Mods / Mod Packer

Category: #Other #QoL #Utility
Author: Chronolegionaire
Side: Client
Created: 4 days ago
Last modified: 4 days ago
Downloads: 84
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The Mod Packer is a tool designed to help you easily manage mods and mod packs for Vintage Story. With this tool, you can:

  • Create Mod Packs: Automatically gather all mods and configuration files from your current game setup and package them into a single zip file. This allows you to easily share or back up your complete mod setup.

  • Install Mod Packs: Seamlessly install mod packs by selecting a zip file containing the desired mods and configurations. The tool allows you to either merge new mods with your existing ones or overwrite everything for a fresh setup. It also gives you the option to apply or ignore any configuration files bundled in the mod pack.

  • Mod Management: The tool integrates with the Vintage Story Mod Database to download mods directly by fetching them using the mod's ID and version. You can download all mods from a selected mod pack, ensuring the correct versions are installed automatically.

  • Config File Handling: Whether creating or installing a mod pack, the tool manages your mod configuration files, allowing you to back them up or replace them with those provided in the pack.

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84 4 days ago Show

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