Mods / Fauna of the Stone Age: Elephantidae
Author: Tentharchitect
Side: Both
Created: Jan 16th at 10:09 PM
Last modified: 14 hours ago
Downloads: 15799
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Latest file for v1.20.4:
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A collection of large herbivores from the family Elephantidae, these powerful herbivores will roam the steppe and forests of your world. Equally a resource and a threat, they are a tremendous source of meat, hide and fat for those able to hunt them.
This mod includes:
Common Name | Scientific name | Category | Weight | Health | Height | Damage | Temp | Precip | Foliage Needs | Altitude | Group Size | Meat Drops | Fat Drops | Hide Drops | Diets |
Asian elephant | Elephas maximus | Elephantidae | 4k/2.7k/250 | 110/84/21 | 3.2/2.5 S | 29/24t3 | 14-40 | 15-100 | 0-100 | 1.0-1.7 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 270-300, 180-202,25-28 | 54-60, 36-40, 3-4 | 20H, 14H, 1H |
Grass, nibble crop, fruit, vegetable, berry bush
Bornean elephant |
Elephas maximus borneensis
3.5k/2.3k/250 | 100/76/21 | 2.9/2.4 S | 27/22t3 | 26-40 | 65-100 | 20-100 forest | 1.0-1.7 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 236-262,155-172,25-28 | 46-52,30-34,3-4 | 18H, 12H, 1H | || | |
African bush elephant |
Loxodonta africana
6k/3k/300 | 150/90/23 | 3.4/2.7 S | 37t4/25t3 | 13-40 | 5-100 | 0-80 forest | 1.0-1.65 | 1-3 M, 3-25 F&B | 405-450,200-225,30-33 | 80-90, 41-45, 4-5 | 22H, 16H, 2H | || | |
African forest elephant |
Loxodonta cyclotis
2K/1K/150 | 70/50/17 | 2.2/1.9 S | 21/17t3 | 21-40 | 65-100 | 70-100 forest | 1.0-1.5 | 1-3M, 3-20 F&B | 135-150,67-75,19-21 | 26-30, 13-15, 2-3 | 12H, 10H, 1H | || | |
Columbian mammoth |
Mammuthus columbi
9.5K/5K/400 | 220/130/27 | 3.75/3.4 S | 51/33t4 | 0-23 | 5-100 | 0-70 forest | 1.0-1.7 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 640-710, 340-375,32-36 | 128-142, 67-75,5-6 | 24H, 20H, 2H | || | |
Pygmy mammoth |
Mammuthus exilis
1.3k/750/50 | 56/40/12 | 2/1.7 S | 19t3/16t2 | 11-17 | 22-42 | 0-60 forest | 1.0-1.1 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 89-98, 50-56, 6-8 | 17-19, 9-11, 1-2 | 6H, 4H, 1L | || | |
Woolly mammoth |
Mammuthus primigenius
6k/4k/200 | 150/110/19 | 3.1/2.6 S | 37t4/29t3 | -20-10 | 5-100 | 0-70 forest | 1.0-1.7 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 405-450,270-300, 22-24 | 80-90, 54-60, 2-3 | 22H, 16H, 1H | || | |
Cyprus dwarf elephant |
Palaeoloxodon cypriotes
350/170/20 | 25/17/7 | 1/.8/.4 S | 12/9t2 | 15-20 | 30-65 | 0-70 | 1.0-1.5 | 1-5 M, 5-15 F&B | 32-35, 20-22, 2-3 | 5-6, 2-3, 1 | 3L, 2L, 1M | || |
Due to their large size, these animals have a high amount of health and a large amount of resources, hunting them head on is not recommended. However, falls are especially hazardous to these animals and luring them over cliffs and into pits is an effective way of harming them.
All species have a unique pelt and tusks that can be used to craft hide, head mounts and taxidermied full body.
Elephants can be domesticated over generations, though pose a significant threat to the player until they reach generation 3 when they’ll no longer attack the player. While you can place saddles and bridles on elephants not yet at gen 3, they will potentially kill you while attempting to mount or dismount them.
Occasionally a fly covered elephant carcass will spawn, blocking elephant spawns in the area. They have a chance to spawn when first arriving in an area or when all elephants have been killed off from the area, allowing players to locally wipe out elephants. Destroying the carcass of the respective type will allow more elephants to spawn again and some carnivores and scavengers may destroy them as well, so if you want elephant spawns prevented in an area protect these carcasses.
All the animals in this mod have a strict population cap and will only spawn on runtime, not world gen. This is also to make the mod more server friendly so as to not add an overwhelming number of entities.
And a big thanks to everyone who gave feedback and assistance!
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.6 | 401 | 14 hours ago | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.6.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.5 | 2162 | 5 days ago | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.5.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.4 | 2578 | Feb 3rd at 7:25 PM | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.4.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.3 | 3498 | Jan 28th at 12:32 AM | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.3.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.2 | 2980 | Jan 22nd at 8:54 PM | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.2.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.1 | 3645 | Jan 17th at 6:52 PM | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.1.zip | Install now | |
v1.0.0 | 536 | Jan 16th at 10:14 PM | Show | FotSA-Elephantidae-v1.0.0.zip | Install now |
Today will be mass updating for 1.20.4 looks like 😅
And I have no interest in making non-avian dinosaurs, there are plenty of talented modders who will hopefully somebody bring them to the game!
i have an idea for consideration, how about a t-rex or dinosaurs so us pitiful creatures may run in hopeless terror during primitive times
as of 1.20.4 rc4
I know you prob tech arent there yet anyway but as of tonight this happenend upon loading server
Increase your view distance so more chunks are loaded in, have players spread out so more chunks are loaded in, edit the json files to increase the chance per tick per chunk of an elephant spawning
is there a way to cut down on the spawn time on them Tentharchitect
You can place any of the attachables to them while they are alive and up, they'll just attack you while you do so until gen 3 Tupperware
Glad you got that working MadMax!
And so long as you are in an area that has their climate criteria elephants or an elephant carcass will just spawn eventually. I've seen them take 20 minutes, and take over 10 hours zixsum
how do i get this to spawn i add them to my mod for the server i have but i been on here for 5hrs and i have not see one is there a spot i have to put them in to make therm spawn
How can I get hides from these animals? I'm getting pelt only which is less useful than hides as I can make leather from hides but not from pelts.
Your mods are great btw.
Found it. just using a knife on the pelt you get hides :-)
Okay... can you just place the saddle and bridle on them while they are alive and up?
Currently there is no taming system, once that is added to the base game I'll implement it for elephants. Elephants can be domesticated over generations, though pose a significant threat to the player until they reach generation 3 when they’ll no longer attack the player. While you can place saddles and bridles on elephants not yet at gen 3, they will potentially kill you while attempting to mount or dismount them.
Howdy, how do you actually tame the mammoths? Everytime I've tried I just end up with a mortally wounded mammoth and a chimp (me) spam clicking with a poultice on its fat head, with a saddle on its back, while it screams in agony and begs to die. I just want to bring it home and make it my friend.
LaDestitute They have a 3 block attack range up and down.
thought it was just me, i trapped a mammoth in a 4x4x4 pit and i was like on the outside edge on top near it and it was able to one-shot me
Well, I have learned the hard way if you hear an elephant. Go another way. Don't get close enough to see it. Unless you are in wide open plains. But having them and all the other animals sure does make the world seen more alive. It would be real hard to go back to vanilla now. I have gotten used to little penguins at my feet on the beech. Or elephants or a rino on the horizon.
I'd be curious to hear if that changes after this latest update, seems like the aggro range for protective mothers was the thing getting a lot of folks.
Now it should be in line with what the recommended distance is to stay away from elephants irl
Mendall To be fair, elephants (and wild herbivores in general) are very, very dangerous and aggressive animals. They have to be to fend off carnivores. It's very realistic LOL
lol lol lol your elephants though I love them have killed me more this play through than anything EVER. They are just plain EVIL.
As for aging, I have all my animals grow up 50 times irl rates in hours, and gestation is 5 times rate in irl days. I'll post a section of the entity file down below for folks to refer to. As of now, it's tediously long but it's mostly a placeholder until the taming system comes out in the base game later this year, at which point I'll implement that for elephants. KnightSilver
{"code": "multiply",
"enabledByType": {
"*-adult-female-*": true,
"*": false
"spawnEntityCodesByType": {
"*-adult-female-*": [ { "code":"elephantidae:elephantidae-baby-female-{type}"}, {"code": "elephantidae:elephantidae-baby-male-{type}"} ]},
"requiresNearbyEntityCodeByType": {
"*-adult-female-*": "elephantidae:elephantidae-adult-male-{type}"},
"requiresNearbyEntityRange": 10,
"spawnQuantityMin": 1,
"spawnQuantityMaxByType": {"*": 1},
"pregnancyDaysByType": {"*-elephasmaximus": 121,"*-elephasmaximusborneensis": 121,"*-loxodontaafricana": 140,"*-loxodontacyclotis": 140,"*-mammuthuscolumbi": 135,"*-mammuthusexilis": 115,"*-mammuthusprimigenius": 135,"*-palaeoloxodoncypriotes": 37},
"multiplyCooldownDaysMinByType": {"*": 54},
"multiplyCooldownDaysMaxByType": {"*": 90},
"portionsEatenForMultiplyByType": {"*-elephasmaximus": 52,"*-elephasmaximusborneensis": 48,"*-loxodontaafricana": 55,"*-loxodontacyclotis": 35,"*-mammuthuscolumbi": 75,"*-mammuthusexilis": 33,"*-mammuthusprimigenius": 65,"*-palaeoloxodoncypriotes": 14}
{ "code": "milkable", "enabledByType": { "*-female-adult": true, "*": false } },
{"code": "grow",
"enabledByType": {
"*-baby-*": true,
"*": false
"hoursToGrowByType": {"*-elephasmaximus": 2016,"*-elephasmaximusborneensis": 2016,"*-loxodontaafricana": 2016,"*-loxodontacyclotis": 2016,"*-mammuthuscolumbi": 2628,"*-mammuthusexilis": 2016,"*-mammuthusprimigenius": 2628,"*-palaeoloxodoncypriotes": 2628},
"adultEntityCodesByType": {
"*-baby-male-*": ["elephantidae:elephantidae-adult-male-{type}"],
"*-baby-female-*": ["elephantidae:elephantidae-adult-female-{type}"]
Seems like there is something missing from the mortally wounded system as it isn't working and isn't supposed to occur for wild elephants, only those gen 1 or above. I'm thinking of disabling it until I learn more. Praal
Howdy, been working on domesticating elephants to ride on my server but it feels like its taking way too long for them to grow up. I found a random spawned female woolly mammoth and its been over 6 months and it still hasnt grew up. What are the exact stats for them to grow up so i can know if im just wasting my time.
On our server it seems the mortally wounded elephants can't be killed (which is a pain). It may be a combination with Combat Overhaul, as weapons don't hit them once they are down. I can shoot a crossbow right through one, or swing a dagger/falx through it and just hit the blocks behind it. Would it be possible to make the downed behavior an option that can be turned on/off?
No, currently the healing doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what else is required. You can put a saddle and bridle on any generation of elephant, but those below gen three will attack the player
Hi, amazing mod I really enjoy it! But I can't really figure out how to ride the elephants I already have the saddle and bridle. Am I supposed to down then heal them first? If so, how do I heal them? Or do I have to get them to a certain generation?
Ah okay, so it wasn't a Glitch then? Good to know I was really Concerned as this is the only ones I have encountered! Tentharchitect
That's correct. Male elephants typically go solo or form small groups of males, while females will have larger herds along with their babies JaxsonBright
The males travel much farther in a day however and are more prone to leaving a region and letting more spawn there, or getting into dangerous situations
I have a Herd of three and all are Male, Which seemed Odd as one would think that one should be Female?
I think that's just bad RNG, I've had at least one spawning of female woolly mammoths during testing, but can double check JaxsonBright
I don't know if this is a Glitch or just Bad Luck, but All the Woolly mammoth's I run into are Male, I have not seen a Female yet
Amazing mod
Thanks MousePlant! They are 1/50th irl in hours, you can find them in the growth section of the elephantidae entity file MousePlant
Love all of your mods so far!
Could we have the numbers on how long the babies take to grow into adults please?
Mammoth, Mammoth, Big ol' height,
In the forests of the night;
(I keep getting jumpscared. https://i.imgur.com/W1gRmRC.jpeg)
Ah good eye, looks like I might not have hit save when I set the HP from this chart and it stayed at the rhino amounts. Should have that updated soon!
So with their running speed, it should be slower than the elk, the high speed chase is only for the short burst before it reaches the player, not their longer over land travel speed. I'll see if I can figure out why it's using elk speeds and lower it if possible
Are those stats in the description above correct? Cause the HP of the elephants in the elephantidae.json seem completely different?
Another thing - when I'm being chased by an elephant they run at great speed. But when I mount one, they move exactly like Elk mount instead, which is much slower...
If it is added to the base game, I could do that. I'm not coding in unique items though Dragonknight951
Tentharchitect Maybe add some kind of item to "initiate" the healing process that marks them as owned? Some kind of treat to make them trust you enough that you can heal them.
Gotcha, it might be the case that they need to be owned before healing is possible, not sure if I can implement that or else wild ones will count as owned. As for the saddle, that was from my earlier testing, I should be able to remove that now, and will do.
Glad to hear it's otherwise working out for you!
Tentharchitect I originally asked because I wasn't able to revive a downed mammoth with poultices. When looking at a downed elk it displays a heal action. There is no heal action when looking at a downed mammoth. Also, some of the slots on the mammoth accept unexpected items. I can put elk saddles in the bridle slot for instance.
Besides that, everything else seems to be working. Thanks for all the great mods! They add a lot of variety to the world
Glad that worked out Husarior, and thanks! It's a lot of work but pretty awesome to see folks using my creations!
And in theory you should be able to heal them like you can with the elk, but I haven't rigoruously tested it rhino1998
Tentharchitect You were right. Updated NVIDIA drivers and there's no black blocks nor artifacts.
Thank you for that info and for making and maintaining these mods as well. 😊
Is there a way to revive a mortally wounded mammoth?
I am being hunted by mammoths
(they always sound like they're right next to me, even when they're out of eyesight. They are very large very lethal landmines. If you see one it is already too late.)
So that mostly works out from what I can tell. The only difference is that it might not adjust the hour and day count based on days of the month, so it might be a different due to how you converted things. Spacecowboy08p
And as for shortening domestication and adjusting drops, you can adjust any value pretty easily by editing the json files with a text editor. If there is a given value you want saved, I'd be happy to integrate any config files folks set up with config library so values aren't reset by mod updates. Dageslav
Can the domestication process be shortened somehow? 55 months for Gen 3 is extreme from a gameplay perspective. Maybe just reduce its meat to a reasonable 40? Creatures in your mods in general give players way too much meat for the effort required. I understand the argument for realism of animal just being fat, but the combat is not realistic, and it's fairly easy to kill even an elephant in this game by placing 5 block tower and just pelting it with copper arrows.
So if my math is mathin... the African Bush Elephant will take 132 in game days to give birth and 88 days to reach "maturity" so 220 days per Generation, so to speedrun a mature Gen 3 it would take about 660 in game days, on 12 day months thats 55 months, so 4.5 years total? I think that's definitely fair for how huge they are but am I accurate? Netsirk00
Also Tentharchitect I've also encountered "unkillable" downed AB Elephants but maybe it was due to their large health pool it seemed that way. After going through several stone spears on one downed We gave up and decided to wait it out which seemed to work. 100+ Redmeat and 300+ bushmeat when we got back to butchering it
Thanks Cuttlebear! As for the downed state, in my testing it was killable, and it uses the new elk's mortally wounded state. I've had a couple reports of them being unkillable from other folks, so I'm wondering if a mod is interfering with the mortally wounded state and folks didn't notice before since it prevents your elk from being killed.
This mod is so cool Tentharchitect! We had an elephant go into a "downed" state and it became unkillable. Is that intended? Is there supposed to be some way to finish it off?
Gestation is 1/5th irl length in days, and maturation is 1/50th irl lenth in hours. It is different for different species and you can find the exact amount in the growth section of the entity file.
Sounds about right for respawn, it's random so no matter how low I put it there is always a chance of it being shorter than average. Netsirk00
Approximately how long is the gestation period for them? Are there different lengths for each species? If so I'm curious to know for the African Bush Elephants specifically.
Additionally, there was a herd of 3 to spawn within a couple of hours (2-3) after breaking the initial spawn carcass on my boyfriend and I's server (2 people).
So to confirm what RosstheGreat said, they have very slow respawns to avoid folks getting swamped with elephants, 4-6 hours being my goal.
As for your questions Penacle, all but the Cyprus dwarf elephant can be ridden, and all species can be domesticated via the normal game methods of doing so. Yep, that means they all have the same diet. Their tusks grow over time, with how the antlersystem is set up you'll see stage 1,2 and rarely stage 3 tusks on spawn for animals that use all 9 stages of the antlersystem. For the bushmeat/redmeat ratio, I'm just tired of the disparaging comments folks have said about it, and probably went too far. I think 50/50 makes sense and would be the easiest for me to calculate.
As for the running and charging animations, a couple things went wrong there. I calculated it based on their feet movement in a straight run, so their legs should line up when running or charging (Except they often turn initially, which looks silly but not preventable). The issue is that turned out to be way more movement than expected, so I should probably just gut the ear, head, trunk and tail movement keyframes so they aren't as animated by comparison. I'd imagine that'll look a lot better and will make the mod file size smaller.
Thanks for commenting, and glad you're enjoying them Penacle
(I don't plan to add riding, unless someone else offers to make rhino saddles/bridles/etc.. as I'd prefer to make more animals than riding items.)
Thank you for making this, and all your other mods!! Literally the best animal mods!!
I have a few questions and suggestions:
Are all the species tameable/rideable, or just the Asian Elephant shown?
Does the || in the stats table just mean they all have the same diet?
Do their tusks grow with time?
All the ones I've seen spawn so far have very short tusks... But maybe that was just RNG.
Do you also plan to make 75% of their meat drops bushmeat, like you recently updated with the Rhinos?
I get that people are complaining one way or another about it being too generous or not generous enough, and finding a balance has been hard. I guess count me in the camp of 'MOAR', as I think 75% is a bit too much bushmeat... but I get the reason for it. Maybe 50%, or 25%...? So they're still high reward for high risk to hunt, and worth the trouble of trying to capture and domesticate. (Not that bushmeat is worthless, but... eh...)
Also, if possible, you might want to slow down the running Animation speed for them. (The speed of the actual animation, not how fast they can run.)
It seems a little fast/spazzy for such large creatures.
I'm sure RL Elephants can move surprisingly fast, but... not that fast. Their tails go crazy, in particular. This is only my opinion, but it kind of breaks their majestic aire for me when they look like a helicopter about to take off.
Thats it for now I guess! Thank you for all your amazing mods!
(I am super excited for possibly being able to ride Rhinos at some point!!)
Their spawns are very slow, I believe in my server with 3-4 active people in a region it took us around 4-5 hours to see our first one, and a new region it took around 2-3 hours to find another. They take a WHILE to spawn.
Hey, I think I'm having an issue because I can't see animals spawning by themself. Should I wait longer or there an issue with new game update?
Also, I've heard this report from some other folks not using my mods. Apparently the black screen when updating to 1.20 can be caused by out of date drivers Husarior
I'm leaving non-avian dinosaurs to other modders, as I've got my 1200 or so Holocene animals and 1100 or so plants I'd like to do first to make a stone age experience complete purestygian
I am sure this has been said before, but have you considered adding dinosaurs? I feel like that is something missing that would be awesome.
This one and Caninae make my world from 1.19.8 converted to 1.20.1 all black. If I create new world, it seems to be no problem.
You are incredible, these and your floral zones mods make the game some much more alive! thank you!
seriously you are the modder that keeps the game alive, tyron must think on adding some of this amazing animals into the game, seriously amazing content both in the biology, animation, design, and implementation department
i rarely write comments, but seeing all the mods you create for this game is dope. most appreciated
Thanks all! Happy to bring these guys to the game!
Will be updating the other animal mods to interact with the elephants shortly, and sounds like make a few bug fixes, tweaks and updates after that.
Wow that was quick! Thanks for packaging and posting this mod, will definitely add to my new SP world!
Absolutely spectacular! Thank you for all your hard work - you make Vintage Story worlds alive.
En attendant la prochaine maj, voici la traduction fr (fr.json).
The model work in this mod is absolutely incredible! That being said, the balance feels way off at the moment. A family of 7 Columbian mammoths spawned on my small island and they ran instead of fighting back when I hunted them, meaning I could pick off just a few babies and immediately got tons of fat and meat for very little effort. Super excited with the possibility of elephant riding and domestication though, keep it up!
This error happens when elephants falls and gets mortsally wounded with xskills on.. don;t know if or what it effects and its obviously a compatability thing.
also when i harvested the wooly mammoth I got 0 hides and when they fall and become mortally wounded should you be able to "finish" it off... it doesnt seam to take damage at that point/
You're welcome, glad you're enjoying them! If you have a discord we can hash out details there, shoot me a DM and we can talk further bringitonwimps
I have been looking forward to this mod ever since i saw Elephantodae on your todo list! I am so happy you made this! Thank you so much for your hard work!
Hey there;
My wife has made/revived a specialty bag mod and we are currently trying to patch your tons of awesome plants and so on. I'm wondering if she could give you the storage flags that make each type work if you'd be willing to just add them in to your item types at some point for easier compatibility. Especially since there seams to be a few items that she can not get to patch ATM.
Thanks for these great mods!
Thanks all! As for the ground sloths, probably not for a bit. While they could technically work for the Cosmopolitan or Circumboreal animal packs, there are some other ones I have my eye on, and we'll be doing Eurasian plant packs for a while here before the Americas.
Yeah the riding system was tricky, could have kept adding things endlessly but I need to get to a few commissions I've received. Right at the moment, I don't plan on adding riding to more animals, as I want to wait a while to see if there are issues with my implementation of riding or conflicts with other mods as more folks add ridable animals using the base systems.
@Tentharchitect Im glad you released this mod like 4 days after telling me you were going to add it and try to make rideable rhinos and other large creatures ahaha!
Oh my gosh amazing mod!
Oh my God! YES!
...megasloths/megatherium when? 😁