Mods / NDL Creatures

Category: #Creatures
Author: NateDoesLife
Side: Both
Created: 2 days ago
Last modified: 2 days ago
Downloads: 48
Follow Unfollow 1

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

About Mod:
This mods goal is to add many creatures to the world of Vintage Story. I wanted some more variety instead of drifters in the world and decided to add some fun creatures. Currently there are only naturally aggressive creatures but I plan on adding more passive and possibly even friendly creatures in the future.

- I know the sounds for the creatures arnt ideal, they are mostly placeholders until I can find/create some better ones hopefully soon. Its pretty high on my list of things to get done quickly.

Currently added Creatures

- Zombie
- Spider
- Skeleton

Creature Information:


Health Melee Attack Range Attack Light Level Spawns Drops Harvest Drops
20 5 HP None 0-5 Rusty Gear
Temporal Gear
Can Jewelry Mod: Steel Socket


Health Melee Attack Range Attack Light Level Spawns Drops Harvest Drops
20 5 HP None 0-5 Rusty Gear
Temporal Gear
Can Jewelry Mod: Steel Socket
Flax Fiber


Health Melee Attack Range Attack Light Level Spawns Drops Harvest Drops
15 None 3 HP 0-5 Rusty Gear
Temporal Gear
Can Jewelry Mod: Steel Socket

Planned Creatures:
- Slime (jumps around, melee attack, splits into 2 smaller slimes on death)
- Goblin (fast, small entity, melee attack)
- Ghost (flying entity, range attack, knocks back)
- Vampire (heals on hit, melee attack, transform into bat at 1/3 HP and tries to run away)

Planned Workings:
- Model Fine tuning
- Animation tuning
- Sound effect tuning (if you have sound bits you think would be good I will take suggestions as they are hard to find online lol)
- Adjustments as needed for creature values (damage, health, etc)
- Passive creatures, only mad when you attack them
- Weather Dependent spawing creatures (only spawn in cold or hot temps)

Special Thanks:
     - Built the entire throwing mechanic used by skeletons (and probably future creatures)
     - Helped troubleshoot and answered just about every question I had regarding building this mod

I livestream on Twitch or Youtube (ad-free) monday-thursday (6pm est - 930pm est) Typically I play vintage story monday-wednesday and a group game with some friends on thursday. I welcome suggestion and feedback on the mod in chat there or you can leave a comment below. 

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 45 2 days ago Show Install now

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