Mods / BedSpawn

Category: #QoL #Tweak
Author: ilan
Side: Both
Created: Jun 14th at 6:15 AM
Last modified: Jun 15th at 9:14 PM
Downloads: 1200
Follow Unfollow 20

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

A simple mod that sets your spawn point when you use a bed. The spawn point is reset when the bed is destroyed.

Includes a command called /set-fatigue to allow you to set your player's "tiredness" (requires admin).



  • BlacklistedBeds - A list of blacklisted bed block codes that won't set your spawn. Defaults to an empty list.
    If you wish, for example, to add the hay bed to this list - just update the value in the configuration file to ["bed-hay"]

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.2.0 920 Jun 15th at 9:14 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 67 Jun 15th at 3:03 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 213 Jun 14th at 7:56 AM Show Install now

12 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 16th at 3:32 PM

Thanks for the kind words :) And I'm glad that 1.2.0 works!

💬 CKitt, Jun 16th at 1:17 PM

I'll give it a try today! For what it's worth, 1.0.0 was working great during half a dozen hours of multiplayer.

Edit: After the usual tests, no issues at all, zero errors. I think 1.2.0 is the ticket!

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 15th at 9:13 PM

Oh, sorry about that. I thought I could mark the mod as server-only but it seems that makes the localizations not load in the client (and an oversight in the code made it throw an NPE..)

1.2.0 published with the fixes 😅

💬 CKitt, Jun 15th at 8:19 PM

Interesting, after adding the hay bed (and thank you for not making it where I had to add head/foot N/E/W/S individually) and laying in a hay bed, I get the following message:


Subsequently destroying the hay bed crashes the game.


Edit: In fact, all beds now have that behavior, even while leaving the blacklist blank. I hope my suggestion didn't just ruin your mod, as v1.0.0 worked perfectly!

Edit 2: The relevant portion of the error log follows.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BedSpawn.Patches.BedRemovedPatch.Postfix(BlockBed __instance, IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos) in D:\Code\VintageStory\VSMods\src\BedSpawn\BedSpawn\Patches\BedRemovedPatch.cs:line 21

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 15th at 3:12 PM


💬 CKitt, Jun 15th at 3:11 PM

Awesome, that was very speedy. Thank you!

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 15th at 3:05 PM

Glad to help :) I just added the feature you suggested, gonna update the docs now

💬 CKitt, Jun 15th at 2:58 PM

Excellent, thanks for clarifying and for offering up the source. I always like taking a peek at what mods are actually doing!

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 15th at 2:47 PM

You can check out the source code in the GitHub repo here:

This mod works with any bed that extends `BlockBed`, which is every bed in the vanilla game (that you can sleep in).

Great suggestion, I will add that :) 

💬 CKitt, Jun 15th at 2:15 PM

I have a perhaps stupid question, as I can't open the .dll to check for myself: does the type of bed matter? Would I be able to use this with hay beds, aged beds, regular beds, and Vanilla Variants beds alike? Thanks!


Edit: Question answered via a creative world and the included /set-fatigue command. All bed variants work as intended. Excellent mod, thank you for that! In the future, if possible, it might be worthwhile to include a config file to allow for enabling/disabling specific beds. As an example, with an older bed spawner mod I'd disable hay beds and use those for long-distance exploration.

💬 ilanAuthor, Jun 14th at 6:38 PM


💬 GermanKursk, Jun 14th at 5:33 PM

Thank god. Exactly what I needed.

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