Mods / At Waters Edge
Author: Vinter_Nacht
Side: Both
Created: Nov 12th 2022 at 6:16 PM
Last modified: Aug 28th 2024 at 4:41 PM
Downloads: 8554
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Latest file for v1.19.8:
1-click install
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At Water's Edge makes it possible to cultivate cattail roots. This is accomplished by splitting the roots with a knife in your grid. Once split, you can replant them, and they'll turn into 'sprouting' cattails or papyrus. These will turn into 'harvestable' reeds within 88 or 66 hours (cattail/papyrus) and then into full plants harvestable for reeds in that same amount of time again. This aligns them with vanilla reeds Re: growth times but also halves the harvestable-> grown transition.
In their 'sprouting' stage, they can't be harvested for roots (to prevent infinite reed roots), but they can be harvested for full roots at the 'harvested' stage. Ironically and unintentionally, you can propagate reeds and reed roots significantly quicker than in vanilla. I'll leave you to do the math. (Hint: Reeds go from harvested to full-grown in 168 hours.)
This mod also comes with configuration options. You can:
- Determine how quickly reeds go from sprouting to harvested and harvested to grown.
- Determine if the days per month you set affect growth time.
Version | For Game version | Downloads | Release date | Changelog | Download | 1-click mod install* |
v1.5.0 | 1500 | Aug 28th 2024 at 4:41 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.4.1 | 1683 | Jun 24th 2024 at 4:25 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.4.0 | 419 | Jun 16th 2024 at 12:41 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.3.3 | 388 | Jun 7th 2024 at 11:38 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.3.1 | 2328 | Apr 29th 2023 at 12:51 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.2.1 | 1323 | Nov 25th 2022 at 6:05 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.2 | 258 | Nov 23rd 2022 at 2:34 PM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.1 | 294 | Nov 21st 2022 at 4:32 AM | Show | | Install now | |
v1.1.0 | 337 | Nov 12th 2022 at 6:18 PM | Show | | Install now |
MikeSyrup - Let's say there's no reason to believe it won't. I haven't tested it as yet.
Does this work for 1.20?
Hi @Vinter_Nacht , I should have added a detail earlier, it might be interacting with one of the other mods I had loaded then, I did not test it alone but I can say that when I disabled it the issue disappeared.
And by replying to your question, no, I was loading brand new worlds on 1.19.8
SteAStro88 - Can you tell me how you concluded this mod did it? It's been downloaded quite a bit since release and this is the first I'm hearing of this error. Did this appear after a transition to a later version (assuming you were using it in earlier versions)
Hi, with 1.19.8 this mod (even played alone) cause quite the stutter in the game, not only when loading chunks but it seems to cause lag spiked even when idle in an area.
- Updated Config process to ensure clients are server compliant
- Changed atwatersedge config location to atwatersedge/atwatersedge_config to bring into compliance with future Aetherial Lab mod config standards.
- Delete your modconfig/atwatersedge config, update to match.
Tip Your Modder
Fortynine - Sorry about the delay, and thanks for catching that. It's fixed.
When planting a halved tule root it changes into the harvestable version of cattail that yields a full cattail root when cut.
Same with planting a halved cattail, I'm able to harvest it right away and get a full cattail root back. Can post modlist if ya want.
Oh thank you, I was going insane installing and uninstalling mods trying to figure out what conflict I had.
I thought I was just doing something wrong xD
working now!
If you downloaded a non-working version of 1.4.0, I apologize. The correct version is up now.
DoktorVanBarron - I know you're on this list.
I'll double check, might have done something stupid.
Woooo Yeah!
- Edit
Huh.. It's not working, Gonna see if it's clashing with any of my mods that also effect tule root (such as expanded cooking) and report back.
- Edit 2 : Electric Editaloo
Nope!, Loaded up a test world with no other mods active, No split tule root, and I can plant whole tule root just fine.
...Also all other roots are back to vanilla too somehow...
New Release Out!
- Added Tule Support, can now split the root, roast the split root, or plant the split root
- Removed ability to plant whole Tule Roots.
- Adjusted growth temperature range for reeds to match vanilla
DoktorVanBarron - I'm 100% with you there; making Tule the only source of thatch makes no sense at all.
As far as I remember, There is a root for Tule when you break the base with a knife that you can cook and eat like the others, so you can transplant it somewhere else, and cutting the tops off with a knife gives you "thatch" material.
To be honest, I don't know why the "thatch" material isn't craftable from reeds, and tule just another form of coopers reed for biodiversity, seeing that it has been historically used to create baskets and other things in the real world. but that'd be beyond the scope of this mod that focuses on solving the issue of "why you no reproduce my organic plant friend."
That's worthy of consideration... I haven't played much lately, is there no root for thatch if you break the base?
Ooooh yeah, update time wooo! j'adore. the key to getting back to do what I always wanted in vintage story.
Creating The Norfolk broads.
but what about second update for tule? :3
I'll make sure to get this relatively simple fix completed tomorrow. If it's as simple as Noelle suggests, a new version should be up by midnight 06/06/2024 CST
Noe, you're an absolute godsend if this really does work.
I'm gonna try it out as soon as I can and report back on this.
I can't figure out where that line is.
-double edit
found Noe's fixed version on the discord, and it seems to be working.
The solution to the crashing is to change `SideSolid.Any()` at the end of `AtWatersEdge.Blocks.AWEReeds.CanPlantStay()` to just `SideSolid.Any`. I applied the patch locally and it works fine.
keep crashing when i try to plant my boys
Hope this updates soon, absolutely vital part of any game.
Sadly right now trying to plant the root results in crashes
Love this mod! was disappointed a system like this didn't exist in the base game
Sounds like a good idea, more plants should be made renewable.
As for their uses, apart from decoration - more horizontal content (alternative progress) is always welcome.
How about seaweed?
I'm considering adding water lily cultivation to this mod, which would include additional food options in a manner similar to cattails.
It would bring Lily Greens, Lily Root, and maybe Lily Fibers as a form of crude fiber (could be used in all places cattail fibers can be used).
What's the general consensus on this?
Further, reed cultivation will be removed from Fields of Gold and integrated into this mod instead, leaving this mod to focus on water-centric plantlife cultivation. Not going to happen quickly, but will be coming soon.
- Updated to 1.18
- Corrected shape file pointers
@Azkaron - I addressed those things and a few other details. Reeds now require an air block above where they are planted for them to grow in to. This also prevents them from being planted at the bottom of lakes, for instance (oops). The issue you mentioned is also corrected. I also fixed an issue with the lang file that wasn't showing up as it should.
Quick note to the bug below, it also spawns a water block there when it goes from sprouting to a real reed, not just when it's destroyed.
Slight bug with being able to plant the halved roots on land, if you do so and then destroy the sprouting version it spawns a block of water where the sprouting reed/papyrus was.
Also Luksor yeah wild farming lets you do it with a bucket of water but it was effectively an infinite duplication with no time investment (which could translate to infinite food if you wanted to abuse it), at waters edge makes it so there's at least a slight time investment to propagate the reeds.
Wait, wasn't there such mod already? It was possible to multiply roots using bucket with water but do not remember which mod have been implementing that feature.
possibly "cebby's seeds" or "wildcraft"
Y'all are a bunch of trouble; I want you to know that. XD
The latest release adds the ability to allow the cattails to be planted on land. Apparently, the lang file wasn't included in the earlier packages (Thanks a lot, Visual Studio) so that's in there now.
Oh! Even better! I'll just download this...
The pic art looks likes the coolest mod ever. Please turn that into a mod.
@l33tman - By default, it doesn't. It makes farming cattail roots possible. Currently, you can either eat them, or replant them, but you can't duplicate them. This allows you to split them and regrow them in the "normal" amount of time.
Just to clarify, this makes farming cattails slightly more tedious?