Mods / Human-Like Skin for Seraphs
Author: Yew
Side: Client
Created: Sep 20th 2021 at 12:11 AM
Last modified: Sep 16th 2022 at 1:00 AM
Downloads: 10161
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Latest file for Various v1.18.x:
1-click install
Don't like how Seraphs (Players) look? Want a more "realistic" experience? Well then this small texture mod is for yew!
What the mod doin':
This mod simply replaces all the textures for players (Seraphs) with ones based off real human skintones (Mine and some friend's skintones to be exact). This mod does not touch eye color or hair color, as I feel they look fine as they are on the new skin textures.
If you want to take some cool screenshots using this mod and send them to me to put on this modpage feel free too!
or you know... just put them in the comments.
...and that's about it, this is just a texture mod lol. I dunno what else to put here.
V0.0.3 introduces the "feature" that all skin types now have dark eyebrows/lashes, and consequently mouths. This change is not reflected in the screenshots.
If you like the old 'brows n' 'lashes, just download V0.0.2.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v0.0.3 | 8162 | Sep 16th 2022 at 1:00 AM | Show | humanlikeskintones_v0.0.3.zip | Install now | |
v0.0.2 | 331 | Sep 13th 2022 at 11:34 PM | Show | humanlikeskintones_v0.0.2.zip | Install now | |
v0.0.1 | 1663 | Sep 20th 2021 at 12:27 AM | Show | humanlikeskintones_v0.0.1.zip | Install now |
Thank you so much for making this. It was driving me crazy that the vanilla skins had dark black eyebrows - I wanted to do gold brown hair, but hated how it looked with the black brows. My seraph looks so much better with the new eyebrows!
Still works flawlessly for 1.19 and 1.20pre6.
The 1.19.5 update was recently released and I encountered this really annoying bug where the camera is seamingly stuck inside the playermodel's head and the model itself always facing sideways... there's also a slight jittering whenever I move around too.
Please fix this error whenever possilbe! :c
I am noticing that some of the pixels were missed in the retexture. 2 has a few spots in the midle of its template. 6 has some rogue pixels around the legs. 8 has a single pixel missed on the bottom left of its template.
That was all I noticed.
Just tried it and it seems to work fine. Craluminum 😀
PurpleStar Have you tried it?
Does this work for v1.18.0-pre?
Is there anything like this that makes the skin colors... EVEN LESS human-like? At least more color options?
I would imagine ( I have Zero evidence mind you ) that the not human colour palatte was an attempt to be... well, not human. Elf, Dwarf, Troll, Hobbit etc in that other fantasy world and in this one Seraph, Drifter and those dang jumping gangs with the glowing butts.
... and yes, cool mod, thank you :)
Thanks, I always thought it was weird that I could make some crazy-colored seraph, or... just a white guy. Seemed like an odd decision.
I was really confused about why they chose such strange skin colors and eye colors its just don't work together and looks ugly
Yew bloody ripper! Excellent work.
The "vanilla" skin tones have been horrid in their available colours. You really only have a few to pick from without feeling inhuman. The only saving grace is that they helped justify the lack of a drowning mechanic. Clearly, I'm Merfolk.
Now I can feel like a human again.