Mods / Doff And Don Again

Category: #QoL #Utility
Author: JapanHasRice
Side: Both
Created: Jun 13th 2021 at 8:47 AM
Last modified: Jan 22nd 2024 at 7:59 PM
Downloads: 13096
Follow Unfollow 120

Latest file for v1.19.1: 1-click install

Latest Update (v4.0.0)

  • Vintage Story v1.19.x compatible.
  • Fixes issue with being unable to interact with armor stands in newly created worlds and recently placed armor stands.



Out spelunking and need to patch up your wounds but you're wearing full plate? Doff it! Drop all that armor at the touch of a button (or two, default: Ctrl + U).

Back at base and want to get comfortable quickly? Target an armor stand and Doff! Any equipped armor that can be placed on the armor stand will be.

Woke up to a temporal storm in the middle off the night and you forgot to wear protection to bed? Run to your armor stand and Don your armor! All armor from the stand will be equipped to any empty armor slots you have (default: U).

There's also Swap! Exchange your equipped armor with an armor stand's. (default: Shift + U)

Doff and Don Again is configurable to suit your playstyle, disable specific actions, adjust saturation costs, number of free hands required to act, etc.


Known Issues

The settings on the Customize screen are unreadable

When creating a new world and viewing the Customize screen, the settings for Doff and Don Again are not translated. This is due to an issue with how language files are loaded in Vintage Story that Tyron is aware of.

WORKAROUND: Load an existing world while Doff and Don Again is installed and exit back to the main menu. When creating a world, the settings will be translated.

There are no options to set the Saturation Cost or Number of Hands Needed

When creating a new world and viewing the Customize screen, these two settings are not shown. The settings are hidden due to (reported) bugs in Vintage Story.

WORKAROUND: Once the world is created use /worldconfig doffanddonagainSaturationCost to set the amount of saturation taken per action or /worldconfig doffanddonagainHandsNeeded to set how many empty hands are needed to act.



General Settings

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowArmorStandArmor [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with the armor placed on vanilla Armor Stands. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore armor on Armor Stands.

Default: true.

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowArmorStandHands [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with items placed into the hands of vanilla Armor Stands. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore items in the hands of Armor Stands.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainSaturationCost [0 ...]

The amount of Saturation consumed when performing an action.

Default: 0, accepts any positive numeric value.

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainHandsNeeded [0, 1, 2]

The number of empty hands needed to perform an action.

Default: 2


Mannequin Stand Settings

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowMannequinArmor [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with the armor placed on Mannequins from the Mannequin Stand mod. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore armor on Mannequins.

Default: false

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowMannequinClothing [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with the clothing placed on Mannequins from the Mannequin Stand mod. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore clothing on Mannequins.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowMannequinHands [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with items placed into the hands of Mannequins from the Mannequin Stand mod. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore items in the hands of Mannequins.

Default: false

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainAllowMannequinBackpack [true|false]

true: Allow interaction with backpacks placed on Mannequins from the Mannequin Stand mod. false: Doff and Don Again actions will ignore backpacks on Mannequins.

Default: false


Doff Settings

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDoffArmorToGround [true|false]

true: Doff can drop a player's equipped armor onto the ground. false: Players will not be able to drop equipped armor to the ground.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDoffArmorToEntities [true|false]

true: Doff can move a player's equipped armor onto a targeted entity. false: Players will not be able to move equipped armor onto a targeted entity.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDropUnplaceableArmor [true|false]

true: When Doffing to an entity, any armor that cannot be placed on the entity can be dropped to the ground. false: Armor that cannot be placed on the targeted entity will remain equipped to the player.

Default: false

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDoffClothingToGround [true|false]

true: Doff can drop a player's equipped clothing onto the ground. false: Players will not be able to drop equipped clothing to the ground.

Default: false

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDoffClothingToEntities [true|false]

true: Doff can move a player's equipped clothing onto a targeted entity. false: Players will not be able to move equipped clothing onto a targeted entity.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDropUnplaceableClothing [true|false]

true: When Doffing to an entity, any clothing that cannot be placed on the entity can be dropped to the ground. false: Clothing that cannot be placed on the targeted entity will remain equipped to the player.

Default: false


Don Settings

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDonArmorFromEntities [true|false]

true: Don can take armor from a targeted entity and equip it to the player. false: Players will not be able to equip armor from entities.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDonClothingFromEntities [true|false]

true: Don can take clothing from a targeted entity and equip it to the player. false: Players will not be able to equip clothing from entities.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainDonMiscFromEntities [true|false]

true: Don can take misc. items from a targeted entity and give them to the player. false: Players will not be able to take misc. items from entities.

Default: true


Swap Settings

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainSwapArmorWithEntities [true|false]

true: Swap can exchange armor between a player and a targeted entity. false: Players will not be able to swap armor with entities.

Default: true

  • /worldconfig doffanddonagainSwapClothingWithEntities [true|false]

true: Swap can exchange clothing between a player and a targeted entity false: Players will not be able to swap clothing with entities.

Default: true

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v4.0.0 4058 Jan 22nd 2024 at 7:59 PM Show Install now
v3.0.0 5124 Apr 27th 2023 at 9:22 PM Show Install now
v2.0.0 2844 Jan 13th 2022 at 6:25 PM Show Install now
v1.1.0 566 Jul 15th 2021 at 7:56 AM Show Install now
v1.0.0 504 Jun 13th 2021 at 8:49 AM Show Install now

17 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Silverfang, Nov 29th 2024 at 11:31 PM

Could the options be moved to and in-game GUI or accessed through Configlib? Or are they in world creation for world specific settings?


💬 gndrneutralnoun, Sep 4th 2024 at 7:49 PM

+1 for VanVar armor stands not working. Very sad; I basically stuff on an armor stand I can't use now. I would really appreciate it if you could make them compatible.

💬 Cirne, May 8th 2024 at 4:42 PM

Just so you're aware, the word to use is "satiety", not "saturation". I had to read your source code before I understood that the game code (incorrectly) uses "saturation" for your fullness level, but everywhere visible to the player it uses the correct English word for fullness, "satiety". "Saturation" would be like "how waterlogged are your clothes" and I was like, uh, is there an armor saturation mechanic I wasn't aware of? You should probably update your mod description and customize screen to avoid confusing people the way I was.

💬 PetMudstone, Jan 28th 2024 at 9:24 PM

This mod doesn't work with the armor stands added in Vanilla Variants, just as a heads-up. I made sure to test in Creative mode and the mod does work correctly with vanilla armor stands. Notably if you try to doff, don, or swap at a VanVar armor stand it will say specifically that you can't doff, don, or swap with it as opposed to saying it's an invalid target like if you try using the relevant keybinds with non-armor stand entities.

💬 JapanHasRiceAuthor, Jan 24th 2024 at 5:46 PM


This is unfortunately a known issue and a bug with vanilla. The game does not load translation entries from mods until a world has been loaded. If you enter any world first, exit, and then try to make a new one, the settings will display correctly. Another option is to manually change the settings using `/worldconfig` once in the world.

💬 DarkThoughts, Jan 23rd 2024 at 9:04 PM

Are the world settings meant to have no readable formatted text strings?

💬 JapanHasRiceAuthor, Jan 22nd 2024 at 8:16 PM

Updated for 1.19. Please let me know if you run into any issues.



They are there because I learned about a feature the game's modding API offers that made sense to use and I thought would improve players' ability to adjust indivual world settings rather than messing with json. The feature to do this provided by the game is underdeveloped for sure. I would like to see it improved and utilized more by the modding community. I likely won't be using this same method in other mods until the feature is improved. I'm open to suggestions for how to implement world-specific configurations.

💬 Maltiez, Dec 22nd 2023 at 7:09 AM

Why settings are in world creation screen, why not normal way with mod config file in configs folder!?

💬 Bumber, Sep 2nd 2023 at 8:49 PM

Still can't doff or don from mannequins. Looks like the unreleased version never got released?

💬 Ultimaheart4, Jul 28th 2023 at 4:00 PM

strange issue with 1.18.7 (stable) i have to enable the ability to don and doff armor to armor stands if i pick them back up and place them down. newly placed armor stand even after enabling it doesnt work until i re-enable the ability to don and doff again through the WC. not sure if it is intended i do have other mods but no special armor mods, im not sure if its the menneguin mod or not causing issues, i wouldnt think using armor stands would be messed with if its a base function just by having mannequins mod installed. i dont even have the option to use mannequins with armor turned on.

💬 Kunndt, Jun 3rd 2023 at 5:49 PM

I'm not sure if this is true for created worlds with the mod, but after I added this to my singleplayer world I had to type /wc doffanddonagainAllowMannequinArmor true ,to be able to use armorstands as expected.

💬 JapanHasRiceAuthor, Apr 28th 2023 at 12:20 AM

So uh... the compatibility with mannequins doesn't work because I coded it against an unreleased version of Mannequin Stand.

Please look forward to it.

💬 RogueRaiden, Sep 23rd 2022 at 1:30 AM

Simply amazing mod!

As for the drifting armor stands, I use the PetAI and Cats mod and my cats would push my armor stands around all the time. So I hollowed out one of the logs supporting my house with a lip at the bottom and placed the armor stand inside. Stays put and looks great!

💬 JapanHasRiceAuthor, Sep 20th 2022 at 1:10 PM


Echoing what Craluminum said, armor stands get pushed around because someone or something is running into them. I'm sure there is a way to change that behavior, however, that is outside the scope of this mod.

💬 SpacemanJimmy, Sep 6th 2022 at 11:10 PM

So, "no" then? No way to get them to stop shuffling around?

💬 DanaCraluminum, Sep 6th 2022 at 9:57 PM


They never move by itself, only other creatures or players can push them little by little. Because armor stands are entities

💬 SpacemanJimmy, Sep 6th 2022 at 9:09 PM

I really like the armor stands, but is there a way to get them to stay where you put them? They seem to drift around on their own little by little until they're all over the place.

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