Mods / Drakon Story

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Category: #Creatures #Utility
Author: DungeonSiegeWolf
Side: Both
Created: Mar 27th at 3:25 PM
Last modified: Mar 27th at 3:25 PM
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Inspired by a Minecraft mod I love, and have long yearned for a VS counterpart: Wyrmroost.



Also known as the Brewer's Basilisk.

The females of these small creatures have a digestive tract brimming with yeast - anything they eat or drink is fermented. Males do as well, but much more weakly. 

Mechincally, they are living breweries. When fed a food item that can be fermented, such as honey, grain, or fruit juice, they will later expel it through their mouths as a viscious alcoholic mash. In the wild, they expel this mash into tree seeds and tree trunks.

To be urged to expel the mash, an alebelly must be able to find a container nearby. Valid containers include an empty bucket or barrel. They can also be given a bottle. To become proper alcohol, the mash needs to be distilled.


Items - 

Raw Mash (Strong) - Brewed by the female alebelly. Counts 1 towards the amount of mash a grub needs to become female.

Raw Mash (Weak) - Brewed by the male alebelly. Counts 0.25 towards the amount of mash a grub needs to become female.

Cooked Mash - Cooked strong or weak mash has no difference as it no longer has alcohol content. Grubs will not eat it.

Mash-filled Tree Seeds (Acorn, Walnut, Birch) - Alebellies inject mash into a seed through their toungues (proboscis). You can eat them cooked or raw.


Life cycle -

Males (drones) are more slender and streamlined with a beetle-like body, though they are larger than females. Their tails are longer and have skinny legs. They take much longer to ferment what they eat, and the alcohol they make is much weaker. This is because the males incubate the eggs in the brood pouch of their abdomen (tails). Pregnant males look similar to females.

Females (workers) have a honeybee-like body, with a pronounced abdomen and segmented thorax. Their tails are short and sharply pointed, like a stinger. Their legs are short and thick. Despite their small size, they are stronger than the males and are more agressive as they compete for food.

Egg - After mating, fertilized eggs are desposted from the female into the male's brood pouch.

Larva - The male alebelly gives live birth to male larvae, which remain in his pouch until they become grubs. Larvae feed on the weak mash the male creates in his body. The larvae die when removed from his body, or if the male himself dies. Dead alebelly larvae can be eaten raw, or cooked by themselves or in a stew.

Grub - Alebelly grubs are larvae that have grown too big for their father's pouch and are ready to explore the world on their own. At this point they are still male. Squirming around on the ground, they will forage for small tree seeds, hoping to find seeds full of mash. When he's eaten enough alebelly mash, a grub becomes female. Otherwise, he remains male.

Nymph - Male and female nymphs are not as distingishable as their adult form. They have underdeveloped wings and cannot fly.



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