Mods / Fauna of the Stone Age: Spheniscidae

Category: #Crafting #Creatures #Food #Furniture
Author: Tentharchitect
Side: Both
Created: Nov 10th at 2:47 AM
Last modified: Nov 21st at 7:53 PM
Downloads: 1377
Follow Unfollow 66

Latest file for v1.20.0-pre: 1-click install

A collection of aquatic flightless birds of the family Spheniscidae, these birds will add life to the polar, subpolar, temperate and subtropical coastal ecosystems of your world, acting as ambience, food and prey.

This mod includes:


Common Name Scientific name Weight Health Height Damage Temp Precip Foliage Needs Altitude Group Size Meat Drops Fat Drops Hide Drops Other Drops Diet
Emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri 45/30/10 11/8/4 1 H 2.5t1 -20 to -6 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 6-7/4-5/1 2 1L 15+-7 feathers Fish
King penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus 12/11/3 5/3 1 H 2t1 -6 to 3 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1-2/1 2 1 M 15+-7 feathers ||
Southern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome 3/.5 3/2 .5H 1t1 0-18 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus 3/.5 3/2 .55H 1t1 -12-8 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Northern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi 3/.5 3/2 .5H 1t1 -2-16 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Fiordland penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus 3/.5 3/2 .45H 1t1 8-12 60-100 all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Snares penguin Eudyptes robustus 3/.5 3/2 .5H 1t1 10-12 60-80 all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Erect-crested penguin Eudyptes sclateri 6/5/1 4/3 .6H 1.5t1 10-16 40-100 all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Royal penguin Eudyptes schlegeli 6/5/1 4/3 .65H 1.5t1 3-7 .4-.7 all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Chatham penguin Eudyptes warhami 6/5/1 4/3 .6H 1.5t1 10-15 .6-.8 all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Little blue penguin Eudyptula minor 1.5/.25 3/2 .3H 1t1 12-16 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Australian little blue penguin Eudyptula novaehollandiae 1.5/.25 3/2 .3H 1t1 12-24 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Yellow-eyed penguin Megadyptes antipodes 7/5/1 4/3 .7H 1.5t1 6-10 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae 7/5/1 4/3 .6H 1.5t1 -20 to -6 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus 4/3/.5 3/2 .6H 1t1 -15 to 13 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua 7/6/1 4/3 .7H 1.5t1 -10 to 14 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
African penguin Spheniscus demersus 3/1 3/2 .6H 1t1 13-25 0-50% all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Humboldt penguin Spheniscus humboldti 4/1 3/2 .55H 1t1 22-27 0-30% all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus 4/1 3/2 .7H 1t1 6-24 all all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||
Galapagos penguin Spheniscus mendiculus 4/1 3/2 .5H 1t1 23-27 10-30% all 1.0-1.1 1-6 M&F, 4-40 M&F&B 1 1 1 S 15+-7 feathers ||



All species have a unique pelt that can be used to craft hide, feathers and a taxidermied full body.

All the animals in this mod have a strict population cap and will only spawn on runtime, not world gen. This is also to make the mod more server friendly so as to not add an overwhelming number of entities. 

And a big thanks to everyone who gave feedback and assistance!

Known Bugs: The water behavior toggle currently isn't working, so penguins will often perform land behaviors in water. As such, they are currently set to head to land immediately after spawning. This will be changed when this base game feature is finalized.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.1 319 Nov 21st at 7:53 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 428 Nov 10th at 2:48 AM Show Install now
v0.9.1 248 Nov 21st at 7:52 PM Show Install now
v0.9.0 382 Nov 10th at 2:48 AM Show Install now

16 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 TentharchitectAuthor, Nov 22nd at 4:21 PM

Thanks Yelb and Toccata!
As for elephantidae, they are one of the 62 remaining animal packs I'd like to do!

💬 Yelb, Nov 22nd at 2:53 PM

Hello, loving your mods ! Any chance for very large animals, like Elephantidae mammoth-ish ?

💬 Toccata, Nov 21st at 8:01 PM

Just wanted to say you're a real one for adding support for combat overhaul!!

💬 TentharchitectAuthor, Nov 21st at 7:54 PM

Glad you're all enjoying it!
And there are tons of cool extinct penguins out there Annastasija! Would be happy to let a modder use my assets to make extinct animals further back before my project's timerange, I'm mostly sticking to the Holocene with a few hundred years wiggle room in rare circumstances

💬 Annastasija, Nov 16th at 1:48 AM

There are lots of cool extinct penguins out there, like the Inkayacu, or The great Auk. Also that prehistroic one, Palaeeudyptes klekowskii was 7 feet tall, that would be scary lol

💬 Kaezyr, Nov 15th at 5:07 AM

Amazing, thanks for the new release! 

💬 DrBubba, Nov 12th at 3:42 PM

You do such amazing things.  I love it.

💬 TentharchitectAuthor, Nov 11th at 4:26 PM

Thanks Brick! And I have no plans to do non-avian dinosaurs. Though I try to help dinosaur modders whenever they pop up

💬 Brick, Nov 11th at 8:08 AM


Hello! I am greatly impressed by your work on animal packs and its quality. I am curious, do you have any plans on making dinosaurs packs?

💬 TentharchitectAuthor, Nov 11th at 3:52 AM

Elephants are one of the 62 remaining animal packs I'd like to do, though no promises on where in the order it'll come out

💬 LumpyAcidFish, Nov 11th at 2:07 AM

are you going to make one for elephants since you have rhinos?

💬 TentharchitectAuthor, Nov 10th at 4:20 PM

You can indeed! The king babies are big fluffers

💬 Hydromancerx, Nov 10th at 5:37 AM

Can I have a baby Pesto now?

💬 nicknightshade, Nov 10th at 3:43 AM

WOOO!! PENGUINS!!! You're the MAN!!! WOO!!!
(praying for bovines next but take your time king)


💬 ParallelPenguins, Nov 10th at 2:56 AM

PENGUINS!!!! 😍😀😀😁 I am now very very happy! I would hug you if I could!!

💬 Rattus, Nov 10th at 2:54 AM

Nice work brother

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