Mods / Core of Arts

Category: #Library
Author: Fedarmens
Side: Both
Created: Jan 9th at 2:06 AM
Last modified: Feb 3rd at 7:29 PM
Downloads: 9529
Follow Unfollow 179

Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install

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The basic mod-library for other mods, mostly from the author Fedarmens. However, you can use it as a separate mod.

Базовый мод-библиотека для других модов, в основном от автора Fedarmens. Однако вы можете использовать его как отдельный мод.


The main functions of the mod
  • are the ability to set custom shapes for the contents of barrels – just add the "inBarrelShape" attribute indicating the path to the desired shape (there is an example in this mod and in the Art of Growing mod);
  • added shapes for most vegetables in barrels;
  • flour and grain are now "stored" in pouches – the shape of objects has been changed;
  • for cooking recipes in a pot, when using the "cooksInto" parameter, you can set the "notDirtied: true" attribute so that the pot does not get dirty when executing the recipe (there is an example in the Art of Cooking mod in the vinegar brine recipe);
  • the cooked wild rhizomes can now be used as other vegetables in cooking.
Compatible with the XSkills mod - to do this, install the Arts XSkills mod



Основные функции мода
  • возможность задавать кастомные модели для содержимого бочек – достаточно добавить атрибут «inBarrelShape» с указанием пути до нужной модели (пример есть в этом моде и в моде Art of Growing);
  • добавлены модели для большинства овощей в бочках;
  • мука и зерно теперь «хранится» в мешочках – изменена модель предметов;
  • для рецептов готовки в котелке при применении параметра «cooksInto» можно задать атрибут «notDirtied: true», чтобы при выполнении рецепта котелок не становился грязным (пример есть в моде Art of Cooking в рецепте рассола из уксуса);
  • приготовленные корневища дикорастущего растения теперь можно использовать как другие овощи в приготовлении блюд.
Совместимость с модом XSkills - для этого нужно установить мод Arts XSkills

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.2.3 2806 Feb 3rd at 7:28 PM Show Install now
v0.2.2 2232 Jan 28th at 11:24 AM Show Install now
v0.2.0 2262 Jan 23rd at 10:13 PM Show Install now
v0.1.0 2227 Jan 15th at 11:02 AM Show Install now

7 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Branwynn, Feb 4th at 1:06 PM

I just had to be patient??? xD


Thank you for the hard work and making the game so much better

💬 conninator2000, Feb 3rd at 9:34 PM


💬 FedarmensAuthor, Feb 3rd at 7:45 PM

Branwynn AzuliBluespots Solas_Flemeth

and everyone who asked for compatibility with XSkills, be happy) The Arts XSkills mod is at your service!

💬 Branwynn, Feb 3rd at 6:54 PM

 Solas_Flemeth shared a temp work-around to fix the xskills compatability in the comments section of Art of Cooking

"I ran a test and removed 
"op": "replace",
"path": "/classByType",
"value": {
"claypot-burned": "COABlockCookingContainer",
"claypot-cooked": "BlockCookedContainer"

in the file to grant support for xSkills. Traditional pot works, new one doesn't.  This is a temporary workaround till the author patches as it may have unintended problems. "


I'm looking forward to Fedarmens patching this incompatibility, but at least the community found a temp solution to the issue.

(Edited for spelling)

💬 MrFastZombie, Jan 29th at 6:42 PM

Is it possible to have a seperate inventory icon from the world model? I like the pouches when they are placed as ground storage, but I also like to see just the pile in my inventory. It'd be cool to see it as a pile when it's freshly harvested too.

💬 AzuliBluespots, Jan 29th at 12:46 PM

+1 for xskills compatibility - I haven't experienced it yet, but I'd love to have that since I'm the cook.

💬 Solas_Flemeth, Jan 28th at 5:05 PM

Can you make this compatible with XSkills? It currently breaks all bonuses and skills related to the cooking pot.

(edit comment delete)