Mods / Powder Manufacturing

Category: #Crafting
Author: RosstheGreat
Side: Both
Created: Aug 2nd at 1:34 AM
Last modified: Aug 10th at 7:40 AM
Downloads: 292
Follow Unfollow 17

Latest file for v1.19.8: 1-click install

Requires: A Culinary Artillery!
This mod isn't complete, but it's a simple mod so there shouldn't be too many bugs!
In short, this is meant to add another process to making blasting powder. This can then be processed from other mods like Maltiez Firearms. It adds more efficient methods of producing powder through A Cullinary Artillery with the Mixing Bowl.

Please note, this mod might seem overpowered, if that is the case please leave a comment and I will tweak the recipes accordingly!

Recipes! (I will eventually add handbook recipes)

2x Green Mix in a mixing bowl (from ACA):
1 Saltpeter
1 Sulfur Powder
1 Powdered Charcoal

Mill in a grindstone Once for Lightly Milled Powder, mill Twice for Heavily Milled Powder.

Mix (in a mixing bowl) Heavily Milled Powder with Water to get Wet Millpowder (Wet millpowder will dry out after some time and turn back into Heavily Milled Powder)

Run Wet Millpowder through a pulverizer and let the Wet Powder Puck dry for 2-4 days

Run the Dry Powder Puck through the pulverizer again to get 5x Blasting Powder per puck

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.2 193 Aug 10th at 7:40 AM Show Install now
v0.0.1 99 Aug 2nd at 1:43 AM Show Install now

6 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 RosstheGreatAuthor, Aug 10th at 7:32 AM

Oh shoot! You're totally right. I must have misclicked which folder I was packaging. Will be fixed shortly.

💬 Jomeaga, Aug 5th at 2:29 PM

FYI your zip file is packaged wrong. You need to zip your assets/modinfo.json, not the folder containing them.

💬 RosstheGreatAuthor, Aug 3rd at 6:01 PM

Poompers I've not figured out how to do configs for that stuff yet, and it'll probably be a while until I do. 😅

I'm happy to hear feedback on the recipe input/outputs though! This was my first mod so I went pretty simple with just some recipe and item additions. Originally it was supposed to use the fruitpress to make the pucks, but unfortunately there's some sort of issue with the fruitpress not accepting non-fruit items and it caused some crashes so sadly I had to drop that.

💬 Poompers, Aug 2nd at 5:29 PM

Love the concept of trading time for a more worthwhile recipe, are there config files to change the ammount you end up getting from the pucks in case we'd like to tweak it?

💬 RosstheGreatAuthor, Aug 2nd at 4:44 PM

No it does not disable the other recipe. I can look into doing a config for that, It'll probably be a little while before I get to it though.
I had decided against overwriting the old recipe just because some people on the server I play with said it might be a good idea to keep it. My recipe tree really just makes the gunpowder crafting long and arduous and gives a pretty significant boost over the vanilla one. I think it's 1 Saltpeter to 10 blasting powder as opposed to 5 to 8 from vanilla.

It's kind of intended to make the one or two saltpeter drops from the Eldritch Creatures mod (the flying bombs) to make them usable in a shorter period of time for our firearms in the server, honestly. But! Again, I'm happy to change some stuff around and modify the mod to make it more usable by everyone :)

💬 CtrlAltSilent, Aug 2nd at 2:06 PM

I have just downloaded the mod. I haven't tested it yet but, does it disable the other crafting recipes for black powder? If not I would love a config option to do that. I'll keep you posted on the mod once I've had a chance to test it.

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