Mods / Improved Trader Dialogue

Set to published to be listed. A draft mod is still visible to everyone via direct link
Category: #Cosmetics #QoL
Author: Brady_The
Side: Both
Created: Nov 27th at 1:06 PM
Last modified: Nov 27th at 1:06 PM
Downloads: 0
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Rendered mostly redundant with 1.20.0-rc.1.


Are you tired of being asked if you just woke up by traders, having to explain your whole back story to every single one of them? This mod fixes that, giving you, the player, back the control.

Ideally I'd like to add a short-cut to the tinbronze dialogue options as well, but unfortuantely the game doesn't seem to like having those messed around with.

Additionally the treasure trader received some dialogue changes, more suited for an adventurous treasure hunter type of person.

Additionally it expands the list of goods bought by the trader, adding bread and cooked meat into the rotation. How else do they feed themselves? If you don't like this particular addition, simply remove tradergroceries.json from the .zip-file.

General hopes and dreams

  • Personally I'd like to have all of my tiny mods under one umbrella, but until either a) ModConfigs are extended to Content mods or b) I learn C# unfortunately this will remain but a thought.

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