Mods / No Rust Creatures

Category: #Cheat #Creatures #Tweak
Author: NomadicPirate
Side: Both
Created: Feb 4th at 9:48 AM
Last modified: Feb 4th at 9:52 AM
Downloads: 303
Follow Unfollow 15

Latest file for v1.20.3: 1-click install

*******WARNING! Will delete all bells, bowtorn, drifters, locust and shivers from existing worlds!*******

  • Disables all rust creatures. None will spawn and all existing creatures will disappear/ be deleted.
  • Locust nests are still enabled since they're a source of valuable resources. Will remain in existing worlds.
  • If you remove this mod, rust creatures will begin to spawn as normal.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v0.0.1 303 Feb 4th at 9:52 AM Show Install now

6 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 NomadicPirateAuthor, 6 days ago

McAlli You're welcome! The rust creatures are a real treat from the devs. However my friends and I like to play more "true" survival games. So I made this. Paired with a few other mods, it's a really challenging yet fun experience.

💬 McAlli, Feb 8th at 12:07 AM

Thank you so much for this mod. I was fine playing on Peaceful and just dealing with Drifters, bc honestly they're not that scary and since I'd watched a lot of VS YouTube videos before starting to play myself, I was already used to seeing them. But the Shivers? They trigger a real visceral fear that I'm honestly struggling to desensitize myself too. The Devs did a fantastic job with how that thing is modeled and animated! Unfortunately, it's negatively impacting my gameplay, so at least for now I'm going to just use this mod to nix everything. I'll wait until more folks have uploaded vids so that I can acclimate to them that way. In the meantime, I just like playing my game as a wonderfully modular and incremental survival game.

💬 NomadicPirateAuthor, Feb 5th at 4:17 AM

Cojo Glad you like it! 😎

💬 Cojo, Feb 5th at 3:24 AM

Thank you! This is perfect for how I tend to play focused on making a cozy little homestead and gathering resources.

💬 NomadicPirateAuthor, Feb 4th at 9:08 PM

Juko 100% disabled, they will never spawn and you will not encounter any rust creatures with this mod (modded locations, lore locations, rifts and storms included). Locust nests on the other hand will still be there.

💬 Juko, Feb 4th at 8:59 PM

When you mean disable, do you mean never spawn at all? Even in modded locations with locust nests or spawn locations? What about lore locations? Could I enable rifts and nothing would spawn from them? What about temporal storms? 

Apologies for the avalanche of questions. I'm interested but I want to know how good of a match of what kind of playthrough I'm wanting to do.

Please and thank you.

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