Mods / Eldritch Monsters
Author: Vies
Side: Both
Created: Feb 4th 2023 at 12:41 AM
Last modified: Jan 20th at 3:29 PM
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This mod is a monster mod for Vintage Story, made for 'The Nerd Den' server, but free to all. I was a huge fan of Lycanite's Mobs for MC, and this is just an attempt to have some danger in the game.
Currently added:
- Common - Golden - Verdant - Violet
- Normal
- Bite: Melee attack dealing 2 piercing damage.
- Web Shot: Shoots an orb that when touches any surface/entity will caccoon the area in temporary Stalker web slowing down all entities but stalkers by 75%.
- Poison Fang: Melee attack that does 1.5 x poison damage with a potentially strong knockback.
- Gossamer (30% chance, max drop 1) (2 makes 1 flax twine)
- Vial of viscous goo (25% chance, max drop 2) (2 makes 1 resin)
- Stalker web (10% chance, max drop 1) (throwable webbing)
- Rusty gear (5% chance, max drop 1)
- Temporal gear (1% chance, max drop 1)
- Common - Scarlet - Russet - Ashen
- Normal
- Dual Attack: Quick melee attack dealing 0.75 blunt damage and 5% stability damage randomly with either the right or left hand.
- Crushing Blow: Melee attack that does 2 crushing damage and 20% temporal stability damage with a potentially strong knockback.
- Door Breaker: Targets the closest door and attempts to break it down. This is only triggered at night on a full moon. Can be disabled via the configs and doesn't affect claimed land.
- Bone (30% chance, max drop 1)
- Vial of fatty oil (25% chance, max drop 2) (2 makes 1 lump of fat)
- Rusty gear (5% chance, max drop 1)
- Temporal gear (1% chance, max drop 1)
- Common - Azure - Voilet - Dark
- Normal
- Chaos Blast: Shoots a ball of energy dealing 1 chaos damage. Firing rate increases as it gets closer to the player.
- Detonate: Moves towards the target and begins the countdown. When the timer is up, the monster will explode, causing entity and block damage equal to the distance from the monster. Players can kill or move away to prevent Detonate. Detonate does not leave a corpse to harvest. Can be disabled via the configs and doesn't affect claimed land.
- Saltpeter (30% chance, max drop 1)
- Vial of calcified dust (25% chance, max drop 2) (2 makes 1 lime)
- Rusty gear (5% chance, max drop 1)
- Temporal gear (1% chance, max drop 1)
- Common - Keppel - Golden - Lux
- Normal
- Orb Swing: Melee attack dealing 1 blunt damage.
- Wanderlust: The willowisp is attracted to living players and will attempt to follow them.
- Tainted Caress: Passive AoE ability that slowly reduces player hunger while within a 5 block radius of the willowisp. If hunger is depleted, the aura will deplete health.
- Charcoal (30% chance, max drop 1)
- Vial of blackened ash (25% chance, max drop 2)
- Rusty gear (5% chance, max drop 1)
- Temporal gear (1% chance, max drop 1)
Monster modifiers:
The "variant" modifier dictates the color tint of a monster and will have increased stats with a rarer spawn chance tradeoff. Each monster type will come in 3-4 variants.
The different variants are:
- Scarlet (Red)
- Golden (Yellow)
- Amber (Orange)
- Violet (Purple)
- Verdant (Green)
- Azure (Blue)
- Russet (Brown)
- Ashen (Gray)
- Lux (White)
- Dark (Black)
WIP The "contamination" modifier dictates the size, look, health, and attack power. The more contaminated a monster is, the deadlier it is.
The different levels of contamination are:
- Normal
- Tainted (Coming soon)
- Corrupt (Coming soon)
- Abomination (Coming soon)
WARNING! The sections below may come in sentence fragments and half baked ideas!
Planned monster types:
The next creature will be Wraiths or the start of sea monsters. Not sure yet! Will be livestreamed like the rest of the creatures were.
- Wraith/Wraiths (Ghost): semi transparent glows when aggroed, goes through walls. stays out of sunlight. Ghosts can have a fear ability. Maybe ability invisible: uncloaks around artificial lights.(torch?)
- Abyssal/Abyssals (sea squid cthulu thing): spawns in water, can grab a player and try to swim down to drown them.
- Ooze (jello cube) minForest / minRain spawning like racoon?New abilities for stalkers:
Elementals (come up with better lovecraft name?) Fire, water, ice, earth, wind, holy, darkness, chaos?, nature, lightning, rust, corruption. examples Fire elemental creates a 9/10 full lava tile; water elemental throws hail and water. I can make them use game mechanics? Like lightning, hail...
Fairy?- neutral creature that floats around in forests. May give off an aura of healing. opposite of a willowisp?
Planned features:
Have Hollows be able to crawl around. Throws bone projectiles that can stun when they hit?
Stalker ability tweaks:
(Tainted, Corrupt, Abomination)
- Rusty Web Shot:Shoots an orb that when touches any surface/entity will caccoon the area in temporary Stalker web.
- Temporal Venom: Melee attack that does 2.5 x poison damage.
- Web Shot has a 10% chance to come out as a poisoned web.
Alpha versions of the monsters. These will have a special ability. For stalkers, it will be able to make a stalker next with a cluster of stalkers. Inner webbing will drop loot. Hollow alphas will make a gravestone block that will act as unholy land, a graveyard.
Event ideas:
Music of the Spheres: Inspired by Ghroth. Randomly select a moon rise event (probably new moon) and change the texture of the moon to the Great Old One Ghroth. During this time, light levels drop everywhere allowing more dangerous monsters to spawn for a short time.
Maybe the higher the contamination, the more damage silver and gold weapons do.
Bestiary: like a beastiry for my monsters. could give info about each monster and link to summoning them at pets / patreon? Rank 1 is killing one. Rank 2 is killing a numer of them, Rank 3 is a manuscript or something that is a rare drop? Rewards a passive pet of each monster?
After killing enough, you can gain lore in the nomicon, see weaknesses look at active health on mouse over, abilities, and could summon them as a pet?
Item clothing that when worn warms up the player. Maybe a blanket made from monster specific drops. Maybe make "Heavy Web" that bigger spiders thown (10% run speed)
any ETA for the 1.20-rc# or it will be updated on the full release?☺️
@Vies I want more danger in my survival so I am going to try it!
warpStory Thanks for telling me I guess? This mod is for people who want more danger in their survival.
Installed mod, saw two Unstables within 5 min of world start. Got killed. Uninstalled mod.
NateDoesLife When 1.20 comes out, I will be revisiting all of my mods including this one. Looking at my notes, the unstable monsters chase speeds are going to be a bit slower, going to be the same for wraiths as well, and the chaos bolt attack won't ignore armor (giving it an actual damage type). I knew things would be unbalanced for some people which is why I added configs to disable specific monsters. Glad you had that to fall back to!
As for the item drops, I wanted to use the harvesting feature this game has instead of the magical "empty your pockets" on death. I didn't plan on changing that.
Stovesforlife Me too! That was the inspiration for this mod. Lycanites was a stable of my MC modpacks. When this game supports obj files and animations for entities, I think I will be adding a lot of lycanites inspired monsters. lol
Moon_Dew I usually fight as a rust mage or clockmaker, no armor, stone spears. I make sure to have 4-5 spears on my when I hunt these things. All of my creatures have a "pattern" they usually follow during combat.
The unstables attacks are dogdeable, you just need to know a few things. When they get closer, their attacks speed up, like the skeleton in minecraft. When they start to squint, and the black pupil turns red, a projectile is incoming. The tenticles will also start moving towards their eye. If you hear the attack sound, move a bit to the left or right to avoid it. As for their Detonate skill, it is pretty easy to avoid, just move a few blocks away and that stops the ai task for explosion.
The wraiths are a bit overtuned in speed and will be changing a bit. It is really hard to outrun them. Their greatest strength is the ability to go through solid objects. That is also a weakness if you have walls and a ceiling around you. With their gliding "ice sliding" like movements, you can get hits in on them while they are partially phased through a wall. Also if they try to shoot chaos bolts like that, the wall can absorb the blow.
Any advice for fighting wraiths and unstables?
Any chance of mobs dropping their items on death instead of needing to be harvested?
I am a big fan of lycanites mobs so I might have to try this out.
Just a suggestion but unstalbles are a bit overtuned/powered especially since their attack is so fast and seems to just ignore armor (which I get because it seems "magic" based).
- The flying around is just too fast and the fact they fly into you makes it even harder especially if you are trying to fight them with a bow (which seems the best for the most part)
- Also given their damage ignores armor it seems very strong and since its so fast it just feels so rapid firey.
Personally I had to turn them off on my world because I literally just died if I encountered 2 of them and barely got away if only 1. A config for the mobs to adjust their values might help with this a lot, Ive seen you mention people creating these but personally I have no idea how to go about doing that it would just be nice to have.
Other then that I love the mod and the challenge it brings to VS. Thank you for creating it.
=] typing this after I've died to unstables yet again lol
It is all good! I am still getting use to the spawn rates. Things like that are different than minecraft for sure.
@Vies Thanks for responding, sorry for not noticing the previous answer :-)
@NukoSan Yeah, read the below response, "Best thing to do is to make a json patch to adjust rates/variables, or just set "/serverconfig spawncapplayerscaling [0..1]" to be lower. Description of that command: Helps to evenly distribute mob spawns around each player. A value of 0 means no extra mobs can spawn on increased player count, a value of 1 means a second player doubles the spawn cap, 3 players triple the spawn cap and so on (default: 0.75)."
Is there a way to control the spawn numbers? got waaay too many of the floating eye thingies ;-)
This update has been hollow related. The next creature revamps will be the stalkers. I will be adding a secondary type of monster so there is more variety, and want to redo the textures. On top of that, I want another set of bigger stalkers that are a more solitary spawn like bears that will have frost or rust effects in special webbings.
Just wanted to answer a few comments here. My main work as been on the magic mod, but I am getting back into this one since I am actually playing the game now instead of just modding all the time for it.
@Aerra Yeah it is going to be fun making them. hahaha
@Djinnius Best thing to do is to make a json patch to adjust rates/variables, or just set "/serverconfig spawncapplayerscaling [0..1]" to be lower. Description of that command: Helps to evenly distribute mob spawns around each player. A value of 0 means no extra mobs can spawn on increased player count, a value of 1 means a second player doubles the spawn cap, 3 players triple the spawn cap and so on (default: 0.75).
I personally don't have any issues. I made this mod to give me some survival challenge. The base game is just doesn't cut it for me. Sometimes the rift activity is calm, and I get nothing, other times I have some epic fights. I usually fight with no armor, and a bunch of flint spears, as a clockmaker or rust mage. The scaling is weird compared to MC for sure. I don't think you can spawn these things in dungeons, since that is a mod thing, not a base game thing. Spawn condition are things like light levels, inside certain blocks, lock to surface spawning only, temperature, rain levels, forest/scrubs. That is it.
@VaelophisNyx best you can do is to disable the other monsters in the configs. Willowisps will still attack if hit and will activate the "Wanderlust" ability, which just makes them attracted to players. If you are json patch savy, you can patch that ability out. I may consider making a config option for the life drain passive, but I did make this mod to give more creature challenge.
@effgee you can look at what I told Djinnius above. In the same way you can have 15 drifters around you when the rift level is apocalyptic, you can have other monsters around you as well.
@Chainlink I did tweak the speeds of these monsters, wraiths were a wip monster I just decided to throw in. I need to do a model/ai revamp on them.
Oh man I'm so excited for sea monsters, whenever they arrive. This game is desperately lacking ocean content at the moment :o
This mod is amazing but the monsters spawn way too much. It feels pretty oppressive especially early game, particularly with the sentient bombs. Very punishing to fight them and escaping is pretty out of the question. I'd like to see the monsters spawn far less and / or only in dungeons, is that a thing already? Vies
Great Mod though, super cool monsters and pretty fair loot.
any chance you could make a side mod that just has the wisps in it without most of the mechanics? I think they'd be neat but I also think the bulk of this mod is a bit much for the rest of it
Super glad you updated this mod. Its insane.
Just wondering if I can adjust spawn rates cause only with me on the server immediately ~20 various mobs just from this mod spawned nearby. Had to literally quit the server before i died. :)
Hi, thank you for a very impressive mod! I feel like the wraiths and unstables are too fast, like they have a speedhack on you. I don't suppose you could add a setting in the config file to tune them to anyone's particular liking?
Ehh I decided to just update it for now. hahaha Have fun!
I am deciding what to do with this mod. I will have to redo all of the animations but 1.20 increased the animation joint cap greatly so I can make the monsters do what I originally wanted. I also need to look at what changed with spawning parameters. I also may want to incorporate my magic mod into this one. So not sure yet. Open to suggestions though!
Been playing with this for about 40 hours or so. Going to echo a previous commenter's frustration with monsters spawning inside my house, even if I plaster torches everywhere. This is especially bad with the Unstables, as they just pop in next to me and explode before I can kill them, destroying a bunch of my stuff. I like the creatures, but I think this element makes it unplayable.
Also, the unstables spawn way too frequently and are way too fast. There's instantly 2 of them as soon as night falls on the very first night every time, which is basically a death sentence if they spot you at that point. You can't run from them, and you won't be ready to fight them. And even after you're capable of fighting them, the rate at which they spawn makes it so going outdoors at night at all is basically impossible. You may survive but you won't do anything but fight unstables. I went into the configs and reduced their spawn rate by like 75%, and their move speed by half. I was pretty happy with them after this, except for the spawning inside my house. I like having a creature in the game that can blow a hole in my wall. I just don't want such a significant event to be an imminent threat every time I ever step out my front door at night, or to happen spontaneously from inside my house.
How compatible is it with Fantasy Creatures ( https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/7157 )and any other bigger mods?
Hey! Sorry for the radio silence! If you all have been checking out the stream, you know that I have been working on a magic mod for VS called "Rustbound Magic"! I will be moving it out of the "draft" state in the next couple of days in all of its 'alpha' glory!
Once at mod is out and stable, I will be doing another pass through my other mods to get them up to date and working with .NET7.
Fenguard You can use Accessibility Tweaks mod to configure their sounds
Really great mod with great enemy variety the game needs but ow my ears. :P The creatures added by this mod are SO LOUD to the point it's unbearable and don't seem to get quieter at a distance, if they're spawned and make a noise it's like they're on top of me and painfully louder than the default Drifters even if they're dozens of blocks away.
This game NEEDS oceanic horrors. Seriosuly the oceans alway generate so deep that even though i already know nothing is there i always expect a sea monster to pop out of nowhere whenever i swim down to mine bits of ores.
Siinamon ah sorry! I misunderstood when I read and thought it just removed the specific "Detonate" thing. Thank you.
@GendR The mod description says you can disable them in the mod config :)
Is there a way to disable Sentient Bombs completely by chance?
Still love this mod, it definetly adds that missing vibe vanilla is missing. A new request though, the willows tend to get stuck on trees and because they are attracted to players they start to get anoying with their audio. could it be possible to make them quiet or a less menacing noise when not aggressing? Im having trouble dealing with them because there getting stuck in trees near by and relentlessly growling. Also im not sure if the AOE is always active but if possible making them drain hunger when agressing would be more fair when being swarmed by them.
Other than that im still loving this mod :)
I feel like everything is good and fits the theme of the game well mechanicly and texturaly except the Sentient Bombs. Dont get me wrong though, their mechanics are good, just seem out of place with textures and audio. Oh and was wondering if were gonna get a 1.18 stable update? Again love your mod! Hope to be able to use again in the future :) Vies
If we get kobolds i hope they are either the cute lizard ones or the gnoll looking ones that Japan usually use and it'd be great if some of the monsters could be somehow added or made possible to use the pet AI mod or maybe they can act more like villagers and gangs of thieves and maybe some can being followers if you give them something nice and shiny. If they're a pet/companion it could be a way to passive farm metals being kobolds are suppose to be good at finding and mineing rare metals and gems and killing them or maybe a leader form of them could be a good source or just a source of rare materials.
May be force rotate player's FOV away from monster, as fear implementation?
Something, like vanilla low health effects, but more "powerful"
Shouldn't the calcified dust drop from the Hollows and the oil from the Unstables?
How about a creature you can never fully see, but if you're walking through a forest, you might see what looks like a very tall tree, and it's actually a creature's appendage. If you hit it with an axe, it lifts up quickly and either tries to flick you away or pound the ground, dealing stability damage. If you persist, eventually the leg just lifts into the sky, maybe leaving some puddle of ichor or some other drop. Ideally it isn't visible at the same creature render distances.
For your elementals idea, just roll 'holy', 'corruption', 'rust' and 'chaos' into "entropy". "Holy" isn't really a force in Lovecraft's work, just a nebulous gesturing and philanthropy in the face of the vast uncaring universe seems to repulse some creatures within the mythos.
A big smelly toad thing or something that spawns near freshwater would be cool. Something lovecraft themed like mind leeches haha
I'm looking forward to the planned wraiths! An enemy that can move through walls sounds super interesting! May I be so bold to present some additional ideas/thoughts?
- Non-corporeal (ability): Since wraiths are immaterial, they can move though walls and have massive 75% flat damage reduction to all physical incoming damage.
- Vial of lost souls (item): A resource dropped by wraiths (or all ghost-type enemies). Can be used to to give yourself the non-corporeal ability for a limited time (not the ability to pass through walls). Or infused into weapons, giving them the power to ignore the wraith's (or all ghost-type enemies) non-corporeal protection.
- Cross of Banishment (item): An item that makes wraiths (or all ghost-type enemies) stay away from you (when held in left or right hand). Can also be placed as a block to safe-keep an area.
- Haunting (ability): Prevents players from sleeping within a certain radius around the wraith (better place a cross of banishment above your bed).
- Banshee (entity): A variant of the wraith. Has less HP and deals less melee damage, but has a terrible (very loud) scream that makes players freeze in panic and also summons wraiths.
Finally, it would be cool if they don't stay away from sunlight, instead they become harmless and invisible during the day, but you can still hear them :)
LadyBlakeHammer I definitely appreciate the feedback, I only have so much time to test things out. I just have to make a best guess most times and keep moving on! lol Contrary to my livestreams where I seem to only code, I enjoy playing games too! lol
Glad you are liking it Zanzibar
Same, really diggin it!
I'm nerding out cus you used my feedback. Vies 💜
New release 2.3.1 is live. Added the willowisp and a bunch of changes.
Thanks for the feedback LadyBlakeHammer ! I normalized all monster sounds using drifter aggro as a base. This is in the 2.3.1 release.
Some of the sounds might need to be dimed down too, seeing as a creature you hear from afar, sounds as if they're right on top of you. Its not an important issue, because I can just as easily lower my sound volume, but I thought I'd let you know of this also.
Understandable. I gotcha
LadyBlakeHammer I currenty have the hollow's speed lowered now and it does feel a bit better. Before, I used the wolf speed as a base speed. I did changed how the hollows do damage too. I want every creature to bring a new obstacle to the table. Stalkers slow movement with web, unstables are best fought with ranged, willowisps aoe drains energy from players (hunger first, then health)... My goal for the hollow was to make it a 'stability' damager. Crushing blow was meant to lower your stability attracting other monsters to you. In the new update (coming out maybe today?) Dual Attack will do 0.75 damage (down from 1) a hit with a new 5% stability hit. Crushing blow will now do 2 damage (down from 3) with a 20% stability hit (up from 15%). We can see how those numbers add up.
On a side note, I was considering making things like max health, seek speed, primary attack damage, and ability damage numbers all changeable in the configs, but it would be a lot of work and I am not sure if most people would really care. You kind of have to know what something like 0.0045 really means for a seek speed, you know?
Vies I'll admit, I like difficulty, I end up skipping a lot of steps just to get to Copper armor, before much else, because of my blatant masochism- I just think they run a bit fast. The Unstables though? They're the bomb. badum tss
I'll take your tips into account, on Improvised Armor and Spears, cus I keep forgetting Improvised armor exists lol.
Thanks for the suggestion LadyBlakeHammer . I can try to bump the speed down in the willowisp update coming out today. I will also lower the damage of crushing blow a bit, I see it isn't a true 1.5 times melee damage. I should note that these monsters are going to make the game tougher. Not wearing armor is going to make these monsters feel really strong. I usually have a better time killing hollows with at least improvised armor and a few trusty obsidian spears. I always pick a tinkerer too so I have weaker damage working against me.
Thanks for the suggestions Frepo ! I did want to do a hound like creature kind of like a weaping angel from doctor who, but I will need some serious r&d to figure that kind of rendering to server ai out. The blob idea is in my to do monsters, going to call it an ooze. Before I do these creatures, I want to finish the wraith and make a few water creatures.
An idea is to enable the Hollows not run at you like track-stars and hit like trains?
Monster suggestion:
Name: Blob
Looks: Think of the minecraft slime cube. At least large enough to engulf the player (perhaps smaller less dangerous ones also)
Behavior: Hops around. Main "attack" is to land on the player and digest him/her. While a player is inside a blob: Continual damage and durability loss on armor and damageable items in hotbar. Movement speed is severely slowed down, perhaps total immobility (break free)? When attacked, splits in smaller blobs like in minecraft? Attacking a blob in melee severely damages the weapon.
Drops: Some sort of slime that can be used as partial replacement for resin in various recipes.
Spawning: Only near or in water. Certain biomes only?
Thank you for the reply Vies
Monster suggestion:
Name: Shade (original name was Stalker, but you've already taken that name)
Looks: A black, semi-transparent, hound-like creature with glowing orange eyes.
Behavior: Stalks the player when you are not looking at it (when out of your FOV). When close enough it lashes out. While in your FOV it stops moving and lays low, until attacked or you get too close. Spawned shades avoid sunlight when dawn comes, seeking out dark areas such as a cave.
Spawning: At any Y-level, but only during night (when it's dark enough). So spawning is not governed by the time of day, but rather the amount of sunlight. So you can expect more of them during winter when the days are shorter.
LadyBlakeHammer The unstable are equivalent to creepers in Minecraft, except I made it so that you can disable entity damage and block damage in the configs. By default, no explosions can ever affect claimed land. You also can disable a monster you do not want to spawn in the configs.
Is there something similar to that of the Bandits mod, that allow users to change the spawns of certain enemies? (Don't exactly like the idea of Sentient BOMBS)
New release 1.2.0 is out! a lot of changes, including the new Unstable monster! Enjoy!
looks dope, love the skeleies!
Alright Dr_Cummies , I figured out the issue. It was my mistake. Spiders and hollows spawn more rare now, feels so much better in my testing. the new release with this fix is up, version 1.1.1!
Thank for letting me know, I think the spawning is too aggressive and I may now know why. I use the hostile group profile for spawning at runtime. It made sense at the time, since my monsters are hostile, but hostile isn't actually aggressive in that sense. A creature is aggressive depending on the ai tasks you assign it. I think the hostile group just makes the monster spawning overly abundant like with drifters. When you are around temporally unstable areas/ rifts at night, the drifter spawns go wild. So do my creatures. I am going to have an update tonight, in about 5 minutes or so to swap the group for spawning, and we can see how it goes.
Again, thank you for the feedback Dr_Cummies
Good morning! was excited to try out your new add on but im not sure if theres a bug or if its part of the patch. When ever we hit a hollow it ether spawns one or two of them in various forms. This combined with their running speed quicky made an impossible to win scenario.
The idea of multiplying could be expanded on, like their bones drop when damaged, creating a chance for the dropped bone to grow into another one (over time) if not destroyed. And their true mortal weakness being something simple like burning from torches or light preventing growth of dropped bones (expanding to them being afraid of the sun forcing them to only be active in caves, deep forests with lower sunlight, or nighttime). Or perhaps instead give them a beating heart (that can be eaten for health) that kills them.This could perhaps introduce an enemy type that is stout, with plenty of weaknesess but will only be encountered by risk takers, yet if not handled carefully can quickly overwhelm the player. (letting those who are too scared (my wife) have ways of avoiding encounters with them)
Ether way our map was overun by them in less then a minute so il have to go back to your older version for now :(
Version 1.1.0 is out, I greately reduced the spawn rates of Stalkers and added the new monster type, the Hollow! Let me know if I need to bump up the spawn rates. Thanks again for the feedback all!
I just checked in on this and saw your suggestion Zanzibar. I revamped the stalker textures 5 minutes ago on stream. You have some really good points there and I appreciat ethe feedback! hope you like the new stalkers!
Finally, scary spiders.
Iv been playing with it for a cupple days now and all seems good except what dr_cummies said, i only have one suggestion but minor. I like the model of the spider but i feel it can use a bit more blended natural textures for their skins. The black look fits for caves tho, but maybe a touch of gray and earthy colors would really make them not POP so much. Great work so far! Vies
Watching closely :)
Thank you for the feedback Dr_Cummies! You do make a good point, I did make the spiders faster paced with combat, and did try to make them spawn less, but they can still spawn frequently. I can do some testing and try to scale the health down a bit for the next update. Either way, I will be lowering the spawning chance again. Also looking to see if I can add a minimum distance to the spawning logic easily to try and space things out. Working on the hollows next. Skeletons that will try to break down rickety doors at night to get you. haha
Ive been playing a serious playthrough with this mod. I enjoy it but i feel it needs a touch of balancing. They spawn a lot which i dont have an issue with but it takes two hits with a black bronze falx to kill them. I think their health should be lowered significantly if there going to be common. After a heavy temporal storm its really difficult fighting off nightmares while being obliterated by web and spiders at the same time. I feel like if their health is lowered to the point where one hit from copper tools can kill them. It will make a great addition and even add a very needed support role to drifters. The glass cannons of the otherworld. Im interestead in seeing what more creepy enemies you can bring into this game :)
Monstrously cute monsters
Love the idea of this.
Yes! Yes! A million times yes! been waiting for a more mobs mod ever since the Neighbors mod. Thankyou so much for your work!