Mods / Plant Materials

Category: #Cosmetics #Crafting #Food #Magic #Utility #Worldgen
Author: UnnamedSystem
Side: Both
Created: Oct 4th 2021 at 10:13 PM
Last modified: Mar 12th 2024 at 5:16 PM
Downloads: 7471
Follow Unfollow 109

Latest file for Various v1.19.x: 1-click install


Versions 1.6.0 and beyond require Vintage Story 1.19 to run, they will work incorrectly and crash on 1.18

This mod adds:

-3 crops, for fruits and metal

-2 fruit trees, one fruit is a source of dairy the other is a source of health

-A berry bush that bears speed-enhancing fruit

-Brambles which can be harvested for sticks or used as a painful barrier

-Livingrock, which can be crafted into many decorative blocks

-Deadrock, a spookier variant of livingrock

-Grown furniture, including doors and a storage container. Comes in two flavors.

-Chlorophyte, a new metal which can be shaped into tools

-Several new surface and underground ruins where you can find seeds, tree cuttings, grown furniture and more

-New glass type blocks

-Gel, for roads and as a replacement for fat in some recipies

-Mulch blocks in a few colors for landscaping

-A new type of cheese, plant-based

-A few other misc. decorative blocks

I am currently learning C#! Next major update should bring some interesting features! :>

Enjoy and leave any feedback below!




Modeling, textures, and json by Pear (of the Unnamed System)

Russian translation by Just_Rod

Support, inspiration, and encouragement by my wonderful friends. <3

Several of the plants and materials in this mod originate in other works that I greatly enjoy. No textures or models from these works were used in Plant Materials, just names and appearance. Here is a list of them:

"Calovi pears" from the "White pears" in The Betweenlands by Angry Pixel

"Dentrothyst" from The Betweenlands by Angry Pixel

"Spirit fruit" from The Betweenlands by Angry Pixel

"Chlorophyte" from Terraria by Re-Logic

"Elementium" from Botania by Vazkii

"Living rock" from Botania by Vazkii

"The Mazebreaker" from The Twilight Forest by Benimatic

"Etiberries" from the "Torchberries" in The Twilight Forest by Benimatic

"Valley herb" from Dwarf Fortress by Bay 12 Games

Many elvish words from Dwarf Fortress by Bay 12 Games



Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.7.2 1580 Mar 12th 2024 at 5:16 PM Show Install now
v1.7.1 655 Jan 23rd 2024 at 8:08 PM Show Install now
v1.7.0 396 Nov 30th 2023 at 10:57 PM Show Install now
v1.6.0 335 Nov 9th 2023 at 6:35 PM Show Install now
v1.5.1 909 Apr 19th 2023 at 4:43 PM Show Install now
v1.5.0 317 Mar 29th 2023 at 1:37 AM Show Install now
v1.4.0 607 Sep 14th 2022 at 11:24 PM Show Install now
v1.3.0 578 Feb 4th 2022 at 6:49 PM Show Install now
v1.2.2 368 Jan 31st 2022 at 6:58 PM Show Install now
v1.2.1 526 Oct 7th 2021 at 5:56 PM Show Install now
v1.2.0 390 Oct 7th 2021 at 5:13 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 418 Oct 5th 2021 at 4:13 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 392 Oct 4th 2021 at 10:22 PM Show Install now

45 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Nov 25th 2024 at 5:47 PM

Origin_Alpha_43 The golden apple tree should be able to grow in the same places a regular apple tree can, I will look over the files and do some testing to make sure nothing broke

💬 Origin_Alpha_43, Oct 7th 2024 at 10:44 PM

how long does the Golden Apple Tree takes to mature?
its been forever
or do i need a specific "biome" to grow it faster/fully?

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Oct 7th 2024 at 3:52 PM

I will be reducing the generation rate of structures in the next patch!

💬 Joblerone, Sep 9th 2024 at 8:30 AM

if possible, the handbook for the eniwa root slices should state that they are prepared in a bloomery, as i thought it was bugged that i couldn't put it in a crucible

💬 BananaBob, Aug 23rd 2024 at 5:46 AM

have to agree with reaper i keep finding structures behind almost every tree

💬 SoulReaperz, Jul 6th 2024 at 11:38 PM

current mod version seems to still have way too many structures. maybe at least half it again


💬 The_Teller, Jun 21st 2024 at 5:48 PM

Thanks for the fast, response. I may have some ideas on how to obtain living rock and grown furniture. If you wanna bounce ideas of I'm more than willing to help.

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Jun 21st 2024 at 5:31 PM

The_Teller gndrneutralnoun To answer some questions:
Yes, terra preta will likely be replaced with high fertility soil in future updates.
I will definately also be adding more information to the handbook, I sometimes forget that not everyone is as familiar with the mod as I am.
Ruins and their loot are still being tweaked and adjusted, using raw materials that need to be refined as loot would certainly be a good idea. I plan on adding cracked glass blocks to the build the ruins so it cannot be reused without metling it down first.
There's a lot of livingrock because I wanted to give players plenty of material to work with while I am figuring out how livingrock will be created. I do not want it to spawn as rock layers or veins as it is an artifically created substance.

💬 The_Teller, Jun 21st 2024 at 6:43 AM

Hello, I've been using your mod for a few days and I gotta say that I enjoy the esthetic that it brings to the world. Although I would like to mention some progression issues (opinion wise) I had with the mod. Granted i don't know how progression is suppose to be handles in the mod without a handbook, so I'm going to use the base progression for examples.


1] The first issue is finding Terra Preta in ruins. This in of its self isn't an issue but the problem steams from the quantity of it. I've gotten ahold of 51 Tera Preta from a single ruin and I was only on day 5 of my world (That's also not including the other 27 gathered beforehand) I believe a solution would to replace Terra Preta with High Fertility and even decrease the amount of blocks that spawns in ruins. Although the 3x3 Terra Preta ruin could potentially stay as a rare type ruin. It could also help to replace the Terra Preta from the Blocks Vessel loot pull and replace it with High Fertility.


2] The second issue is glass. excluding the amount of finished glass that can be gathered from ruins, the amount of glass blocks in the loot tables is a bit much in my opinion. I could understand if it was the unfinished versions for chesiling or the materials needed to cook into glass. Instead its roughly 12-16 blocks of multiple types of glass in a chest. My recommendation is to only have the base materials needed to make the glass in the loot pull. (Was making a green house without needing to cook any glass within 9 days)


3] A small issue with Living rocks I'm having is the shear quantity that is given by breaking a block vessel. Roughly 32-51 living rock can be gained from a single block vessel. A solution could be limiting the amount to 12-20 or even make it a rare or semi-rare material found in certain block types. Similar to Pink marble n such. Living rock could be found in limestone or peridot rock layers for example.


4] Lastly is Chlorophyte, I was able to get 4 bars from breaking vessels. Now I won't be able to do anything with them till I get an iron anvil and hammer but I also wouldn't need to gather so much iron to make a pick or 3 other tools due to having Chlorophyte bars. It may be best to only have Chlorophyte bits or nuggets come out of the vessels so that the progression into the Iron Age isn't fast tracked by a small iron run. 

I like the mod but I feel like the progression of item acquisitions needs to be adjusted a bit and I hope that this review doesn't cause any disheartening in your project.


you said it yourself, your still learning, I'm just hoping my critique can help you make the best mod you can make.

💬 Holtyre, Jun 19th 2024 at 8:12 PM


What is Elf wool Yarn for? not in the handbook

💬 gndrneutralnoun, May 28th 2024 at 3:40 PM

I love this mod, but a wiki or something would be awesome considering how many things in the mod are not at all evident on how to get them via the entries in the handbook. I appreciate that this is probably meant to be an exploration-based mod, but having the choice to inform oneself about the mechanics of something is important, I think. For example, can I find the new plants as wild crops or do I find the seeds in elven ruins? Just a little hint or two in the handbook entries would be very, very helpful.

Also: I found a patch of terra preta near an elven ruin. Considering that terra preta no longer spawns naturally in vanilla (replaced by high fertility soil), it was a bit jarring. Maybe make it something that can appear in chests or cracked vessels instead?

Either way, thanks for the great mod. I'm excited to see what you do next.

💬 Oweyan, May 22nd 2024 at 2:05 AM

This mod is fantastic! can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

💬 Hengsheng, Mar 21st 2024 at 1:28 PM

I've used this mod only for two days, but so far I'm really enjoying it. I look forward to seeing what I can find and do!

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Mar 19th 2024 at 6:18 PM

Ryan_Thomas I am glad to hear you are enjoying the mod! Thank you for the kind comment! :>

💬 Ryan_Thomas, Mar 15th 2024 at 8:29 PM

Thank you for this mod; I'm enjoying the crap out of it

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Mar 13th 2024 at 1:01 AM

Roidgy It should not cause any problems if installed mid-game, but you will have to explore ungenerated chunks to find anything.

💬 Roidgy, Mar 12th 2024 at 9:06 PM

Excited to try it! Should it be used in a new world, or is it fine to use mid-game?

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Mar 11th 2024 at 7:15 PM

TenderRoast There is nothing to do with them yet, but yes one of the things I plan on adding is making windows made out of them.

💬 TenderRoast, Mar 7th 2024 at 6:24 AM

Is there anything that can be done with SunStone and MoonStone, other that put it on a shelf?


Plans to let the player craft the new types of glass with it maybe?

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Feb 18th 2024 at 3:31 PM

Also just for future reference I get notifications for any comments posted, theres no need to @ me because then I get two notifications for one comment. 

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Feb 18th 2024 at 3:29 PM

Kinnik Oh I understand now, yes the old version of livingrock was depreciated a couple of updates ago. So any of the old version left in the world got converted to missing blocks. The structures in new chunks will be made of the new livingrock. I was pretty happy with how the textures turned out too and I absolutely plan on using them again at some point, I just didnt feel that they fit for livingrock. For now there isnt any way to get blocks with those textures Im affraid, but they will absolutely be back!

💬 Kinnik, Feb 18th 2024 at 3:12 AM


Thanks Unnamed!  I'm the host of Dannabis's server.  I looked into it and the mod is loading.  All the content is in the handbook and the textures are there. It's odd as it seems the blocks we have before updating to 1.19.3 are no longer showing textures and the blocks without textures ("?") are not in the handbook.  We've just gone and removed all the no texture blocks in hopes that when we find new blocks freshly generated in the world those ones might be working.. 🤷‍♂️ regardless, those textures are my players favorite blocks so i hope we can get it working on my server again! :D  any ideas are welcome but I'm fine to keep testing in hopes of figuring it out for myself. thank you!

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Feb 16th 2024 at 10:59 PM

Dannabis Hello, glad you are enjoying the mod! Your issue sounds like the mod was not loaded, make sure its in the correct folder and you have it enabled. I have been using the most recent version of the mod on a 1.19.3 server for weeks and have had no issues like the one you described.

💬 Dannabis, Feb 14th 2024 at 3:48 AM


Hi!  Lovely mod thank you!  I've just updated my server to 1.19.3 and updated your mod. Now the textures are now missing / the items arent working and nothing is in the handbook. It seems the mod didnt load at all... Maybe I did something wrong? Any advise?

💬 Jozhin_z_bazhin, Jan 15th 2024 at 9:23 AM

UnnamedSystem Good news!

Can i suggest some healing items, based on glitter melon, or liferoot brandy? May be, kind of poultices, made from elven wool, swamp pear leaves and brandy?

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Jan 12th 2024 at 6:43 PM

Jozhin_z_bazhin I am currently working on version 1.7.1 of the mod, I have already notied and fixed the liferoot and ruin frequency. The default offset for ruins was changed recently and I havent gotten around to adjusting my structures yet.

💬 Jozhin_z_bazhin, Jan 11th 2024 at 5:31 PM

And another bugreport.

Liferoot have no use.

💬 Jozhin_z_bazhin, Dec 27th 2023 at 11:57 AM


While i very like this mod in general, there is some problems needs to be fixed (checked on 1.19.rc4).

  • Surface ruins generated too frequently. Especially in flat areas. So, you can have tons of loot immediately from start.
  • Most of surface ruins float in the air. OffsetY need to be adjusted ~2 block down.
💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Dec 1st 2023 at 7:41 PM

Randwulf I figured out whats happening here, you cannot run 1.6.0 or 1.7.0 on Vintage Story 1.18.5. These two versions require features from 1.19 to work.

💬 Randwulf, Dec 1st 2023 at 12:37 AM

@UnnamedSystem Probably something about seeds being modified on my end as it mostly happen with those. I'll investigate, but I understand that it would be demanding.

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Nov 30th 2023 at 11:10 PM

Randwulf That would be a lot of work to do, I am not backporting anything. I still have not been able to recreate this handbook issue, try updating or check if another mod is causing that issue.

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Nov 30th 2023 at 11:08 PM

Bree Sorry about that, I will fix that real soon.

💬 Randwulf, Nov 30th 2023 at 12:40 AM

Would it be possible to have some of the new stuff/models for 1.18.5 ? As is, The V1.6.0 just crashes the game by while using the handbook.


💬 Bree, Nov 19th 2023 at 9:30 AM

Living Rock Tiles recipe consumes whole hammer and chisel why ? It makes no sense XD

💬 Soleia, Nov 12th 2023 at 1:34 AM

What I love about this is that it's got influences from minecraft mods, most notably Botania if the Elementium, Altars, and Livingrock are anything to note. Though mixing it up and drawing small parts of Terraria in with Chlorophyte is a neat touch.

💬 Asialsky, Nov 11th 2023 at 1:02 AM

No idea what is cross-contaminating, but it seems several of my mods (including Wildcraft) cause it to bork, UnnamedSystem
EDIT: Nope. Now it's doing it even with only this enabled. Guess it's time for a fresh install.
SUPER EDIT: Reinstall fixed. Bad cache?

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Nov 10th 2023 at 9:06 PM

Asialsky That is very odd, this mod does not interact with jonas parts at all. Do you have any other mods installed? I cannot recreate this crash, I clicked on every jonas part in the handbook and did not get a crash.

💬 Asialsky, Nov 10th 2023 at 8:48 PM

Your mod seems to cause a crash when clicking any Jonas part in the handbook, btw. It claims there isn't a "seeds" definition found in your lootjar.json.

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'seeds' was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockLootVessel.GetDropsForHandbook(ItemStack handbookStack, IPlayer forPlayer) in VSSurvivalMod\Block\BlockLootVessel.cs:line 251

Temporary fix for anyone else having this issue is to delete lootjar.json from Blocktypes, and remove all jars from the worldgen files.

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, Nov 9th 2023 at 9:44 PM

Asialsky You are right, I have updated the description.

💬 Asialsky, Nov 9th 2023 at 9:21 PM

Looks... interesting? This needs a more detailed description tbh.

💬 Izunundara, Aug 23rd 2023 at 6:36 PM

In this mod, there are things, probably

💬 gndrneutralnoun, Jun 26th 2023 at 3:36 PM

Some documentation on the content in this mod would be very nice (unless it's in the handbook and I missed it). For example, how do I get the evergrass beds? Are they ruin loot? Are they made with a nonstandard crafting method? Etc.

💬 UnnamedSystemAuthor, May 6th 2023 at 11:12 PM

Voidwalker Thank you for the kind words! Having more equipment/clothes is something I am working towords! The plants update mentioned above will have some additional gear and a plant light source, along with much more other things. The rot timer on the tools is actually how they regrow durability, when they spoil it is replaced with a fresh tool. It does not matter if they are planted in the ground or not.

💬 Voidwalker, May 5th 2023 at 1:23 AM

So I've been running this mod for a Week plus so I can see how it works and I gotta say I love the entire concept/Idea Alot, and I think you should really push it forward maybe add some more stuff Like Having Cloaks/Capes or other gear made of the natural materials? Wood Masks, Maybe stuff for the More Druidic player like glowing Mushrooms you can use as an alternative for Fat or you can put them in a pot to act like a lamp? I also Love that the Tools need to be "Planted" to prevent them from going "bad", It's Brilliant!

Gonna keep this mod in my Rotation for the foreseeable future.

💬 A_Tree, Apr 20th 2023 at 5:48 PM

Cool stuff, thank you!

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