Mods / Deep Storage Device
Author: D2Icarus
Side: Both
Created: Aug 17th 2023 at 4:43 PM
Last modified: Aug 17th 2023 at 4:47 PM
Downloads: 1390
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Latest file for v1.18.8:
1-click install
If you're anything like me, whenever you play a game like Vintage Story you're walking around like James Woods in Family Guy.
Which means your inventory constantly fills up. But hey, that's not so bad, at least you have plenty of trunks and chests and other storage items at your house right? Right? No? They're all full already? But it's only day 4 and you've already chopped down every tree within a 5,000 block radius. That's ok. I'm here to help. No, I'm not gonna make you go to therapy for your hoarding addiction. I'm going to give you something to make all your hoarding problems go away (for a little while at least).
The Deep Storage Device!
"Okay, but seriously, what is this?"
This innocuous steel chest is an end-game storage chest. Twice the storage capacity of a trunk in half the space.
"Yes, but why?"
Because I have hoarding problem and modding is cheaper than therapy.
DISCLAIMER: This mod is like 95% recycled from Lancer827's well-animated and very sexy Deep Storage Chest (with his permission, of course) and I recommend everyone go check that out and give him some love.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.0.0 | 1390 | Aug 17th 2023 at 4:47 PM | Show | | Install now |
This is just the mod I've been looking for but...
Would it be possible to use alternate Jonas parts? I have over 450 hours into my current world and have over 40 Jonas parts but only 3 of the 4 parts required for this mod.
thank you!
i had no idea, but thanks for letting me know :))
DanaCraluminum's logic in this case fails for more than a few obvious reasons.
I've gone ahead and added support for this mod to sortable storage - just doing some final testing before release. Expect something new HERE tomorrow.
Andromeda517 Xandus Inventory Tweaks mod completely replaces Sortable Storage
this mod is great, but you should totally add support for the Sortable Storage mod if possible, just for that additonal ability to hoard stuff, just with a bit less chaos