Mods / SG Bars to Temporal (Gears)

Category: #Crafting
Author: Shroom_Ghost
Side: Both
Created: Jun 1st at 1:42 AM
Last modified: Jun 1st at 1:43 AM
Downloads: 590
Follow Unfollow 5

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Adds a fairly expensive Temporal gear recipe that uses several mid/lategame ingots. Good for worlds with little or no drifters where you still need Temporal gears for other recipes.

Sorry for the repeat ingame icon, really only uploaded to use on my server.

May also change the recipe to require Uranium ingots instead at some point

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.1.0 590 Jun 1st at 1:43 AM Show Install now

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