Mods / minimal compass

Category: #QoL
Author: sirlan
Side: Client
Created: Sep 13th at 3:28 PM
Last modified: 6 days ago
Downloads: 299
Follow Unfollow 16

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

A minimalist compass HUD that displays the cardinal directions and your waypoints as icons on the top of your screen, more immersive than a minimap but just as useful

You can choose which waypoints it shows by marking them as pinned or unpinned

There are a few options you can toggle with the .minimalcompass command (for client only settings) and /minimalcompass (per world/server*)

One of the options is to require having specific items in the hotbar to show the compass


not too pretty, but it works


* the server needs to have the mod installed to change these settings, but you can join servers that don't have the mod, and people without the mod on the client can join server with the mod

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.9.1 185 6 days ago Show Install now
v0.8.4 97 Sep 13th at 10:37 PM Show Install now
v0.8.0 17 Sep 13th at 3:33 PM Show Install now

11 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Okaibae, 3 days ago

Very nice! Just a suggestion, I think a toggle option for the commands would be very helpful for macros, currently you need one to turn it on and another to turn it off.

💬 Cuddly_Khan, 4 days ago

I've been using this for a little while now and I've noticed that the FOV of the compass is much too wide. I'm not sure if that makes sense haha. When I look SE, I can see neither S nor E on the compass which gets me a bit lost sometimes. When I look slightly to the left or right of a pinned mark it almost goes entirely off screen. I'm not sure if this is something that is adjustable or not, but even the addition of ordinal directions on the compass would help I think.

💬 sirlanAuthor, 5 days ago

DeanBro for the time being not really, as the main design goal is to be minimallist (small-ish and not too eye catching), although am considering having an optional background for visibility, but nothing too decorated

💬 DeanBro, 5 days ago

Will there be any future variants of the look? For example skyrim 😁

💬 RuneScholar, 6 days ago

That is such a great idea. It adds more flexibility for players who might have other compass mods or who might want to bind a vanilla item to the compass use.

💬 sirlanAuthor, 6 days ago

RuneScholar this latest update adds something like that, it doesn't specifically add those items as requirements, but you can configure per world which items you need in your hotbar to enable the compass. Right now you need to already have the item in your hand to be able to set it as required, but you only need to do that once per item. There are more details on the command help for /minimalcompass

💬 Origin_Alpha_43, 6 days ago

Good to hear.
great mod btw
i've always been getting off track when trying to head towards waypoints
now i'll know i'm going the right direction 😅

💬 sirlanAuthor, 6 days ago

Origin_Alpha_43 tested it, and actually the bad was on my part for doing something wrong, changed a few things, and it might work with that mod in the next update (at least here it works)

💬 Origin_Alpha_43, 6 days ago

never mind. found the culprit
Maybe add to the description that it's not compatible with PomShaderCache, "will crash your game"

💬 Origin_Alpha_43, 6 days ago

was it tested for server usage? cause i'm trying it, it doesnt seem to wanna work, but crashes if i try to join my server, while simply having it player-side.
i'm about to try if it requires it server-side too or if it crashes as well

edit: server has fully loaded, not a server issue
Crash report says:
at MinimalCompass.HudRenderer.LoadShader() in /home/drag0n/prj/vintage-story/MinimalCompass/MinimalCompass/CompassHud.cs:line 302

💬 RuneScholar, Sep 14th at 1:00 AM

I like this. But I like the immersion of having a physical compass in game with the Compass mod. Would there be a way to tie the functionality of this mod to the requirement of having the compass from that mod on your hot bar?

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