 

💬 itinerare, 1 day ago

With v1.0.0, I'm consistently seeing repeated small hitches when rafting on water that I'm not seeing when using v0.1.10-- specifically on a river from the relevant mod, if it's relevant.

That aside, it's wild how much of a sense of place this mod gives the environment!

EDIT: From further testing, it seems like it happens primarily further away from shore; if staying close to shore, I notice a small hitch every now and then, but nothing nearly as obtrusive.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

ShyishHazard Thanks! It definitely will! I'm already brainstorming ideas! ^^

💬 ShyishHazard, 1 day ago

1.0? very nice! looking forward to seeing an interior/cave sounds mod showing up... somewhere, sometime!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Pentasis Could probably be it. Besides those warnings the mod seems to run fine!

💬 Pentasis, 1 day ago

SaltyWater It seems there used to be a bug-report for similar errors last year, but it is marked as 'resolved'. So it might or might not be a vanilla bug?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Pentasis Yep, this is the sound engine I have no idea why it does this :p

💬 Pentasis, 1 day ago

Getting a few (non-critical) errors in client-main.log:

13.2.2025 13:24:14 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:22 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound forestsymphony:sounds/day/birds/crossbill_1.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:32 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:40 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:45 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound forestsymphony:sounds/day/birds/woodpecker_3.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:46 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:48 [Warning] OpenAL Error during stop of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:54 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound forestsymphony:sounds/day/birds/woodpecker_2.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:58 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound forestsymphony:sounds/day/birds/woodpecker_2.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:24:58 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during start of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName
13.2.2025 13:25:25 [Warning] OpenAL Error during setvolume(val) of sound game:sounds/environment/wind.ogg: InvalidName

💬 AcuteAcid, 2 days ago

An instant must-have. Adds so much life to the game and is extremly cozy :> Thank you for your hard work on this!!

💬 SaneStatue, 2 days ago

loons and doves would sound nastalgic maybe some crows to.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 3 days ago

Gnomecliff Thanks!! There's a season system, you can tweak the values in the configs for your personal taste! :p

💬 Gnomecliff, 3 days ago

Love this mod. Just wish the wildlife like frogs and bugs would quiet down in the winter for a bit more immersion 

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 4 days ago

DarkThoughts  Yeah not something I could "fix" tbh

💬 DarkThoughts, 4 days ago

I'm so torn on the animal noises... On one hand it's great for the atmosphere - especially nighttime forests are really spooky. But on the other hand it creates those animal sounds in completely empty areas and it also throws you off when you're hunting. But there's not much in terms of actual flying birds yet that could replace the sounds of this mod.

Would be great to also have a config lib menu to edit the settings from within the game.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 4 days ago

Indaryn 😂😂 Thanks! I'm glad you guys are enjoying the mod!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 4 days ago

DaveJustDave hmm maybe I can take a look into it

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 4 days ago

bumblebink Yup, already implemented that, it's coming in the next update! 

💬 bumblebink, 4 days ago

Could this mod use the ambient sound slider to control the volume instead of the effects slider?

💬 DaveJustDave, 5 days ago

This is phenomenal and I love it.


I don't know if you take feature requests/patches, but if this could work with the Rivers mod to have a rushing water sound, that too would be phenomenal. Thanks for all your work.

💬 Indaryn, 6 days ago

I'm a big fan of these ambient sounds enhancing mods and this one is a superb complement to the 1.20 update. Also experienced the heart-attack inducing bird startled sfx myself a few times until tweaking the settings for it hah!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 6 days ago

rosysyn No probs! you guys have fun ^^

💬 rosysyn, 6 days ago

SaltyWater Oh I see! I was looking for a config on the server, but it looks like the config only generates client-side :P Thank you!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 6 days ago

rosysyn set the volume to 0 in the configs :p

💬 rosysyn, 6 days ago

One thing we've noticed - there is a specific sound my partner refers to as "the bird jumpscare". This sound plays randomly when a tree is cut down and consists of a loud murder of crows (?) getting startled and flying away. Is there an easy way for me to disable a specific sound such as this?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 6 days ago

Lionion Also If may I recommend you something, you should take a look at View Distance Toggler.

I've made it for this exact situation. I always use it entering dense forests! 🙏

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 6 days ago

Lionion Seems okay to me considering forest are already pretty resource intensive in this game. On top of that you're hosting a local server with multiple clients.

You can also always increase the checks in the configs for the cost of mod responsiveness ofcourse. :p

i host a local server for 2 players player including myself and don't get any stutter. Default mod configs, 40+ mods loaded, on a 16gb RAM machine. RAM usage ofcourse is pretty high specially around forests.

💬 Lionion, 6 days ago

Have you guys tried running this as a multiplayer host? I swear the performance hitch is noticeable. I'm wondering if it's due to how the checks are made. We live near a wooded area and once everyone is in, I'm almost at 75% ram capacity without the mod and 95% with it (which causes hitching)

💬 Chubz, 6 days ago

Hi, thanks for the great mod, but there is one problem i have with it. Logs that was placed by players should not make creaking sounds, its a bit strange at least :)

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 4:48 AM

Daidoji Yesss! I plan to really delve into the eerie and 'horror' elements of this game with the cave sounds! I want a full contrast between underground and aboveground with the two mods installed. I'm even a bit hesitant because making Forest Symphony and searching through so many sound files has made me start hearing birds, frogs, and owls in my head IRL, I imagine it will be the same for the cave sounds 😆

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 4:38 AM

taucetifive Yup, I'm trying to optimize it as much as I can since it runs so many check for blocks! ^^

💬 Daidoji, Feb 8th at 4:29 AM

Caves would be awesome, imagining the random drips and ambient spookiness. One of my favorite mods right now.

💬 taucetifive, Feb 8th at 4:23 AM

Lionion it's about the same RAM usage for me on a machine with only 8GB RAM with and without this

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 3:53 AM

taucetifive hehe thank you! It really is a big project! I'm working hard to make it as optimized and dynamic as possible! ^^

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 3:51 AM

Metalsoul212 Thanks for the support! ^^ Next one is going to be caves and I am really excited! hehe

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 3:50 AM

rosysyn Yup! already implemented! ;)

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 3:50 AM

ThomasJefferson You can also lower the sounds in the effects slider in the game configs or lower it individually in the configs! ^^

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 8th at 3:48 AM

Lionion There's a lot of things running on background. :P

Runs fine on my 16 gb pc with 40+ mods and my 8gb laptop tho.

💬 Lionion, Feb 8th at 3:36 AM

I like it but the amount of memory this eats is pretty daunting. I run 32gb ram and there's 11+% difference with this on and off, it's worrying.

💬 taucetifive, Feb 6th at 4:50 PM

the level of improvement in just a few releases is staggering, this mod is wonderful!

💬 Metalsoul212, Feb 6th at 4:19 AM

Wow the progress on this has been amazing! You did an awesome job, this mod is an absolute must have now! It's crazy how silent the world is without it on. I really cannot wait to hear what you come up with next in this series.

💬 rosysyn, Feb 5th at 7:37 PM

Wonderful work here. I'm curious - do the sounds change per season? My encampment is located near a large pond, and during the winter, I assume things will get much more quiet versus the spring/summer months. EDIT: It looks like this is on the roadmap, but crossed out - I assume this is implemented then :D

💬 ThomasJefferson, Feb 5th at 6:03 PM

I love the progress you've made with this mod since its first version only a few weeks ago 👌
Makes sense to move some things to other mods as this one is only slated for "forest" sounds as the title implies. I can't wait to see (hear?) the next ambient sound mods you have cooking!

My only complaint is a few sounds are a bit too loud. The scattering birds, at least startled_3 with the intense and clear initial wing flapping, is very much too loud while playing with headphones on 😂. Some of the water fauna noises are a bit loud as well, probably all of them but pond1. I've adjusted them to my liking on the OGG files when you release a new version, so not a big deal for me.

Everythign else sounds great and has quickly become expected as I move in and out of forests. It actually now feels like you're walking through a living forest. It's become another must-have mod!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 5th at 12:34 PM

Bdkanon Thanks!! ^^ Yup it's planned for other mods!! Since this one is geting too big and file size limit could be a problem later on!! :P

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 5th at 12:33 PM





Thanks for all the love guys! I'm so glad you're enjoying the mod! I'm making sure to make it feel as natural and dynamic as possible!! <3

💬 Antar, Feb 5th at 9:16 AM

I love nature ambience! Games sound too quiet without it. Also wow, I love how detailed this is. The fact that so many things around you influence what you hear. And the birds scattering after chopping down trees is genious. A must have mod and I can't wait for the other ambience sound mods you have planned!

💬 BulletSponge, Feb 5th at 8:45 AM

Great updates! This has gotta be one of my favorite mods!

💬 FrozenOwl, Feb 5th at 7:10 AM

A fantastic addition I didn't even know I was missing, top quality

💬 burgertanker, Feb 4th at 11:29 PM

Gotta say, I love the new log creaking sounds, makes my winter home sound a lot more cozy!

💬 Bdkanon, Feb 4th at 11:10 PM

This is a blessing!! Now, if there's something like this for seashores, in which we may hear seagulls, I would be in heaven!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 4th at 4:17 PM

GON Intended behavior! I hardcoded so every log produces the sound, You can increase the checks in the configs :p

💬 GON, Feb 4th at 3:45 PM

Placed wood logs are also making wood creaking noises - makes our primitive log cabin sound a bit silly

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 3rd at 7:42 PM

Lili00000 Yup! You can follow the mod to get a notification of new updates!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 3rd at 7:41 PM

BulletSponge Hey, there it is ver 0.1.7 😎👌

💬 Lili00000, Feb 3rd at 12:27 AM

I have a question btw, when you update the mod, do we have to download it again ?

💬 BulletSponge, Feb 2nd at 11:51 PM

The new startling birds sound might need a delay or cooldown, I make large tree farms and cutting down multiple trees in quick succession is quite a headache haha

It also activates on trees that have no leaves, which is a bit immersion breaking imo.

Love the mods keep up the great work!~

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 8:16 PM

kickitray No probs!! Glad it's working!! Thanks for using the mod! ^^

💬 kickitray, Feb 2nd at 8:12 PM

Thank you for the quick reply. It's working now! 😎

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 8:08 PM

kickitray You have 2 ForestSymphony zips in your mod folder.

💬 kickitray, Feb 2nd at 8:03 PM

Got the following Error Message when trying to load 0.1.6:

2.2.2025 20:54:46 [Error] [forestsymphony] An exception was thrown when trying to load assembly:
2.2.2025 20:54:46 [Error] [forestsymphony] Exception: Assembly with same name is already loaded
at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.<LoadFromPath>g____PInvoke|5_0(IntPtr ptrNativeAssemblyBinder, UInt16* ilPath, UInt16* niPath, ObjectHandleOnStack retAssembly)
at System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath(String assemblyPath)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
at Vintagestory.Common.ModContainer.LoadAssembly(ModCompilationContext compilationContext, ModAssemblyLoader loader) in VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModContainer.cs:line 481

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 7:08 PM

Thranos Yup, check the configs! you can disable it, or lower the volume, or tweak the intervals, it's highly customizable!!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 7:08 PM

sneezerstein haha thanks! Well, it's not that bad, actually the crickets and bugs from 1.20 goes really well with this mod specially near ponds!! 

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 7:05 PM

nacnud Glad you liked it! ^^

💬 Thranos, Feb 2nd at 6:56 PM

The tree creaking seems a bit too frequent- Was standing in my "grove" of four maple trees and it was happening near-constantly. Is there an option in the config that would let me turn it off?

💬 sneezerstein, Feb 2nd at 6:52 PM

why couldn't tyrone just do this instead of making bugs real entities

💬 nacnud, Feb 2nd at 6:46 PM

this mod is awesome

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 2:22 PM

SpacemanSpliff Yup, haven't touch underground logic yet! it's on roadmap!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Feb 2nd at 1:12 PM

not sure if its unintended behavior, but bodies of water found deep underground in caves are emitting pond noises.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 12:41 AM

Kalmorph Nono, this is VS doing. This mod adds only sounds

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 2nd at 12:41 AM

Nyarc haha thanks! ^^

💬 Kalmorph, Feb 1st at 11:13 PM

Hey, does this mod has any critters? Like the tiny, pixel size ones

💬 Nyarc, Feb 1st at 11:07 PM

Hire this guy for Sound Development VS pls

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 1st at 7:24 PM

Asil AMAZING FEEDBACK! Noted!! Thank you so much sir! Hope you have fun with the mod! ^^

💬 Asil, Feb 1st at 7:09 PM

YAY! Silent worlds are boring! Even though the game doesn't have birds, it's still nice to hear them. When you get to prairie sounds, you might want to trade leaf  counts to grass or fruit shrubs. Real prairie can have a half day's walk from one tree to the next in places. Please don't forget the Bob White Quail and Medowlark. Redwing blackbirds and barn swallows are common as well. Just stay away from the prairie owls. They may be the size of a softball, but they will make you believe they are the size of an eagle before they are done with you. Oh, and they travel in packs. Even badgers give up their holes for them. Downloading now!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 1st at 11:24 AM

Venator_ Hey thank you!! Logs plays creak sounds, but I still need to clean the audios haha

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 1st at 11:22 AM

Vilderos Thank you!! "biomes" are on the road map! ^^

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Feb 1st at 11:22 AM

Lili00000 Hey thanks!! Seasons are on the roadmap ^^

💬 Venator_, Feb 1st at 4:47 AM

Fantastic mod and idea however, it sounds like a bird conservetory in my house because I have a few logs as furniture. can u make player placed blocks NOT emit sounds? otherwise I find this mod unsusable D: 

💬 Vilderos, Feb 1st at 4:14 AM

Lovely! May i suggest some ocean coast sounds? Seaguls and such?

💬 Lili00000, Jan 31st at 10:06 PM

Love the mod!!! But sometimes I hear loud cicadas, but it's winter !!!

💬 oneil, Jan 31st at 8:59 PM

i see what he mean, even if it is client side he wants all the people going onto the server, to be able to download automaticly ^^ i want the same thing haha maybe in config of dedi server 

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 31st at 5:12 PM

disputedname Hey!! sorry not possible! 🤣

You see this mod is specifically built to run on each player's client, checking their exact position and surrounding blocks to trigger sounds dynamically. If this were moved to the server side it would have to handle these checks determining nearby leaves, logs, and water blocks on intervals of seconds for all connected clients. This would not only cause a massive flood of overlapping sound effects depending on the server player base count but also be a performance disaster, as the server would be handling all the logic, constant block math and position checks for everyone and yada yada. Making this work server-side would require a full rewrite of the mod to optimize how sounds are handled globally instead for each client, and even then, it would likely be too heavy for a multiplayer server to run smoothly. :p

💬 disputedname, Jan 31st at 4:49 PM

Could you make this both a server and client side mod? I'd like to add it to a server I'm hosting.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 31st at 2:39 PM

Pentasis Yup,Wind fading it's planned I forgot to put on the road map! 😆

Yup, I'm aware of the cave thing! I am focusing and polishing the aboveground for now, but I will definitely be making custom logic and custom sounds for underground. Even more so now, thanks to the reverb additions in the new update. hehehehehe

💬 Pentasis, Jan 31st at 1:50 PM

Maybe also make birds go silent (or heavily reduced) with bad weather? (Heavy rain/wind)

Also: underground bodies of water get the pond-sounds. Although those might benefit from additional dripping sounds?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 31st at 1:41 PM

Kudamas Thank you so much for the feedback and support! I'm doing the exact same more times than I would like to admit! 😂

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 30th at 6:51 PM

Thranos It's a brilliant idea!

💬 Thranos, Jan 30th at 6:49 PM

Haven't yet had the chance to pick this up, but might I suggest making all of the animal noises go completely silent when a temporal storm is on the horizon? It would make them even more ominous.

💬 Kudamas, Jan 30th at 6:25 PM

This mod is beautiful! It has perfectly enhanced the atmosphere of the game. I sit in the forest and just listen. I like to go camping a lot, so when I'm not out in the real wilderness I can at least can listen to it while playing my favorite game. Thank you for making this!

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 30th at 5:38 PM

kickitray Thank you!! Will do! ^^

💬 kickitray, Jan 30th at 4:51 PM

I love the ambience forests now have. Thank you so much and keep on going! 😍👍

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 30th at 4:36 PM

Scribbd Thanks so much! and thanks for help testing it! 🙏

💬 Scribbd, Jan 30th at 4:28 PM

After updating from v0.1.1 to v0.1.2 I am getting an error message: [Snipped]

Looks like you already put out a fix before I was able to finish collecting logs and testing if it was a mod interaction on my side.

Great mod, enjoying your collection greatly.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 30th at 12:47 AM

Right now I'm in the middle of development of 0.1.3 so far I added ponds detection and ponds sounds day/night (frogs and crickets will be triggering when a pond is nearby), added tree logs detection and creakying trees sounds. And now i'm tweaking some logic!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Jan 30th at 12:31 AM

Awesome, Your mods are fantastic and Im looking forward to how this one develops. Will you be adding in additional sounds? Maybe crickets/bullfrogs at night among others?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 30th at 12:03 AM

SpacemanSpliff 🤣 I replaced it from day time in this update and will be replacing from night time in the next one!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, Jan 30th at 12:02 AM

Mod is mostly great, but  bird_7 in the night folder is -obnoxious- to the point that I manually removed that file. Playing version 0.1.2

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 29th at 3:28 AM

Metalsoul212 Hey Thanks for the great feedback!! No probs thanks for helping me test it hehe ^^

💬 Metalsoul212, Jan 29th at 3:02 AM

Great beta so far! Seems to do exactly as advertised. I'll give a little feedback

  1. Some of the ambient animal sounds sound like a predator or an animal getting attacked. It makes hunting very difficult when you think you heard a boar nearby, but it is just a sound effect coming from a tree. If you have the stone age animal mods it makes the paranoia a bit too much. Maybe stick to birds and small mammals/invertebrates and avoid noises of predatory or large animals.
  2. Descending down a mineshaft in a forest causes the sounds to come out of solid stone.
  3. Pine forests that spawn in gravelly biomes don't trigger the sound effects when your only checking for forest floor to determine forests
  4. I feel like making dripping water sounds in a cave would be amazing. Check for depth and/or large amounts of stone. I feel it wouldn't be too difficult to implement from how you claim the current forest system works.

Ultimately I ended up disabling the mod for now mainly because some of the sounds made my paranoia skyrocket haha

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 28th at 10:55 PM

Lodey I absolutely agree!! Thanks!!  

💬 Lodey, Jan 28th at 10:43 PM

Mods like this are badly needed. Thanks so much Salty.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 28th at 9:33 PM

Nyarc It checks once every second. And it skips checks if there's still sounds to play in the queue, so it's a good balance.

I will be re implementing sounds triggering on leaf blocks now that I managed to make the sound play from the player position.


Patahto Yes intended! Since the sounds are played using the API instead of the ambient behavior. 

💬 Nyarc, Jan 28th at 9:23 PM

Im seeing in the Debuglog it checks twice a second for Forest Floors, i think performance wise that doesnt make too much sense, once every 2 seconds should be plenty even if in some cases maybe its gunna delay a second getting into forest.
Id love to see actually sounds playing from Where Log / Leaf Blocks are if thats implementable, so you have an actual sense of the Birds sitting in the Tree, it feels kinda off having the sound come from somewhere in the air where nothing is, especially in sparse forests.
Good idea of a mod though

💬 Patahto, Jan 28th at 5:07 PM

Are the sounds of this mod meant to fall under the Effects sound slider? rather than Ambient? Ideally there'd be a way to configure it with a separate config so that a player's sound setup doesn't get disturbed

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 28th at 11:39 AM

Pentasis Checking for forest floors allows me to aim for forests only for now. I do not spawn entities tho. If there's enough forest floors below the player I then proceed to a check for enough leaf blocks around, if present then the algorithm chooses a random number of sounds to play based on the time of day, and assign a queue delay for each. When the delay is over it then plays the sound in a random block +y5 to +y6 above and in a random position 10 to 30 blocks away from the player for that position fetched with the forest floor check. This block can be anything, leafs, logs, air etc..
Before that I also did played the sounds only in the leaf blocks the algorithm fetched before to proceed with the sound trigger logic, but it was capping the sounds too much. It feels much more natural and immersive letting it choose a random block in a random position above the player! At least for Bird sounds! I intend to do almost the same for insects and small animal sounds! But instead checking  for water or tall grass, leaf blocks on the player Y level for shrubs etc.. 

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 28th at 11:26 AM

WickedSchnitzel Yes it is planned!

💬 Pentasis, Jan 28th at 11:02 AM

Interesting. I am working on a similar mod (mostly for myself, might publish in the (distant) future). My approach has been to spawn a few "invisible" entities in leaf-blocks based on Temp, Light, Forrest, etc. this allows me to check for tree/shrub density, "biome", daytime and season. The added bonus is I get orientation & distance variation in the sounds. Can I ask why you are checking for forestfloor? Is that less resource intensive? If so, how will you check for other situations? I am currently looking for a way (using standard entity-json) to spawn seagulls at the coastline. I fear I must have them spawn in saltwater as I fail to find a better solution. But perhaps your approach yields a better one?

💬 WickedSchnitzel, Jan 28th at 8:29 AM

Will this respect seasons? Like less or other sounds in winter.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, Jan 28th at 5:02 AM

Cruso Heyo! thanks!
Yes I do! But will come later in development since it requires lots of real life fauna research and I also haven't fully explored the extense of Vintage Story "biomes"

💬 Cruso, Jan 28th at 4:56 AM

Love the idea, can't wait to test it later this week. Just curious are you planing to adapt the soundscape to the type of forest? A pine forest, for example, has a vastly different biodiversity than a birch grove, or would that go beyond the scope of the project?

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