Mods / Charcoal Pit Door

Category: #Other #QoL #Tweak
Author: BillyGalbreath
Side: Both
Created: Aug 25th at 8:14 PM
Last modified: Aug 25th at 8:20 PM
Downloads: 1087
Follow Unfollow 57

Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install

Allows iron doors to seal charcoal pits. Iron door must be facing the inside towards the pit in order to function.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 1087 Aug 25th at 8:20 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Cuddly_Khan, 3 days ago

If there were an iron trap door that you could put on top as well, that would make this so perfect!

💬 jamescook, 3 days ago

i know this is gonna be a dum question but when you say facing inside, do you mean the door is flush on the outside of the charcoal pit or it's flush on the inside? edit-will post a pic to better desribe what i ment if need to.

💬 Shazza, Sep 1st at 4:14 AM

This combined with the Beehive Kiln mod makes for an excellent mid>late game upgrade, dedicated charcoal ovens ahoy!

💬 SuperTeeJ, Aug 26th at 8:10 AM

This! This is exactly what I needed. Thank you great and wonderful person!

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