Mods / Mushroom

Category: #Food
Author: Junk1911
Side: Both
Created: Jan 26th at 11:12 AM
Last modified: Feb 1st at 7:21 PM
Downloads: 2986
Follow Unfollow 87

Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install

This mod adds the ability to grow mushrooms. With a 10% chance, you can get mushroom seeds by collecting mushrooms growing in the world. All types of mushrooms, regardless of whether they grow on trees or on the ground, can eventually be grown in the garden as a regular plant. When picking mushrooms from the garden, you will receive seeds with a chance of 1.1, in other words, there is a chance to get additional seeds. Yes, maybe this mod is far from realistic and it's impossible to get seeds in real life this way, but I really wanted to)


Этот мод добавляет возможность выращивать грибы. С шансом 10% вы можете получить семена грибов при сборе грибов растущих в мире. Все типы грибов не зависимо от того растут они на деревьях или земле в конечном счете можно будет выращивать на грядке как обычное растение. При сборе грибов с грядки вы будите получать семена с шансом 1.1, проще говоря есть шанс получить дополнительные семена. Да, может этот мод далек от реализма и в реальной жизни таким образом невозможно получить семена, но мне очень хотелось)

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.2 1685 Feb 1st at 7:21 PM Show Install now
v1.0.1 843 Jan 27th at 5:17 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 458 Jan 26th at 11:14 AM Show Install now

36 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Junk1911Author, 5 days ago


Hi, I'm glad you liked it) Strangely, the textures are not in mode, but in the game itself. I'll take a look, but I don't have such a problem on my server.

💬 coopyey, 5 days ago

Hi there - I was getting an error that there was a missing texture (or something along those lines, I don't recall) for #gills was not referenced in /shapes/block/plant/crop/blacktrumpet/stage5.json - I compared a couple of the other mushrooms that weren't erroring and it looks like there were some #gills leftover that should have been #blacktrumpet. Doing a find and replace gills -> blacktrumpet seems to have resolved this error. This wound up being an issue in stage3.json, stage4.json, and stage5.json for blacktrumpet - the logs haven't kicked out any errors since replacing gills with blacktrumpet.

Everyone on my server loves the mod, by the way. Your mushrooms were the only way we made it through our first winter. 😊

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 7th at 5:13 PM


I'm not sure if it's possible to make a configuration in this case.

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 7th at 5:10 PM


Mushrooms grow like ordinary plants according to the rules of ordinary plants (For example carrots)

💬 Sche1sseHund, Feb 7th at 5:06 PM

Can you make it so that the drop rate is configurable?

💬 PattyC, Feb 7th at 3:27 AM

Do the mushrooms grow underground? And does it need to be dark?

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 6th at 7:37 PM


Unfortunately, to implement such an idea, I don't know how to understand C# yet)

💬 Wikitony, Feb 5th at 12:34 AM

instead of spores, Mycelium is what can be used as a seed and cultivated, also it can be extracted from the mushroom so there can be a barrel recipe for creating "seeds" from mushroom. Good idea, maybe it can grow better in a cellar or a special humid room. Dont know how to code a new room type tho, may be hard to do.

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 1st at 10:22 PM


This has already been fixed, please update the version)

💬 PasiveClientSE5, Feb 1st at 9:46 PM

i think itd be good if the mushroom seeds were renamed to spores, still not totally realistic but a bit better no? nvm i just got the first seed ingame and its already called that, i shouldve waited to say this comment, my bad

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 1st at 7:22 PM



💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 1st at 7:22 PM


Thanks, I don't understand how it happened, I checked it several times, but something went wrong anyway (I've fixed it now.

💬 RosstheGreat, Feb 1st at 9:45 AM

Hey, just so you're aware, any of the "log growing" mushrooms don't correctly harvest from farm plots. Examples being: White Oyster, Dryad Saddle, Deer Ear, or Beard Tooth. They drop seeds but not mushrooms, whereas other "ground growing" mushrooms work correctly.

💬 Proner, Jan 29th at 5:23 PM

We're rich!

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 28th at 6:08 AM


You can plant the mushroom itself in a pot or a flowerpot and use it as a decoration.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 28th at 6:06 AM


Vanilla game allows you to place mushrooms in flower pots as decorations. As for additional mushrooms, most likely this will not happen, since the mod is primarily designed for a game server on which we try to save vanilla items with a minimum number of additions.

💬 Estarion, Jan 27th at 9:25 PM

Thanks for mod. It is exactly what i wanted in this game. I will try this! Primitive survival have mushroom cultivation via mushroom substrate but i dont find how to edit timers. Is possible to have mushroom in planters for decoration?

💬 VaelophisNyx, Jan 27th at 9:15 PM

Junk1911 He'd like to be able to place mushrooms as a decoration, like Minecraft


Also yes, Mushroomz adds some new mushrooms

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 27th at 7:53 PM


I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand you, you can rephrase it or maybe write it in more detail.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 27th at 7:51 PM


No, all mushrooms grow in the garden beds like normal plants.

💬 Husarior, Jan 27th at 7:47 PM

Is it possible to just put down mushrooms in this mod? I think vanilla is lacking so basic thing for decoration.

💬 DecaByte, Jan 27th at 7:02 PM

For the mushrooms that grow on trees, does this require I use a tree log to plant them on so they can grow? Are there any soil type or requirments to plant the ones that grow from the ground?
Thanks for this mod. It look like something I've been wanting for a while.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 27th at 5:17 AM


Does the mod add any of its own mushrooms? Or do you mean something else? I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what exactly you mean.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 27th at 5:12 AM


Thanks for the feedback, I'm pleased)

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 27th at 5:10 AM


Thanks) Yes, today I will try to rename "seeds" to "spores". As for the various mechanics, unfortunately, I'm still too bad at programming to do something complicated. The only thing that occurred to me was to change the models of mushrooms growing on trees, add a stump to them when growing, a little more logic, so to speak, and beauty)

💬 DispleasedDog, Jan 27th at 4:17 AM

 If it's immersion that you're concerned with, simply rename the seeds to be "Bag of [Mushroom Name] Spores". Another alternative, and coming from someone with no modding experience, you could make it to where mushrooms propogate on the ground horizontally in much the same way as berry bushes grow vertically (So long as the ajoining land is cultivated). I think cultivating mushrooms is great. Mushrooms are a large part of my diet in game but they take forever to regrow in the wild.

💬 Cupnudeln, Jan 26th at 9:45 PM
In real life, one mushroom can release enough spores to grow hundreds of mushrooms. That's why I think this mod is great.
💬 VaelophisNyx, Jan 26th at 9:36 PM

support for the mushrooms added by the Mushroomz mod would be appreciated, if possible

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 26th at 4:21 PM


The idea is incredibly interesting, but unfortunately it's still too difficult for me, but I'm working on it, one day I'll be able to make a full-fledged mod with my own mechanics. But so far, unfortunately, only json.

💬 bringitonwimps, Jan 26th at 3:29 PM

I understand the code difficulties, but maybe you can look at the wildfarming mod.. it does a great job with mushroom system, I just wish i could use just the mushroom system in a mod like yours.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 26th at 2:23 PM


I thought about it, but it seemed so far from reality to me that I decided to give up. Well, I guess that's what I'm going to do now, thanks)

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 26th at 2:14 PM

Change the seed item name to "spores" since it's a bag model anyway now and you're good.

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 26th at 2:08 PM


Я рад, что тебе понравилось)

💬 filadog, Jan 26th at 1:43 PM

Крутяк, спасибо за мод!

💬 Junk1911Author, Jan 26th at 12:25 PM


Thanks a lot for the feedback) Maybe one day I'll learn the basics of programming and be able to do something really difficult and realistic, but for now it's the only way)

💬 XurxoMF, Jan 26th at 12:20 PM

I love the way you said "it's unrealistic but I wanted this" hahahahah

Nice mod, I was also looking for a mushroom farm option. I'ld love something more realistic but this is cool ❤️


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