Mods / CreativeHotbar

Category: #Utility
Author: Th3Dilli
Side: Both
Created: Mar 5th 2023 at 5:44 PM
Last modified: Jan 29th at 12:42 PM
Downloads: 1218
Follow Unfollow 10

Latest file for v1.20.0-rc.1: 1-click install

This mods add the ability to have multiple hotbar contents.
You can switch between them by using `/swhb [0-9, next, prev]`.

This is mainly aimed for creative build servers to allow quick acces to certain types of blocks/items.
To use the command the player needs to have the Privilege "gamemode"

For ease of use bind the command you want in the Macro Manager (CTRL+M)

Added client side command to open the crafting grid and inventory `.suinv`. ( Idea by Apache )

Idea by NiclAss

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.2.3 300 Jan 29th at 12:42 PM Show Install now
v0.2.2 209 Oct 26th 2023 at 9:53 AM Show Install now
v0.2.1 167 Aug 9th 2023 at 9:11 PM Show Install now
v0.2.0 353 Mar 6th 2023 at 6:34 PM Show Install now
v0.1.0 189 Mar 5th 2023 at 5:45 PM Show Install now

8 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 Th3DilliAuthor, Mar 8th at 10:36 PM


it does save and load

and if you want a sort of starterkit mod then there are a few and for server my th3eesentials also has such feature

💬 LeNi99, Mar 1st at 2:07 AM

I had an idea,

Would it be possible to save the hotbars and load them? like sort of presets?

💬 Mendall, Feb 6th at 5:52 AM

Th3Dilli wow that's great I saw that part but somehow thought it meant JUST the crafting grid, but since they are sorta one and the same I guess I should have known.

You rock, thanks for this mod.

💬 Th3DilliAuthor, Feb 5th at 9:22 AM


it is in this mod see above ^^ `.suinv`



if you mean you wanna see what block/item is from what mode just turn in extended debug info ".edi" then it will show the "modid:blockname "

💬 Icke, Feb 4th at 2:24 AM
Super nice...thanks for the quick update to 1.19.3!! It would also be great to have a mod for us CreativeMinds to display all mods in the creative inventory...beyond the 50+ mods there are always problems to see all the mods...anyway Thx for the Work!


💬 Mendall, Feb 4th at 12:17 AM

Perfect. Now all we need is a mod that makes it possible to access our survival inventory while in creative. And creative mode will be near perfect.

💬 Th3DilliAuthor, Feb 2nd at 2:19 PM


when you switch to a different one it will save the old one

so you have to set it to what you want


💬 Mendall, Feb 1st at 12:14 AM

Question are the different loadouts customizable or static.

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