Mods / Dungeon Assets

Author: SoulReaperz
Side: Both
Created: Sep 8th at 9:01 PM
Last modified: Sep 13th at 6:01 PM
Downloads: 107
Follow Unfollow 11

Latest file for v1.19.8:
Dungeon Assets 1-click install

Always Remember I am making this for myself to be able to create Fully Automated Dungeons
as I shape out my custom build Dungeons on my Server The Reapers

First Edition=

Adds entities to be used with spawners in making automated dungeons

currently only has 2 entities  (it'll have more to come in the following weeks)

has original lootmob, (credit for its shape and animation and stuff goes to the Vintage Story Wiki Little Figure)
added a chest1 has a ghost like texture

(still having issues with the modelmaker for applying textures but got it doing something now)
(please note, feel free to use this for your game, I just ask to give proper credit where credit is needed)

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.3 35 Sep 13th at 6:01 PM Show Dungeon Assets Install now
v0.0.2 22 Sep 11th at 10:26 PM Show Dungeon Assets Install now
v0.0.1 22 Sep 8th at 9:09 PM Show Dungeon Install now

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