Mods / Core of Arts
Author: Fedarmens
Side: Both
Created: Jan 9th at 2:06 AM
Last modified: Feb 3rd at 7:29 PM
Downloads: 9529
Follow Unfollow 179
Author: Fedarmens
Side: Both
Created: Jan 9th at 2:06 AM
Last modified: Feb 3rd at 7:29 PM
Downloads: 9529
Follow Unfollow 179
Latest file for Various v1.20.x:
1-click install
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The basic mod-library for other mods, mostly from the author Fedarmens. However, you can use it as a separate mod.
Базовый мод-библиотека для других модов, в основном от автора Fedarmens. Однако вы можете использовать его как отдельный мод.
The main functions of the mod
- are the ability to set custom shapes for the contents of barrels – just add the "inBarrelShape" attribute indicating the path to the desired shape (there is an example in this mod and in the Art of Growing mod);
- added shapes for most vegetables in barrels;
- flour and grain are now "stored" in pouches – the shape of objects has been changed;
- for cooking recipes in a pot, when using the "cooksInto" parameter, you can set the "notDirtied: true" attribute so that the pot does not get dirty when executing the recipe (there is an example in the Art of Cooking mod in the vinegar brine recipe);
- the cooked wild rhizomes can now be used as other vegetables in cooking.
Compatible with the XSkills mod - to do this, install the Arts XSkills mod
Основные функции мода
- возможность задавать кастомные модели для содержимого бочек – достаточно добавить атрибут «inBarrelShape» с указанием пути до нужной модели (пример есть в этом моде и в моде Art of Growing);
- добавлены модели для большинства овощей в бочках;
- мука и зерно теперь «хранится» в мешочках – изменена модель предметов;
- для рецептов готовки в котелке при применении параметра «cooksInto» можно задать атрибут «notDirtied: true», чтобы при выполнении рецепта котелок не становился грязным (пример есть в моде Art of Cooking в рецепте рассола из уксуса);
- приготовленные корневища дикорастущего растения теперь можно использовать как другие овощи в приготовлении блюд.
Совместимость с модом XSkills - для этого нужно установить мод Arts XSkills
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.2.3 | 2806 | Feb 3rd at 7:28 PM | Show | CoreOfArts_0.2.3.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.2 | 2232 | Jan 28th at 11:24 AM | Show | CoreOfArts_0.2.2.zip | Install now | |
v0.2.0 | 2262 | Jan 23rd at 10:13 PM | Show | CoreOfArts_0.2.0.zip | Install now | |
v0.1.0 | 2227 | Jan 15th at 11:02 AM | Show | CoreOfArts_0.1.0.zip | Install now |
I just had to be patient??? xD
Thank you for the hard work and making the game so much better
Branwynn AzuliBluespots Solas_Flemeth
and everyone who asked for compatibility with XSkills, be happy) The Arts XSkills mod is at your service!
Solas_Flemeth shared a temp work-around to fix the xskills compatability in the comments section of Art of Cooking
"I ran a test and removed
"op": "replace",
"path": "/classByType",
"value": {
"claypot-burned": "COABlockCookingContainer",
"claypot-cooked": "BlockCookedContainer"
in the file https://github.com/Fedarmens/Arts/blob/master/CoreOfArt/CoreOfArt/assets/coreofart/patches/claypot.json to grant support for xSkills. Traditional pot works, new one doesn't. This is a temporary workaround till the author patches as it may have unintended problems. "
I'm looking forward to Fedarmens patching this incompatibility, but at least the community found a temp solution to the issue.
(Edited for spelling)
Is it possible to have a seperate inventory icon from the world model? I like the pouches when they are placed as ground storage, but I also like to see just the pile in my inventory. It'd be cool to see it as a pile when it's freshly harvested too.
+1 for xskills compatibility - I haven't experienced it yet, but I'd love to have that since I'm the cook.
Can you make this compatible with XSkills? It currently breaks all bonuses and skills related to the cooking pot.