Mods / Salty's Forest Symphony

Category: #Other
Author: SaltyWater
Side: Client
Created: 2 days ago
Last modified: 3 minutes ago
Downloads: 596
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Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install


Pet the floppa to buy me a coffee!       


This is still very much early beta expect performance issues, overalpping sounds, even some bugs. Also logs are enabled!

Client side mod that adds ambient noise to FORESTS

Day and night cycle:


Why release so early in beta?

Huge ass mod testing it alone is a pain
So you guys can give precious feedback!!




(and notes to self)
  • Refine forest detection algorithm. Add detect ponds, tall grass, srhubs and more. Figure out a way to make sounds trigger even in indoors conditions, or very tall forest trees.
  • Add more fauna sounds. (Frogs and insects sounds etc..)
  • Add flora ambience (wood cracking etc... This one is not even that necessary Vintage story already does a pretty damn good job with ambience)
  • specific sounds for specific seasons and forest types.
  • Expand to other "biomes". Plains, sand/gravel deserts etc..
  • Fine edit sounds. (Audacity: clean audio and remove background unwanted noise and other minor inconveniences that comes with free audio effects)
  • Add config file with ability to add, tweak and customize sounds for user preference.


Wanna help me with research, sound effects or feedback for new ideas? Hit me up on discord! SaltyWater
Notes: If you want to send me audio remember that it needs to be converted to ogg and audio channel to mono. I do all my convertions on!
If you want to give feedback on fauna or flora, please remember to cite your sources. Also if you want a "biome" present in the game send me some screenshots too if possible!
You can check the source code for the algorithm with JetBrains dotPeek.

check out my other mods here:





Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.1.3 1 3 minutes ago Show Install now
v0.1.2 224 22 hours ago Show Install now
v0.1.1 248 1 day ago Show Install now
v0.1.0 123 2 days ago Show Install now

17 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 14 hours ago

Right now I'm in the middle of development of 0.1.3 so far I added ponds detection and ponds sounds day/night (frogs and crickets will be triggering when a pond is nearby), added tree logs detection and creakying trees sounds. And now i'm tweaking some logic!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, 14 hours ago

Awesome, Your mods are fantastic and Im looking forward to how this one develops. Will you be adding in additional sounds? Maybe crickets/bullfrogs at night among others?

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 14 hours ago

SpacemanSpliff 🤣 I replaced it from day time in this update and will be replacing from night time in the next one!

💬 SpacemanSpliff, 14 hours ago

Mod is mostly great, but  bird_7 in the night folder is -obnoxious- to the point that I manually removed that file. Playing version 0.1.2

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Metalsoul212 Hey Thanks for the great feedback!! No probs thanks for helping me test it hehe ^^

💬 Metalsoul212, 1 day ago

Great beta so far! Seems to do exactly as advertised. I'll give a little feedback

  1. Some of the ambient animal sounds sound like a predator or an animal getting attacked. It makes hunting very difficult when you think you heard a boar nearby, but it is just a sound effect coming from a tree. If you have the stone age animal mods it makes the paranoia a bit too much. Maybe stick to birds and small mammals/invertebrates and avoid noises of predatory or large animals.
  2. Descending down a mineshaft in a forest causes the sounds to come out of solid stone.
  3. Pine forests that spawn in gravelly biomes don't trigger the sound effects when your only checking for forest floor to determine forests
  4. I feel like making dripping water sounds in a cave would be amazing. Check for depth and/or large amounts of stone. I feel it wouldn't be too difficult to implement from how you claim the current forest system works.

Ultimately I ended up disabling the mod for now mainly because some of the sounds made my paranoia skyrocket haha

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Lodey I absolutely agree!! Thanks!!  

💬 Lodey, 1 day ago

Mods like this are badly needed. Thanks so much Salty.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 1 day ago

Nyarc It checks once every second. And it skips checks if there's still sounds to play in the queue, so it's a good balance.

I will be re implementing sounds triggering on leaf blocks now that I managed to make the sound play from the player position.


Patahto Yes intended! Since the sounds are played using the API instead of the ambient behavior. 

💬 Nyarc, 1 day ago

Im seeing in the Debuglog it checks twice a second for Forest Floors, i think performance wise that doesnt make too much sense, once every 2 seconds should be plenty even if in some cases maybe its gunna delay a second getting into forest.
Id love to see actually sounds playing from Where Log / Leaf Blocks are if thats implementable, so you have an actual sense of the Birds sitting in the Tree, it feels kinda off having the sound come from somewhere in the air where nothing is, especially in sparse forests.
Good idea of a mod though

💬 Patahto, 1 day ago

Are the sounds of this mod meant to fall under the Effects sound slider? rather than Ambient? Ideally there'd be a way to configure it with a separate config so that a player's sound setup doesn't get disturbed

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 2 days ago

Pentasis Checking for forest floors allows me to aim for forests only for now. I do not spawn entities tho. If there's enough forest floors below the player I then proceed to a check for enough leaf blocks around, if present then the algorithm chooses a random number of sounds to play based on the time of day, and assign a queue delay for each. When the delay is over it then plays the sound in a random block +y5 to +y6 above and in a random position 10 to 30 blocks away from the player for that position fetched with the forest floor check. This block can be anything, leafs, logs, air etc..
Before that I also did played the sounds only in the leaf blocks the algorithm fetched before to proceed with the sound trigger logic, but it was capping the sounds too much. It feels much more natural and immersive letting it choose a random block in a random position above the player! At least for Bird sounds! I intend to do almost the same for insects and small animal sounds! But instead checking  for water or tall grass, leaf blocks on the player Y level for shrubs etc.. 

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 2 days ago

WickedSchnitzel Yes it is planned!

💬 Pentasis, 2 days ago

Interesting. I am working on a similar mod (mostly for myself, might publish in the (distant) future). My approach has been to spawn a few "invisible" entities in leaf-blocks based on Temp, Light, Forrest, etc. this allows me to check for tree/shrub density, "biome", daytime and season. The added bonus is I get orientation & distance variation in the sounds. Can I ask why you are checking for forestfloor? Is that less resource intensive? If so, how will you check for other situations? I am currently looking for a way (using standard entity-json) to spawn seagulls at the coastline. I fear I must have them spawn in saltwater as I fail to find a better solution. But perhaps your approach yields a better one?

💬 WickedSchnitzel, 2 days ago

Will this respect seasons? Like less or other sounds in winter.

💬 SaltyWaterAuthor, 2 days ago

Cruso Heyo! thanks!
Yes I do! But will come later in development since it requires lots of real life fauna research and I also haven't fully explored the extense of Vintage Story "biomes"

💬 Cruso, 2 days ago

Love the idea, can't wait to test it later this week. Just curious are you planing to adapt the soundscape to the type of forest? A pine forest, for example, has a vastly different biodiversity than a birch grove, or would that go beyond the scope of the project?

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