Mods / Thievery

Category: #Crafting #Other #Tweak
Author: Chronolegionaire
Side: Both
Created: Jan 10th at 6:18 AM
Last modified: Jan 10th at 6:19 AM
Downloads: 176
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Latest file for v1.20.0-rc.8: 1-click install


Welcome to Thievery, a mod that overhauls the vanilla reinforcement system to allow for key usage and (if enabled) lock picking! This mod is designed with PVP servers in mind and is pretty much useless in single player unless you want the roleplay experience of locking your house.


Part 1: Lock and Key

Lock and key is the first part of the Thievery system.


Keys: Keys can be smithed at an anvil out of any metal. When initially smithed, a key is unpaired, shift right clicking a reinforced and padlocked block (see vanilla reinforcement system) will open a dialogue to rename your key and pairs it to that block permanently. Keys can lock and unlock padlocked blocks with sneak+right click. Only the original locker of a block or a member of a a group that has been given permission can pair key to a block. Keys can be duplicated with a key pressing.

Key Pressings: Through clayforming you can make an unused key pressing, essentially a small pad of raw clay. With your paired key (or any nefariously obtained keys) right click the unused pressing to create a key pressing. Fire this in a pit kiln like normal to create a key mold that creates duplicates of your desired key. 

Locktool: A locktool is a small tool used to rekey blocks that have been locked with the same lock pattern as another block. Simply sneak+right click a block to memorize its lock pattern and sneak+rightclick another block to paste your lock pattern onto other blocks. Only the original locker of a block or a member of a group that has been given permission can copy or paste lock patterns onto blocks.

Lockpick and Tension Wrench: Lockpicks and Tension Wrenchs are small tools to allow the unauthorized unlocking of blocks. By default only clockmakers and Malefactors have the knowledge necessary to use lockpicks. To pick a lock, hold your tension wrench in your off hand and lockpick in your main hand and hold sneak + right click on a locked block to begin picking it. As you pick you will damage your tools, and the stronger material the padlock is made of, the longer it will take. These tools can be smithed on an anvil out of tool metals.

XSkill Integration: WIP Skills placeholders are implemented but exp gain and skill logic are not fleshed out yet.

ConfigLib Support: Supports config lib to allow server owners to fully configure lockpicking behavior.

Future plans:

In game handbook entries
Potentially do unique models for each key metal type.

NOTES: I highly recommend keeping a backup key IN your house hidden somewhere in case you die in the wilds and drop your key and have your spawn point set inside your locked house.

Part 2: Sticky Fingers and Loose Purses (NOT IMPLEMENTED WIP)



Part 3: Thief's Downfall  (NOT IMPLEMENTED WIP)


Traps and trappable blocks.
Trap Detection and Disarming

Current configuration options can be changed in the thieveryconfig.json file located in your modconfig folder after launch a world with the mod installed once.

LockPicking: Default true, turn on and off the lockpicking system.
Padlock pick durations: Controls How long it takes for a padlock type to be picked. Currently set very high for default values on iron and better as I don't have any playtesters to test balance.
LockPickDamageChance: By default 10% chance to be triggered. Every 4 seconds roll a random check to see if your pick or tension wrench should be damaged.
LockPickDamage: How much damage your lock pick or tension wrench takes on a failed check.
RequiresPilferer: Players will require the pilferer trait to pick locks (Malefactor). If both this and requires tinkerer are turned off, everyone can pick locks.
RequiresTinkerer: Players will require the tinkerer trait to pick locks (Clock Maker). If both this and requires pilferer are turned off, everyone can pick locks. If both are on, both classes can pick locks.

Bug Reports:

I will NOT provide support or assistance with bugs in the comments section of this download page

To get assistance, please go to the Thievery mod thread on the Vintage Story Discord and provide:
1: Description of issue and steps to reproduce
2: When pertinent: Your server-main and client-main logs found in vintagestorydata/logs
3: (Optionally but preferred) A mod pack generated of your currently installed mods from my mod packer tool

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 176 Jan 10th at 6:19 AM Show Install now

5 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, Jan 12th at 12:33 AM


I think you mean Block Picking Lawyer


💬 DanekJovax, Jan 11th at 12:55 PM

"Hi!  This is the Lock Picking Lawyer, and today, I am here to share with you a new virtual lock system that's been brought to my attention. I will go over the security features of this new lock, as well as attempt to pick it and demonstrate just how secure it really is. It's sure to be better than Master Lock already for it's got one thing Master Lock never gets right, a real locking system." :2D

💬 ChronolegionaireAuthor, Jan 11th at 1:20 AM



Thank you!


💬 SniperGecko, Jan 10th at 6:33 PM

Very neat!

💬 SaltyWater, Jan 10th at 8:10 AM

Amazing mod! Very immersive! Congrats 🤯

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