Mods / Flowers

Category: #Cosmetics
Author: Junk1911
Side: Both
Created: Feb 1st at 7:29 PM
Last modified: Feb 4th at 8:04 PM
Downloads: 1168
Follow Unfollow 44

Latest file for Various v1.20.x:
Flowers 1-click install

This mod adds the ability to grow flowers. It was only a matter of time before he appeared after (Mushroom). At the moment, 37 flowers and 2 cacti have been added. Maybe I overdid the seed crafting, but in my opinion it's fair enough, or again I just wanted to)



Это мод добавляет возможность выращивать цветы. Его появление после (Mushroom) было лишь вопросом времени. На данный момент добавлены 37 цветов и 2 кактуса. Возможно я перестарался с крафтом семян, но на мой взгляд это достаточно честно, ну или снова я просто так хотел)

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.1 638 Feb 4th at 8:04 PM Show Flowers Install now
v1.0.0 530 Feb 1st at 7:30 PM Show Install now

13 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 RNM, 3 hours ago

спасибо хороший мод


💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 6th at 7:40 PM


Thanks for the feedback. There is no mistake, it was done intentionally. Look at this as a possibility that not all flower seeds are "ripe"

💬 Plumeria, Feb 6th at 4:22 AM

Hello! The ability to propagate flowers is amazing and I love this! But the recipe seems a bit expensive. It's calling for 3 flowers for only 1 seed. Is that just a bug? Because I think it would atleast cost 1 flower for 3 seeds since it requires the twine and a whole piece of linen.

Thank you for your work! 

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 4th at 11:50 AM


Yeah, as for the versions, I get it, I'll try to bring all the mods to this form. Regarding the addition of non-vanilla flowers, the answer is no, at least until the mods with flowers appear on the server and the need to multiply them.

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 4th at 11:46 AM


Only crafting.

💬 DudewithPizza, Feb 3rd at 2:01 AM

Does this mod add a chance for wild flowers to drop seeds or are the seeds only crafted?

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 3rd at 12:56 AM

Junk1911 thanks for the response, what i am refering to with version number doesnt apply entirely yet as you have 1 file avalaible but what im refering to is hjow mods file is named for example flowers 1.0,  then 1.1 and so on so aftyer downloading i can look in my server folder and tell which is which.  

My reference wasnt about the flowers being usable, I was curious if it allowed me to propigate none vanilla flowers, whihc i guess you ansered.  Is there any plan to add the ability with other mods added flowers?

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 2nd at 6:50 PM


This mod adds the ability to grow vanilla plants, if your mods use vanilla plants, then there is no problem. The mod's version number is specified. With every update of each mod, even the most minor, I change the version without fail. Thanks for the feedback)

💬 bringitonwimps, Feb 2nd at 6:12 PM

Is this mod compatible with the Flora mods?.. be cool if it was as they add a lot o flowers and the like.

Also be great if you add version numbers to yuor mod.  TYhe system usually understands but when im updating mids into my gianty folder of mods it can be very hard to make sure you have the newest version.

Thanks this will be nice to go in combination with alchemy

💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 1st at 10:19 PM


I'm glad you liked it. By the way, the creation of seeds is not devoid of logic and a bit of realism)

💬 Tokamesab, Feb 1st at 9:44 PM
Unusual creation of seeds) For a long time I could not find a mod with a stable temperature of plants for alchemy.
Thanks for this
💬 Junk1911Author, Feb 1st at 8:14 PM


Eeeeeee! I'm glad)

💬 Asil, Feb 1st at 8:13 PM

WOO HOO!!! Pretty yards and roof gardens again! Thanks!

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