Mods / Physical Map

Category: #QoL #Tweak
Author: kastrom3
Side: Both
Created: 5 days ago
Last modified: 5 days ago
Downloads: 199
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Latest file for v1.20.0-rc.6: 1-click install

EN Description:

This mod adds more honest ways to use the map and coordinates, adding the following items:

  • Compass - allows you to find out the direction of the world (custom window based on the window with coordinates)
  • Temporal compass - thanks to the temporal gear, allows you to more accurately navigate in space (displays a vanilla window with coordinates)
  • Atlas - together with the temporal compass allows you to conveniently sketch the landscape, which simplifies orientation on the ground (allows you to open the world map window, and a minimap with coordinates)

In order for the items to work, they must be held in the hotbar or in the second hand.
The idea with the compass came from the fact that on the map you can see the coordinates and your location, so that it was more or less balanced, I had to create a complex craft for the temporal compass and atlas. (And yes, a lot of paper because you can easily load the entire world)

The mod itself is one big crutch, since I don't know C#, and adding a simple check for the presence of an item in the inventory seemed feasible to me for the AI. However, even so, I had to spend all these 2 days of development, sitting in the wiki and documentation, in order to fix and at least slightly optimize what the AI ​​had piled up. And even so, since both the wiki and the official documentation almost do not explain anything, in order to normally create items, recipes and models, I had to check Json files from the game and other mods. (; ̄Д ̄)

As for compatibility, since the mod uses a vanilla map, there should be no problems. However, the mod also unhooks the corresponding 3 hotkeys, and only replaces the opening of the map with its own, so if there is a mod that also does something with them, it may break/break my mod. Will this mod work on earlier versions? I have no idea! I haven't tested it and I only started playing 10 days ago (yeah... it's been a little over a week and I've already made a mod because I wasn't happy with something... ( ̄  ̄|||) )

RU Описание:

Данный мод добавляет более честные способы использования карты и координат, добавляя следующие предметы:

  • Компас - позволяет узнать направление света (кастомное окно которое основано на окне с координатами)
  • Темпоральный компас - благодаря темпоральной шестерёнке, позволяет более точно ориентироваться в пространстве (отображает ванильное окно с координатами)
  • Атлас - вместе с темпоральным компасом позволяет удобно зарисовывать ландшафт, что упрощает ориентирование на местности (позволяет открывать окно карты мира, и миникарту с координатами)

Для того что-бы предметы работали их необходимо держать в хотбаре либо во второй руке.
Идея с компасом пришла из-за того что на карте можно видеть координаты и своё местоположение, так-что что-бы это было более менее сбалансированно пришлось создавать сложный крафт для темпорального компаса и атласа. (И да куча бумаги из-за того что вы можете спокойно прогружать весь мир)

Сам мод представляет собой один большой костыль, поскольку я не знаю C#, и добавить простую проверку наличия предмета в инвентаре, мне показалась посильной ИИ. Однако даже так, пришлось все эти 2 дня разработки, сидеть в вики и документации, что-бы исправлять и хотя-бы чучуть оптимизировать то что нагородил ИИ. И даже так поскольку и вики и официальная документация, почти нихрена не объясняет, что-бы нормально создать предметы, рецепты и модели, пришлось чекать Json файлы из игры и других модов. (; ̄Д ̄)

Сто касается совместимости, поскольку мод использует ванильную карту, то проблем быть не должно. Однако мод так-же открючает соответствующие 3 горячие клавиши, и заменяет лишь открытие карты своей, так-что если есть мод который так-же что-то делает с ними, может сломаться/сломать мой мод. А будет ли этот мод работать на более ранней версиях? Без понятия! Я не тестил, и играть начал всего-то 10 дней назад (да... прошло чуть больше недели а я уже сделал мод, из-за того что, что-то не устроило... ( ̄  ̄|||) )

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 199 5 days ago Show Install now

16 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 kastrom3Author, 11 hours ago


Initially I wrote the code so that the HUD would only show when you hold it in your hands, but I couldn't make it show when you hold it in your second hand, only in your main hand. (As I understand it, there are only two methods in the game that reference this cell, and they don't work for my mod) So I just rewrote the condition like the card.

As for compatibility, I'll see what can be done (; ̄▽ ̄)b


It looks like the new version has updated the coordinates HUD, I'll try to download the stable version and rewrite my HUD of the cardinal directions to the old format. Thanks)))

💬 LarekFlynn, 14 hours ago

kastrom3 PastaNipples

Looks like this doesn't work with older versions. I tried this out with my 1.19.8 save by deleting the game dependancy in the modinfo.json. I get a crash on load up

Might try it again with a new vanilla save.

💬 Cuddly_Khan, 21 hours ago

Would it be possible to add compatibility to the minimal compass mod by sirlan? Make it so that compass isn't visible unless you have the Compas in your hand.

💬 kastrom3Author, 1 day ago


Yes, this idea came to me initially, but for this it will be necessary to rewrite the map code in order to block loading of chunks on the map when the book's length is zero. And neither I nor the AI ​​can do this yet... (This is precisely why a lot of paper is used in crafting) I will try to implement this, but do not expect it in the near future, unless of course a savvy modder appears who will make his own version of the mod)))

As for the ingredients for satr compasses, I chose ore, because natural rocks containing a lot of iron can often be magnetized, which makes them an excellent material for a compass. And with the current technologies in the game, it is impossible to create a permanent magnet. (Senku does not count))) )

💬 Venusgate, 2 days ago

I will probably try this on my next playthrough.

May I suggest: Making the Atlas function like clothing that wears out over time, and requires parchment to restore? Or put in thematic terms: adding pages to the atlas as the player explores? 

Also, to prevent gating early compass, allowing metal scraps as one of the possible ingredients in place of iron bits in the magnetic compass?

💬 Thalius, 3 days ago

I am no fan of the way maps work in the game. At least, not when it comes to desiring a more immersive experience. I do, however, strongly desire a good, immersive cartography mod that requires resources and player effort to craft maps that can be brought back and shared with others.  This mod does not accomplish that, but I do feel it is one of the first I've seen that takes a step in the right direction, linking access to the vanilla map system to items that the player must craft and hang onto.

I seriously hope you will expand on this project! VS needs an immersive cartography system that does away with auto player position, homing waypoint beacons, GPS coordinate position updating, etc.

A magnetic compass that shows direction, a sextant that gives the player a rough estimate on their distance from the equator (especially for use on ocean worlds), and an immersive, resource dependant map/atlas crafting system would all be fantastic!

💬 kastrom3Author, 4 days ago


As I already wrote, I just installed this version because I did not test it on earlier ones. You can just install it on an earlier version and see if everything works fine in another world. ( ̄▽ ̄ )

💬 PastaNipples, 4 days ago

Crazy question, don't suppose there's anything I could do on my end to edit or tweak the mod to have it 'back-compatible' for 1.19? I've been waiting for stable 1.20, but this mod is JUST what I want right now :o

💬 TheRealFlynn, 4 days ago

I share the sentiments about the mini-map. It would be nice if the mod restored that hotkey while the atlas is in your hotbar the same as it does the m hotkey


💬 kastrom3Author, 4 days ago


indeed, thank you)))
I'll think about renaming the mod when the update comes out.

💬 Ruyeex, 4 days ago

I love it.

💬 AnOldGondola, 4 days ago

Really looking forward to giving this a try, thanks for sharing your mod!

💬 TheRealFlynn, 4 days ago

Mod name has typo. Should be 'physical'.

May I recommend humbly recommend "Immersive Cartography"?

💬 TheRealFlynn, 5 days ago

TYSM for creating this mod. After my first few games, I started giving myself a world map when I held a piece of parchment. This is way, way better.

💬 Sekrit, 5 days ago

Great work, I've been wanting a mod like this for a while now, a SevTech-like map progression feel really fits VS so this is an instant classic for wilderness survival worlds.

My only complaint so far is that having the Atlas forces the minimap on, which is a little annoying, it'd be great if it was still toggelable like the full map.

💬 Vogi, 5 days ago

That's really cool mod! We will watch your career with great interest

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