Mods / Asphalt

Category: #Crafting #Furniture #Tweak #Utility
Author: MrFlame
Side: Both
Created: Apr 7th at 6:30 PM
Last modified: Sep 19th at 2:05 PM
Downloads: 412
Follow Unfollow 10

Latest file for v1.19.8:
Asphalt 1-click install


Невеликий мод, який додає можливість зробити покриття, рух на якому буде на +70% швидшим.
Для порівняння ванільна бруківка дає +30% швидкості руху.
Для крафту потрібно будь-який пісок, гравій, розчин для мурування та перемелене кам'яне вугілля(бітум).

В планах:
-додати бруківку з тесаного каміння, як проміжний варіант.

Дякую UA_Shaman за допомогу в написанні моду. 

(це мій перший мод, на якому я вчився механікам моддінгу)

Discord: mrgabrielflame



A small mod that adds the ability to make a cover that will move +70% faster.
For comparison, vanilla stonepath gives +30% movement speed.
For crafting, you need any sand, gravel, mortar and bitumen coal.

In the plans:
- add pavement from ashlar stones as an intermediate option.

Thanks UA_Shaman for the help in writing the mod.

(this is my first mod where I learned modding mechanics)

Discord: mrgabrielflame

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.2 110 Sep 19th at 2:05 PM Show Asphalt Install now
v1.0.1 257 Jul 19th at 10:25 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 42 Apr 7th at 6:36 PM Show Install now

3 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Amyhaven, Sep 13th at 9:20 AM

You've got a bug, it currently removes grinding recipes for sylvite and borax (but not limestone which is weird.)


I think I found the issue. Go into patches for the ore-ungraded, and change it from ("op": "add",) to ("op": "addmerge",)

Its a new thing. Apparently added in 1.19.3

💬 Froggowo, Jul 21st at 3:14 PM


I like the idea, maybe wearing boots and stuff can nullify it? 

💬 Wandour, Jul 19th at 10:31 AM

make it so in summer 12-2-pm it does tier0 damage0 to who walks on it 😘

IM JOKING!! don't acutally do that

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