Mods / Division of Labor - Edited

Category: #Tweak
Author: Sonito
Side: Both
Created: Aug 2nd at 12:09 AM
Last modified: Aug 22nd at 3:01 PM
Downloads: 107
Follow Unfollow 1

Latest file for v1.19.8:
Division of Labor - 1-click install

Please do not use this mod, This is meant for me and my friends to play on a private server,  I just couldn't get around the limitation of not using 3rd party mods on regular servers.






Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.12 23 Aug 22nd at 3:01 PM Show Division of Labor - Install now
v1.0.9 53 Aug 3rd at 3:34 AM Show Division of Labor - Install now
v1.0.8 31 Aug 2nd at 12:14 AM Show Division of Labor - Install now

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