Mods / Wrench Tooltip Disabler
Author: Radix
Side: Client
Created: Jan 19th at 5:55 PM
Last modified: Jan 19th at 5:57 PM
Downloads: 688
Follow Unfollow 19
Author: Radix
Side: Client
Created: Jan 19th at 5:55 PM
Last modified: Jan 19th at 5:57 PM
Downloads: 688
Follow Unfollow 19
Latest file for v1.19.1:
1-click install
I saw some dweeb on Reddit ask if you can turn off the "rotate" popup and thought, y'know what? It is a little distracting and you can't turn it off without losing all other block interaction hints. If you have a wrench you probably know why you smithed it.
This tiny baby mod simply forces the "hideInteractionHelpInSurvival" flag on for wrenchable blocks so it shouldn't affect anything else.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.0 | 688 | Jan 19th at 5:57 PM | Show | | Install now |
THANK you! That was annoying as heck.
I only did this because it took like 5 minutes, but that's a good idea.
Radix You could make mod much better and just keep tooltip when wrench is in active slot, it is not hard to do.
ShouldApply field in WorldInteraction object