Category: #Utility
Author: Melchior
Side: Client
Created: Jun 21st 2021 at 11:01 PM
Last modified: Oct 3rd 2022 at 11:44 PM
Downloads: 3783
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Latest file for v1.17.4: 1-click install

Ever wanted an Offline world scale map that is permanent?


This mod offers that, it is fully client side - works a MP/SP VS install of at least version 1.16+.

These Release-Candidate versions for V.S. 1.16, while functional have uncorrected BUGS...  (there are also very likely data compatibility issues, and/or upgrade problems - with old map data; meaning you will want to BACKUP or delete the 'old' map data FIRST! Its Strongly recommended to delete the old map data when testing with V0.1.7. (There is a special tool planned to be released later - to process / correct / update chunk shard data, and other things...)

Gui Control panel default key: SHIFT + M

Version History ("0.1.8-PRE*"):

  • Fixed issues with Block-Entities for blocks that don't need / have a Designator target...(happens with modded servers often?)
  • Internal tweaks, changes galore - perhaps improving speed & memory use
  • These "Pre-Release" are debug builds; they run slower, and generate larger logs...

(Note: I've got the version numbers wrong - will fix next-next version...🤪)


Old Version History (0.1.7/.8):

  • POI datafile is correctly truncated on write/creation (no more corrupt POI binary files)
  • Trader names are similar to nametag
  • Non-Seasonal type Color option correct (Thanks to VGD!)

This current version IN-DEVELOPMENT has some known defects, limitations, incomplete features and has lots of bugs!

Don't install unless you like making crash reports.

The C# code is mostly my own work - with VeryGoodDog making significant patches and changes. The dynamic HTML map is fully VeryGoodDog's work, address bugs to appropriate party... (and Drakker, too)

Known Issues:

  • GUI is glitchy
  • Note taker should be fine, even with exotic Unicode...mostly.
  • GUI panel has most controls (not everything is configurable, yet)
  • Scrolling in HTML map is W.I.P.
  • Rock ratio not shown on map Legend yet...
  • There is a memory leak(?) when running Automap for VERY long times [like +8 hours]

Working Features:

  • Map shard metadata reload (height, weather conditions, rock-map)
  • PNG file storage with metadata
  • Giant PNG map exports [SNAPSHOTS]  Many image tools don't handle giant size PNG
  • Static offline HTML map, with Dynamic rendering from metadata JSON
  • fixed TRANSLOCATOR & Merchant tracking
  • Point of Interest tracking, and other things too...


(logo courtesy of SplitUltimatum)

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.1.8-pre.3 956 Oct 3rd 2022 at 11:44 PM Show Install now
v0.1.8-pre.2 306 Sep 10th 2022 at 9:13 PM Show Install now
v0.1.8-pre.1 275 Aug 15th 2022 at 12:41 AM Show Install now
v0.1.8-pre.0 445 Jun 6th 2022 at 9:14 PM Show Install now
v0.1.8 619 Jan 14th 2022 at 9:20 PM Show Install now
v0.1.7 714 Jul 17th 2021 at 11:00 PM Show Install now
v0.1.6 468 Jun 21st 2021 at 11:03 PM Show Install now

12 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 WeedusFetus, Jul 19th 2023 at 12:14 PM

Would love to see an update as well!

💬 RaveDigger, Jun 9th 2023 at 12:54 AM

I would love to see the mod work in 1.18. Is an update planed?

💬 MelchiorAuthor, Feb 13th 2023 at 11:42 PM

It may be Great - but could still be better (memory leaks and race conditions, rare crashes to fix still 😅).

💬 TRexTheHunter, Jan 1st 2023 at 2:50 PM

Thanks for this great mod! This combined with Auto Map marker is super usefull and the cherry on the cake! Happy New Year Melchior

💬 MelchiorAuthor, Nov 2nd 2022 at 5:57 PM

Same as Vintagestory's own per-user config data; but in the maps sub-directory (O/S specific locations)

💬 Axebeard, Oct 26th 2022 at 8:03 AM

So where is the map actually stored? Shift + M works for me, but I have no idea if it's actually doing anything.

💬 Rhyagelle, Oct 4th 2022 at 7:00 PM

I can't get mine to start. When I click the RUN button, it says "Automap commanded to STOP" instead. Using the latest version (on the Mystic Winds server). 

💬 MelchiorAuthor, Aug 15th 2022 at 12:42 AM

Yes, after being non-functional for aeons. AUTOSTART; actually does what it says.🙂

💬 minimurgle, Jul 6th 2022 at 1:04 PM

Also having an issue where it doesnt seem to actually run. Load into a world and select run and I just get the chat log saying it's been told to stop. Opening a new world and not hittin run doesnt seem to work either. Super excited to see this working though.

💬 PBKiller, Apr 22nd 2022 at 3:08 PM

When selecting the run command all it shows in chat is commanded to stop. Any ideas

💬 melodelic, Jan 19th 2022 at 4:13 PM

Hello! I absolutely love this mod! I have found a bit of a problem with the newest 1.16 addition - if I press autorun, it won't be clicked the next time I join the server.

💬 Alcyonaria, Jul 18th 2021 at 4:37 AM

Absolutely lovely, I no longer have to search for chalk. Lovely

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